Board of Directors

The Loch Haven Civic Association is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors. The term of each Director is three years. Terms on the Board are staggered such that five members complete their term in a given year. This process helps maintain a healthy mix of experience and fresh ideas. 

Elections are held each November at the General Membership Meeting when five new Board members may be elected into office to replace five old members with expired terms. A President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary are also elected at this time. 

All committee chairpersons are appointed by the President and each committee chairperson may select his or her committee members. The Board of Directors is always looking for volunteers to help on the various committees. 



Vice President and Membership




2021-2024: Pam Cotter, Pam Bergendahl, Becky Dove, Brad Fox, and Aubrey Schneider

2022-2025: Ryan Chaffo, John Cotter, John Hepler, and Heather Martin

2023-2026: Lance Davis, Liz Ducey, Katie Gateau, and Todd Watson 



Children's Activities

Community Property

Communications and Newsletter


Develops fundraising opportunities for the benefit of the community.


Recreation Areas


Social Activities

Triangle/Gates/Overlook/Flags (TGOF)

These are the current committees, but committees can be combined into individual chair positions on the Board, or multiple committees can be combined into one chair as directed by the President.

Website and History
Denise Lee,  past member of the Board, is responsible for maintaining and for writing history articles about Loch Haven.