Celebrating strides from 2013-2014

Post date: Aug 17, 2014 3:49:43 AM

It is my great privilege to share with you the successes of RTWB in the last year that have been made possible by you.

Celebratory notes:

a) Charitable status registration with the Canadian government

b) 14 dedicated volunteers that have fought tirelessly to bring us to where we are today.

c) A collection of 9 inspirational RT experiences from 8 different countries.

d) A formalized Healthcare Education Partner sign up process and 7 partners now!

e) **New Professional Network internal site. If you don't yet see your respiratory care group represented, please share the Join the Professional Network link with a suitable candidate for the job. This has been re-done, so please email me to book your in-service.

f) Representation at the BCSRT 2013 conference and complimentary booth space.

The alignment of resources has led to just a handful of highlights.

a) a full time RT on the ground in Kenya since January 2013 and a RT visit to Nepal for 3.5months.

b) the successful implementation of a donated CPAP to treat 8 cases of high altitude pulmonary edema at the Pheriche clinic in Nepal. All 8 were stabilized and helicoptered to a higher level of care. The unit continues to be used at their seasonal clinic.

c) proposal of an international randomized control trial for EPAP in HAPE treatment. We are still looking for vendors to sponsor this project. 

d) donation of 2 CPAP devices being implemented in the Patan Hospital ER (a respected teaching hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal) with in-servicing via skype from Canada; (The session was well attended by over a dozen staff, fellows and residents of the ER that would be using the device.) So far, they have had 11 patients in 2 months. Monthly audits continue with an experienced RT in Canada. A BIPAP donation has been secured for donation and will be transported by a physician in September. 

e) initiation of a bubble BIPAP research project that has been taken on by the University of Western Michigan for use in neonatal ICUs

f) a 5 day mechanical ventilation seminar hosted by the International Friendship Children's Hospital with 8 physicians (pediatricians, anesthesiologists, medical officers in attendance)

g) a previously donated Sulla 808V anesthetic gas machine repaired and now functional at the Lamjung District Community Hospital, Nepal. 

h) local healthcare provider taught to run in-services for a perfectly functioning the Oxylog in Chaurjahari Mission Hospital, Rukum, Nepal.

i) ongoing invitations to be guest speakers at national conferences and hospitals around the world.

Thank you for your involvement in making RTWB a reality and growing the RT culture of 'giving back' globally. Without you, there would be no RTWB, so thank you for your belief and continued participation. As someone who has seen patient lives being altered and local healthcare providers felt empowered to provide better care, it makes me real proud to be a respiratory therapist; but even more to know that behind each respiratory therapist out there is RTWB and all it's support network. Thank you for giving us the confidence to go out and know that we are supported by our colleagues at home. 

Our plan is to grow our Professional Network to 50 hospitals, schools, vendor groups, respiratory care groups by the end of the year (RTWB 2014 Strategic plan). 

Once again, thank you for your continued support and contributions. We look forward to sharing more of how your contributions are growing the international respiratory therapy profile next year.