Setting Healthy Boundaries in Friendships

Workshop Title: Setting Healthy Boundaries in Friendships

Laxman Public School organised the workshop on "Setting Healthy Boundaries in Friendships" was conducted for Class IX  studentson 5th April 2024 with the aim of fostering an understanding of the importance of boundaries in friendships and providing practical strategies to establish and maintain healthy relationships. The workshop was organized in response to the growing need for adolescents to navigate social dynamics effectively.

The workshop began with an interactive session to explore the concept of boundaries. Students were encouraged to share their understanding of personal space and emotional limits within friendships.

Participants were introduced to different types of boundaries, including physical, emotional, and digital boundaries. Real-life scenarios were discussed to illustrate how boundaries manifest in various aspects of friendships.

Through group discussions, students identified signs of unhealthy boundaries such as peer pressure, manipulation, and invasion of privacy. They were encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and recognize red flags in their friendships.

Practical techniques for assertive communication were demonstrated to help students express their boundaries effectively without resorting to aggression or avoidance. Students were guided through the process of setting clear and specific boundaries in their friendships. They learned the importance of self-awareness and introspection in determining their comfort levels and communicating their needs to others.

Tips and strategies for maintaining healthy friendships were shared, including the importance of mutual respect, communication, and compromise. Students were encouraged to cultivate friendships that uplift and support them while recognizing when to reassess or let go of toxic relationships. By fostering a culture of respect for personal boundaries, the workshop aimed to promote positive and fulfilling friendships among adolescents.