Opinion Writing

Opinion Writing

I can write about a topic.

I can listen to ideas my teachers and peers have about my writing.

I can answer questions about my writing.

I can reread my writing.

I can organize my writing.

I can add details that will help the reader understand my topic.

I can share my writing.

I can publish my writing.

I can introduce a topic in my writing.

I can identify my opinion on a topic or book.

I can state my opinion and support it with a reason.

I can use words that relate to my topic.

I can write an opinion piece with an introduction, opinion, supporting reason and conclusion.

I can use describing words in my writing.

I can capitalize days of the week and months when writing.

I can capitalize holidays when writing.

I can print all upper- and lowercase letters correctly.

I can use spaces between my words.

I can print so others can read my writing.

I can spell new words by sounding out letters and using known spelling rules.

I can use common spelling patterns when writing words.

I can write a complete sentence.

I can write a sentence that is a statement.

I can write a sentence that asks a question.

I can write a sentence that expresses emotion.