1. Writer's Workshop

The writing process includes prewriting, drafting, revising and editing. Children often write from personal experience using their senses. We use Thinking Maps as part of the prewriting stage to help us flesh out our ideas.

Ideas - the heart of the message, the content, the main idea


    • writing is focused and clear

    • a controlling idea is present and selective details are used

    • enough detail is used to clearly "show" ideas, not "tell"

    • writing shows insight

Organization –the internal structure


    • writing opens with an effective lead

    • effective sequencing is utilized

    • pacing is deliberate and varied to fit the purpose

  • smooth transitions are used

  • momentum builds and a clear resolution is reached

Voice – the heart and soul, tone, feeling and conviction of the writer


    • the person behind the words is evident

    • interaction is achieved between the reader and writer

    • writer "has a conversation" with the reader

    • piece reflects commitment and conviction

    • text has life, expression and vitality

Word Choice –the use of rich, colorful language that engages, moves or enlightens the reader


    • vocabulary is natural and fits the purpose

    • precise nouns and lively verbs are chosen

    • a mental picture is created with words

    • common everyday words are given a new twist

Sentence Fluency – the sound, rhythm and flow of language


    • sentence beginnings, sentence length, and sentence structure are varied

    • sentences have a rhythmic sound and are pleasant to listen to

    • phrasing can be musical or poetic

    • sentences have clarity and make sense

Conventions –the mechanical correctness of the piece


    • capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct

    • punctuation reflects and supports sentence fluency

+1 Presentation –the look


    • text is legible

    • paragraphing supports the organizational patterns of the piece

    • visual aids enhance the piece