RT needed!

Post date: Sep 29, 2011 1:17:35 AM

Job title: International Respiratory Therapist

Location: International Friendship Children's Hospital (IFCH - http://www.ifch.com.np), Kathmandu, Nepal

Timeframe: Anytime, minimum 2 month commitment; first come first serve.


- Conduct lectures on respiratory therapy to medical officers, sisters (nurses) and consultant doctors;

- In addition to your teaching sessions, the incumbent will have a mobile phone and be on-call for all respiratory consultations.

- The role is totally new, so the more you are out there supporting the physicians the more they will call you.

- Usually these calls turn into excellent teaching opportunities.

- Opportunity for additional on-calls to other hospitals exist as well.

- Currently, the RT on the ground now is on-call for all mechanically ventilated pediatric patients @ Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) and Kathmandu Medical College (KMC)


- Room and board at the IFCH hospital.

- Countless networking opportunities

- Chance to see healthcare in the developing world.

Funding: IFCH Can be done through Bringing About Better Understanding (http://thebabuproject.org) whereby fundraisers can access 49% of the money raised when they go on a trip with BABU. You will be required to do some auditing work on BABU projects as well. Once RTWB is registered as a charity, fundraising will happen through RTWB.