Loch Haven’s private pier is one part of our community that makes it unique along the Mayo Peninsula.
The entrance to the pier is located at the intersection of Riverview Drive and Bay View Point Drive. All members of the LHCA and their accompanied guests are welcome.
Informal gatherings such as happy hour and cookouts are often held here. Late night access (11 pm to 5 am) is restricted to those members who are slip holders.
The pier has 54 boat slips that range in size from 12’ to 50’ and the largest slips enjoy a comfortable 11’ water depth. A yearly slip rental fee goes to pier for maintenance and repair. Our community maintains reasonable rates because we all get together to participate in semi-annual work parties to maintain and improve the pier.
The pier launching ramp and parking area are governed and maintained by the Pier Committee and other volunteers from the community. Boat slips on the pier are assigned by the Committee Chair. Please feel free to contact the Committee Chair for further information at pier@lochhaven.org.
Pier Application Deadline
Information and the deadline to apply for slips are announced each year by the pier chair.
Each year, slip holder applicants must return the following:
signed pier application - all fields are required
copy of your Maryland DNR registration or USGC documentation
LHCA Membership form
dues payment for slip/lift fees, which are announced each year, and
copy of confirmation of existing insurance on your vessel.
Baby Oysters!
From September to May, several cages of oyster spat are suspended under the Loch Haven community pier as part of the Maryland Grows Oysters Program with the South River Federation.
The grown oysters from our cages and from other participants in nearby creeks are then placed on a sanctuary reef in the South River. Good news for our River and a fun way to make a difference!