Welcome to O'Connell Primary

We are excited to tell you that we have a brand new website as of the 29th of April 2022. Please click below to see our new website:

Inspectors Report On OCS

Click below for an article in the Irish Independent on our recent School Inspection:


Green Flag for OCS!

In May 2016 OCS proudly received their first green flag.

Three years ago, Mr. Conlon and Mr. Haughey established a green schools committee in the school and this group has worked tirelessly to promote environmental awareness throughout the school. To date - recycling has been a significant feature of our environmental awareness.

Boys from the green schools committee along with their teachers, travelled to the Helix at DCU in May to receive this award.

The Green flag can be seen proudly flying outside the school near the front entrance!

Next year we are going to work towards earning another green flag for the school.

To find out more about Green Schools and the work we will be doing click the following link. Green Schools