SANY July 2017-December 2017 Board Minutes

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 7/11/2017

Place : SASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.25 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

Others present at the meeting:

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 6/20/2017

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of updated organizational structure for SANY schools

3. Approval of updated admin pay scale

4. Approval of UASCS Elementary school extension

5. Approval of SAS middle school construction projects

6. Approval of renewing school insurance policies

7. Approval of School guidance and counselor payscale

8. Approval of contract term clarification for superintendent

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

IV. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget

2. Internal audit report

3. SASC preopening update: Building is under renovation: classrooms and cafeteria are ready, elevator is under construction, furniture is arriving, fiberoptic for internet is arrived to the location, teachers all hired.

4. Discussion of a memorandum from school attorney related to implications of recent allegations against UAS (authorized at executive session)

V. Superintendent’s Report

VI. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

VII. Reconvene Public Session

Motion to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

VIII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any topic.

IX. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.26 pm.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 8/8/2017

Place : SASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.16 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 7/11/2017

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of lunch fee

3. Approval of extension of Dr. Fehmi Damkaci’s term as board president until 8/2020

4. Approval of extension of Jawwaad Rasheed’s term as board member until 8/2020

5. Approval of assignment of Dr. Murat Baysal as vice president and board secretary

6. Approval of employee handbook

7. Approval of SANY policy book

8. Approval of SAS elementary school construction

9. Approval of purchase of 250 new cromebooks (100 for UAS, 150 SAS)

10. Approval of purchase of auditorium and student camp house for SANY

11. Approval of offering 36 dual credit program from OCC to SAS high school students

12. Approval of leasing an additional car for district personnel use between school buildings

13. Approval of lease amendment for SASC building

14. Approval of lease amendment for SAS-ES building

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

IV. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget: Each school’s financial summaries were discussed. In addition, each schools budget vs actual were reviewed. All schools first payments were received and the school submitted the second payment request to the sending districts.

2. Internal audit report

3. SASC preopening update: Dr Hayali provided updates on NYSED visit and preparations for the school opening. Ribbon cutting will happen in September once the school is up and running. School construction by Terra is on schedule. Elevator is set and will be tested soon. Elevator has four stops.

Before and after construction pictures.

4. Board members self-evaluation: Board members will be given board evaluation and will discuss its outcomes in next meeting.

5. Superintendent evaluation: Board will evaluate the superintendent. Three board members will form a committee with a staff member to evaluate him based on approved rubric.

6. SANY district office cost sharing rates with its charters (SAS, SASC, and UAS): SANY District office distributes its back office service costs to its schools based on their maximum student enrollment and their funding rate per student. The rates will be estimated 0.12 FTE for SASC, 0.23 FTE for UAS, and 0.65 FTE for SAS.

7. Signing and declaration of conflict of interest policies: The code of ethics and conflict of interest policies are shared with board members. They were asked to sign them. All board members were asked to declare any conflict. Dr. Damkaci mentioned his role as president of Terra as non-profit and he and his family members does not have any financial benefit from either school or Terra, therefore there is no conflict or anything against code of ethics policy. All other board members do not have anything to report.

8. State comptroller visit update: Dr Hayali provided information about their oral reporting. After a month and a half analysis on SAS, comptroller office satisfied with the purchasing, inventory, student records, payroll, which were identified to be improved in their last report. Due to merger, comptroller office now will look into SANY and building purchases. However, schools financial management was tested and in good health according to their oral reporting.

9. Expanding UAS high school gym and adding a new wing: The school has discussed with Terra regarding the needs of UAS: 90x110’ sized gym needs to be built for building. This needs to be built within couple years, and Terra is looking for

10. Presentation of paid family leave regulations: There will be new NYS paid family leave for private entities. The schools does not have to adopt this at this moment and school just increased its sick and vacation times its rollover cap for its employees and

11. Terra funding for Young scholars and Congressional Award programs in Utica: Its goal is to attract and provide services for students in Utica area, and also support UAS mission related programs. Terra already funds a performance based salary incentive for Utica schools and hiring high quality teachers especially in Utica and Syracuse area which is hard to find high quality teachers to teach inner city students in Utica and Syracuse area.

V. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

VI. Reconvene Public Session

Motion to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

VII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any topic.

VIII. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.22 pm.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 9/12/2017

Place : SASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.05 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 8/8/2017

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of leasing a new 5-passenger SUV vehicle for SANY-Syracuse

3. Approval of 10 passenger van finance for SANY-Utica

4. Approval of allowing staff to bank their personal and sick days for Ms. Knapp at SAS middle school for 2017-18 school year.

5. Approval of classroom technology orders for new classrooms in SAS middle school.

6. Approval of installing screen and projector in SAS middle school

7. Approval of updated bylaw for SANY schools.

8. Approval of Title I and Title II grant budgets for SANY schools.

9. Approval of opening Escrow account

10. Approval of Rental addendums for all its buildings to have 10 month notice

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

IV. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget: Financial dashboard and summary has been reviewed for all schools. The budgets have been reviewed, actual vs budget. Utica financials are getting better as the school moves into its fifth year. Utica should keep its number of students at certain level to have extra cushion for additional programs.

2. Board members self evaluation: Board self-evaluation paperwork was distributed to be discussed at next meeting.

3. Superintendent evaluation: The board will discuss the evaluation at its next meeting.

4. Academic directors’ reports: Academic data has been discussed, in comparison to state and district. 3-8 grades state test results, regents results, SAT averages, graduation rates, and college acceptances have been

5. State comptroller visit update: Superintendent updated the board members regarding the scope of current comptroller’s audit. He also provided some details regarding their questions and inquiries so far. He stated that comptroller office choice of not focusing on purchasing and payroll after through audit shows that our office of operations is doing a great job and has improved significantly their great work.

6. Internal audit report: Internal audit report has been reviewed and discussed.

7. Update about the implications of recent allegations against UA. Issues raised in media have been discussed. NYSED has been also informed about these issues.

8. UAS renewal public hearing date and time: 5.30 pm: Board members were asked to be present if they are available. Dr. Damkaci and Judge Rasheed will be there. School will ask parents and alumni to be present and talk on behalf of school regarding their experience with school.

9. UAS NYSED board visit November 9th

10. SASCCS school building and opening: Superintendent provided information regarding the preparedness of the school building.

11. Terra donates its car to be used by SAS admins, when not used by Terra during the weekdays.

12. Introduction of Syracuse School Admins to board: The admins of Syracuse schools attended the meeting and were introduced with their experience and titles to the board.

V. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

VI. Reconvene Public Session

Motion to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

VII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any topic.

VIII. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.44 pm.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 10/10/2017

Place : UASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.05 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

Others present at the meeting:

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 9/12/2017

Roll Call: Adopted

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of annual audit report

3. Approval of matching grant for $19,000 from MACNY for SASC library

4. Approval of emergency and safety procedures for SANY schools

5. Approval of screen installation in SAS middle school gymnasium

6. Approval of cancelation of line of credit for UAS

IV. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget: None was given since Annual Audit report was discussed.

2. Presentation of annual audit report: Auditor provided a presentation discussing annual financial statements and her findings. Both school are in very good shape. There is no finding, and very minor recommendations to improve schools operations. The school Finance officer told us that they already implemented them since they have told about them verbally.

3. Internal audit report: Internal audit report has been presented by the internal auditor. Findings were corrected.

4. Finalize board members self evaluation: The board members discussed the self-evaluation results. The board operates well and focuses well on academics and finance in its board meetings. It approved several policies, and made a structural change in the schools with merger last year. The board will have future strategic planning meeting at the end of the year.

5. Finalize superintendent evaluation: Board finalized and discussed over superintendent’s evaluation. The new structural change also should help him managing daily operations and increased focus on academics. He is very good in communication with internal and external stakeholders.

6. Academic directors’ reports: Star test results for grades 3-8 for SAS has been shared. High school report will be provided in next months. UAS Star test results has been discussed for grades 6-9 for ELA and Math subjects.

7. SAS elementary school construction update: This is the connector between gym and cafeteria of the SAS ES. The project is expected to be over within a month. The project will provide a safe passage during winter months. Main office will be placed outside of the main building, adds additional layer of security.

8. Utica academy charter renewal update: Regents will be visiting SAS ES and UAS HS and MS on Oct 11th. The state will visit UAS schools on November 8th and 9th for renewal purposes.

9. CSO approval for structure change: The structural changes due to dual leadership model and mergers have been approved by NYSED effective immediately.

10. Change of order updates regarding two projects at SASC:

The reason for change of $8108: The scope of the work changed because of unforeseen issues increase the original project cost. There are asbestos contamination alog the projected pathways of cabling. Changing cable pathways increased overal project cost due to increased raceway and conduit runs and labor. Altering the project was less expensive and faster solution than asbestos abatement.

The reason for change of $9484.74: This is additional work added to the original work. The orginal project was about the cabling and wiring. In this work order change, there are Aditional works including: installation of Access Control for 3 Main Door Entrance and Entrance Security System for 3 Main Door,Additiona Mount for Outside Cameras &Weather Proof Box, Mount Wirelless Access Point, Mount Inside Cameras

11. Update regarding operational hours:

Teachers/CoTeachers (K-­‐4)/Subs. Teacher 7:45a.m. to 4:15p.m. School Office Secretaries 7:45a.m. to 4:15p.m.

Custodians 7:00a.m. to 3:30p.m. School Nurse 7:45a.m. to 4:15p.m. Others* * 7:45a.m. to 4:15p.m.

District Office Personnel 8:15a.m. to 4:45p.m.

**Deans, Operations Manager, Dean of Students, Student Affairs Officer, Asst. Dean of Student, Behavior Specialist, School Counselors, Regional Director of Academics, IT and SANY Security Guards.

12. Revising the board meeting structure: Executive meetings starting 7 pm, and public meetings starting 8 pm.

V. Superintendent’s Report


  1. On Wednesday September 20th, 2017, Third grade had a beautiful day for their first field trip of the year to Beak & Skiff.

  2. On Monday September 18th, 2017, SASCS seniors met with an admissions representative from Alfred State College.

  3. On Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, SASCS high school seniors participated in an information-gathering session with an admissions representative from the four-year liberal arts college located near Rochester, New York.

  4. On Thursday September 21st, 2017, an admissions representative from SUNY Geneseo visited the class of 2018 to provide information about the college’s academic degrees, campus life, financial-aid programs and more.

  5. On Friday, September 22nd, our high school was visited by a group of athletes who are part of a leadership council at Syracuse University.

  6. On Friday, September 22nd, 2017, the kindergarten students went on a field trip to Tim's Pumpkin Patch.

  7. On Monday, September 25th, 2017, the kindergarten classes went on their first field trip this year to Beak and Skiff Apple Orchard.

  8. On Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, SAS Elementary school had its K-2 student of the month ceremony.

  9. On Tuesday September 26th, 2017, climbing high and sliding fast are easier than ever for students at SASCS Elementary School on South Salina Street, with the addition of a new playground.

  10. On Tuesday, September 26th 2017, Syracuse Academy of Science High School (SASCS-HS) students visited SUNY-ESF.

  11. On Wednesday, September 27th, 2017, SAS Elementary school had its 3-4 grade student of the month ceremony.

  12. On Wednesday, September 27th, 2017, the 4th grade went on their first field trip to Abbott Farms in Baldwinsville.

  13. On Thursday, September 28th, 2017, SAS Elementary school had Olweus Kick Off event which was a huge success.

  14. On Thursday, September 28th, 2017, SASCS had back to school night for parents and students.

  15. On Monday, October 2nd, 2017, the High school was visited by a representative from Seton Hall University.

  16. On Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017, a representative from the University of Rhode Island visited our high school students.

  17. On Wednesday, October 4th, 2017, a representative from the College of Saint Rose visited our high school students.

  18. On Wednesday, October 4th, 2017, the second graders at Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School enjoyed a beautiful fall day at Lafayette’s Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard.

  19. On Friday, October 6th, 2017, SAS seniors and juniors went to SRC to attend manufacturing career day.

  20. The fall Scholastic book fair for SAS Elementary was a large success. We were fortunate enough to go way above and beyond our sale goal of $1,000 and reached well over $3,000!

SAS Citizenship

  1. No event reported.


  1. On Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, UAS high schoolers attended a college fair at OCC.

  2. On Saturday, September 23, 2017, UAS middle and high school parents and students had a community BBQ

  3. On Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, UAS parents and students attended public hearing for our expansion and renewal term application at Utica City School District.

  4. On Friday, October 6, 2017, UAS high school had blood drive with American Red Cross.

  5. On Friday, October 6, 2017, UAS high school had a trip to SUNY Poly.

VI. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: adopted unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

VII. Reconvene Public Session

Motion to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: adopted unanimously

VIII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any agenda topic.

IX. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.15 pm.

Roll Call: adopted unanimously

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 11/14/2017

Place : SASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.15 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 10/10/2017

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of new classroom addition at SAS High School and two office spaces at District Office

3. Approval of copier lease at Utica Academy

4. Approval of 10- passenger van purchase for Utica Academy

5. Approval of US security hourly rate

6. Approval of form 990 for Syracuse Academy and Utica Academy

7. Approval of middle school gymnasium projector project

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

IV. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

V. Reconvene Public Session

Motion to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

VI. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget: Financial summaries for each school is reviewed. Since it is the beginning of the school year and schools just received their quarterly payments, all schools financials looks good.

2. Internal audit report: Auditor discussed the internal audit report with board. All transactions within a month were looked into and only couple small issues were caught before processed. All payroll payments were correct, and HR folders were checked.

3. Monthly academic data presentation: Monthly Star reading and math test results were discussed. There are certain subject and grade levels are currently not at the level we want them to be. Board discussed ways to impact student motivation at these grade levels. Bring a motivational speaker, also bring a specialist how to study, Cornell University neuroscientist to explain how learning happens and how brain works.

4. SAS elementary school construction update: SAS _ES closing two buildings. The project should be done by December 10th. Currently, the school already started using the hallway.

5. Utica academy charter renewal site visit update: dual leadership model was commented by state, as more schools phasing into. The school’s ES proposal was discussed. Teacher shortages were discussed, and board referred to all its efforts regarding recruitment from HBCs.

6. SAS middle school library project: School will set-up a library in middle school which will cost less than $20,000, which does not require an approval. It may take two months to set up the library

VII. Superintendent’s Report


1. On Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, Building skills in communication, problem solving and listening, all SAS Middle School students participated in team-building activities held in the school’s gym.

2. On Wednesday, September 26th, 2017, searching high and low for elusive gem stones, students in all three grades of SAS Middle School visited the Herkimer Diamond Mines.

3. On Monday, October 9th, 2017, SAS juniors and Seniors joined a field trip to SRCTec during the "Manufacturer Career Day".

4. On Tuesday October 10th, 2017, SAS Kindergarteners in Room K-A, with their teachers Mrs. Garza and Mr. Skemaker, talk about the importance of kindness with Mr. Alamin Muhammad, founder of We Rise Above the Streets Recovery Outreach, Inc., a nonprofit organization serving the homeless in Syracuse.

5. On Thursday, October 12th, 2017, elementary school had a literacy night.

6. On Thursday, October 12th, 2017, high school had a college information night for senior parent.

7. On Saturday, October 14th, 2017, Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School took third place in the third division, and first place in the second division of the third annual CNY Steamboat Challenge, which was held at the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology.

8. On Wednesday, October 18th, 2017, Pomona College visited our high school.

9. On Thursday, October 19th, 2017, Medaille College visited our high school.

10. On Friday, October 20, 2017, SAS Middle School held their annual Girls Empowerment Night at the middle school from 6pm-midnight.

11. On Monday, October 23rd, 2017, Wells College visited our high school.

12. On Tuesday, October 24th, 2017, first graders went to Tim's Pumpkin Patch.

13. On Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 K-2 had a student of the month ceremony.

14. On Thursday, October 26th, 2017 grades 3-4 had a student of the month ceremony.

15. On Friday, October 26th, 2017 Jazz player Gerald Veasley had a masterclass with high school music band.

16. On Wednesday, October 25th, 2017, the 5th and 6th grades of the SAS Middle School would start their visits to the Ultimate Goal in Marcellus.

17. On Wednesday, October 25th, 2017, SAS Middle School participated in Unity Day where communities come together and stand up against bullying and pledge to be kinder to others.

18. On Thursday, October 26th, 2017, the onset of the recent 2nd Annual Jazz Festival, SAS students put on a show of their own. They eagerly displayed some of the mechanical-engineering skills acquired through school courses and clubs centered on STEM and robotics education.

19. On Tuesday, October 31st, 2017, elementary school had a fall festival.

20. On Friday, November 2nd, 2017, the SAS Middle School held its 2nd Quarter Award Ceremony. This is a special event in that staff and students get to celebrate a wide range of accomplishments.

21. On Friday, November 3rd, 2017, SAS Middle School students participated in a fall dance.

22. Starting on Wednesday, November 8th, 2017, the 5th and 6th grade students of the Syracuse Academy of Science had the opportunity of traveling to the Everson Museum of Art, located in downtown Syracuse.

23. On Thursday, November 9th, 2017, Le Moyne College visited our high school.

24. On Thursday, November 9th, 2017, high school had an award ceremony for 1st marking period.

25. On Saturday, November 11th, 2017, the SAS Robotics Team attended the CNY Build 'Em and Bust 'Em bridge building competition at the @MOSTSyracuse. Two of our teams received first and second place.

SAS Citizenship

1. On Tuesday, October 31st, 2017, teachers and students had a fall festival.


1. On Friday, October 6th, 2017, high school had a blood drive with the American Red Cross.

2. On Friday, October 6th, 2017, scholars had the opportunity to explore colleges, careers and business's that focus on Manufacturing. Scholars gained the knowledge of the what opportunities are available in today’s manufacturing sector and help them prepare for the future.

3. On Thursday, October 12th, 2017, over 50 students & parents joined us to enjoy traditional food, music and dance at Hispanic Culture Night Celebration.

4. On Thursday, October 19th, 2017, 6th graders traveled to Syracuse, NY to visit The Pumpkin Hollow and learn about pumpkins.

5. On Saturday, October 21st, 2017, UAS had a great morning at the Fall Clean Up on Saturday raking for elderly Utica residents.

6. On Saturday, October 21st, 2017, 54 scholars came to Saturday School.

7. On Tuesday, October 24th, 2017, 7th grade students had an opportunity to go to SUNY Poly for Manufacturing Day.

8. On Thursday, October 26th, 2017, middle school counselor informed scholars about the types of bullying and had scholars to do activities in her class.

9. On Friday, October 27th, 2017, middle school had Haunted Hallway.

10. On Saturday, October 28th, 2017, 40 dedicated scholars came to Saturday School.

11. On Monday, October 30th, 2017, Seniors toured the New York State Capitol in Albany and learned about New York State government.

12. On Wednesday, November 1st, 2017, middle school donated food drive items to Rescue Mission.

13. On Wednesday, November 1st, 2017, high school held a 9th grade parent night.

14. On Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, Juniors and Seniors visited Binghamton University. They learned about student life, campus life, and academic programs as well as the Binghamton City.

15. On Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, high school held a 10th grade parent night to discuss graduation requirements, community service, and college offerings.

16. On Saturday, November 4th, 2017, 52 scholars came to Saturday school.

17. On Thursday, November 9th, 2017, juniors had a night of poetry and bonfire.

18. On Monday, November 13th, 2017, seniors visited​ WCNY which​ is a non-commercial educational public television station licensed to Syracuse, New York and serving as the area's PBS member station.

19. On Tuesday, November 14th, 2017, author Maria Snyder visited our high school students.

VIII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any topic.

IX. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.19 pm.

Roll Call: Adopted unanimously

Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting


Date : 12/12/2017

Place : SASCS High School

  1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7.15 pm. The board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

This meeting has been publicized in accordance with the requirements of the

New York State Open Meetings Law (OML) and notification given to all appropriate parties. The notice of this meeting was posted on the school website.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept the following minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting (Minutes forwarded to Trustees via e-mail.)

Regular Board Meeting of 11/14/2017

Roll Call: Approved unanimously

III. Agenda

1. Approval of new hires for SAS, SASC, and UAS

2. Approval of contract renewal of health insurance with Blue Shield/Blue Cross

3. Approval of contract renewal of dental insurance with Delta Dental

4. Approval of contract renewal of vision insurance with Lincoln Insurance

5. Approval of contract of long-term disability insurance with Unum Insurance

6. Approval of updated budgets for SAS, UAS, and SASC

7. Approval of purchasing furniture for SAS middle school library

8. Approval of change of order for SAS elementary school to install fire alarm system and upgrading the existing school fire alarm system.

9. Approval of purchasing 60 chromebooks for SAS high school

10. Approval of lease renewal for UAS middle school building

Roll Call: approved unanimously

IV. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the New York State Open Meeting Law §105, to discuss topics such as personnel matters, attorney-client privilege matters, pending litigation, negotiations and other such related matters.

Roll Call: approved unanimously

Please Note: The matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however, it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist.

V. Reconvene Public Session

Motion by to exit the executive session.

Roll Call: approved unanimously

VI. Discussion Items

1. Financial status and budget: Financial summaries for each school were reviewed. Budget revisions were reviewed and line items which were changed (educational services vs admin payroll change due to structural merge) were discussed. Also low student enrollment was pointed out for budgeting purposes.

2. Internal audit report: Question asked about payments w/o PO incidents, which were corrected, however how school may prevent it happening. The school needs to pay attention its renewal of current contract to avoid such issues. All following exceptions were corrected by the school before any payments were processed.

3. Insurance broker presentation: Insurance quotes were presented and questions were answered regarding changes in policy and costs. Proposals were accepted as presented.

4. Monthly academic data presentation: Both regional academic leaders provided their monthly assessment results. Utica provided Start test results for grade 3-8th ELA and Math results and benchmark tests. SAS provided early literacy results for K-2 grades and STAR results for 3-10th graders. The subgroups results will be shared in next board meeting. Improvements and need-improvement areas were discussed. School already taking some steps to improve student learning in certain subjects and grades. School also decided to include only student who did level 4 at state tests in their honors class, therefore it provides more accountability who can get into honors classes at middle school and 9th grade.

5. SAS elementary school construction update: Connector of ES is 85% complete as of now. A change of order may come for flooring used in the entrance, changing from vinyl to tile/stone at the entrance, which will provide longer lifetime usage.

6. 2017-18 Fall staff survey results: will be discussed in next meeting.

VII. Superintendent’s Report

SANY Enrollment, Demographics, and Suspensions

Board has discussed strategies to increase free-reduced lunch population. Working with PR research group to analyze the public perception and understanding of the school might be a help how to address the issue. In addition, increasing the number of languages that flier was printed might be a help. The topic will be discussed at next strategic meeting.

In addition, suspension rate found to be very high in SAS HS and MS, compared to all other schools under SANY. Admin should look into wrong reporting of these cases or if not providing PD for dean of students and teachers how to reduce these rates asap.



1. On Monday, November 13th, 2017, high school students celebrated moving up a level in their language studies.

2. On Monday, November 13, 2017, the 7th grade students took a trip to SUNY ESF. The students went on a tour of the college led by current ESF students.

3. On Wednesday, November 15th, 2017, a representative from Keuka College visited our high school students.

4. On Wednesday, November 15th 2017, we had a guest speaker, Kazmo, from the NED's Kindness Adventure to present to the 5th and 6th graders about making friends, caring for others, respecting differences, being kind, and including others.

5. On Thursday, November 16th, 2017, SAS high school students got a chance to meet representatives from many diverse professions at Career Day.

6. On Thursday, November 16th, 2017, through Monday, November 20th, 2017, the SAS Middle School presented Student Scholar Awards to students in all three grades.

7. On Friday, November 17, 2017, SAS Elementary School Dean Pamela Smith was recognized as one of 40 ambitious, hard-working, civic-minded individuals under age 40 who have made extraordinary efforts and accomplishments in the workplace and the community.

8. On Friday, November 17th, 2017 the SAS Middle School held its first Maker's Hall.

9. On Friday, November 17, 2017, the SAS Middle School held its First Annual Boys’ Empowerment Night. Guest speakers included SU basketball players Eric Devendorf, Dejuan Coleman and Geno Thorpe, plus SU women’s basketball coach Cedric Solice. Our boys were assigned sports teams and followed a full schedule that included activities in a video game room, a board-game room, a photo booth and a basketball game.

10. On Monday, November 20, 2017, in the spirit of giving thanks, students at SAS elementary school tallied the number of canned goods and nonperishable food they recently collected to donate to the Rescue Mission. Each class participated in the school-wide food drive, which resulted in 436 items!

11. On Monday, November 20, 2017, Jason Chiesa, Deputy Director for Economic Development in Syracuse and representative of Governor’s office visited our school and meet our students.

12. On Monday November 20th, 2017, Second grade students at SAS Elementary participated in a Greek dancing lesson run by our very own Ms. Georgiadis this week.

13. On Tuesday November 21st, 2017, second graders in Ms. Peryea and Ms. Fogarty's class enjoyed their annual Thankful Feast.

14. On Monday, November 29th, 2017, the SAS Elementary school held its K-2 student of the month awards.

15. On Tuesday, November 30th, 2017, the SAS Elementary school held its student of the month ceremony for 3rd & 4th grade students.

16. Throughout November, Ms. Orioli, counselor at the Middle School, has been conducting character education lessons. This month she has been targeting the character trait of respect as the central part of these lessons.

17. On Sunday, December 3, 2017, the SAS High School robotics team attended the FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics competition qualifier at Sauquoit High School in Sauquoit, NY.

18. On Monday, December 4th, Mr. Panighett and Ms. Herrera took a group of 28 8th graders to see a performance of Encore - a compilation of short stories and poems they had read including, "The Tell Tale Heart," "The Raven," "The Monkey's Paw," "The Necklace, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"- at the Rochester Auditorium.

SAS Citizenship

1. On Monday, November 27th, 2017, So much happens during the primary-school years. It’s an exciting time when students learn many of the skills and concepts needed throughout their education. Kindergartners received awards for first-quarter achievement.

2. On Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, in recognition of outstanding student performance in first grade and second grade, SAS elementary school recently honored achievements made during the first quarter of the school year. For the months of September, October and November, students worked hard on developing and applying the character traits of Responsibility, Trustworthiness and Citizenship, respectively.

3. On Wednesday, November 29th, 2017, former Syracuse University (SU) basketball player and current Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) coach Tyrone Albright was greeted by eager students at SASCCS.


1. On Wednesday, November 15th, 2016, 40 sophomore, junior and senior students visited Colgate University. Scholars had a chance to see academic buildings, libraries, research centers, and the dining hall. Students also got a presentation about admission requirements and procedures.

2. On Thursday, November 16th, 2017, seniors and juniors had an opportunity to go to MVCC Respiratory lab to learn what it takes to become a Respiratory Therapist.

3. On Saturday, November 18th, 2017, 43 Scholars took advantage of Saturday School!

4. On Monday, November 20th, 2017, sophomores, juniors and seniors had an opportunity to learn what it takes to be a nurse and a physical therapist.

5. On Monday, November 20th, 2017, seniors and juniors visited WKTV News Station.

6. On Tuesday, November 21st, 2017, Melissa Loiacano from the YWCA provided the 8-12th graders with information about bullying, cyber bullying, relationships and social media.

7. On Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, Director of Recycling Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority gave a presentation to scholars at the middle school.

8. On Wednesday, November 29th, 2017, UAS won the first basketball game of the season.

9. On Wednesday, November 29th, 2017, as part of their "Philosophies of Love" workshop, 8th grade students met with senior philosophy major Olivia Melodia at Hamilton College today to read and discuss selections from Plato's Symposium and act out their own interpretations of the legend of the origin of love.

10. On Friday, December 1st, 2017, UAS won the second basketball game of the season.

11. On Saturday, December 2nd, 2017, 42 scholars came to Saturday School.

12. On Thursday, December 7th, 2017, Doneilous King from SUNY POLY spoke with UAS Seniors.

VIII. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item

Board President or designee opens the public comment session on any agenda item.

Each person is limited to speak for a period of one (1) minute and will be asked to give their full name, spell their last name and provide their address.

Board President or designee closes the public comment session on any topic.

IX. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10.05 pm.

Roll Call: approved unanimously