1. Civics: Responsible Citizens Have a Voice (Citizenship and Conflict Resolution)

The big ideas in this brief civics unit encompasses citizenship, conflict management, and conflict resolution. Students learn that advocating for and expressing their ideas respectfully can influence decision making in their classroom, school, and community.

Students learn that responsible citizens use multiple ways to resolve conflict. Strategies and skills that address bullying and promote equality are introduced and can be applied in authentic and relevant ways throughout the remainder of the year.

At the end of the unit, we created a classroom constitution about our rights and responsibilities, which we all signed. A copy of our Crockett's Crew Constitution 21-22 is listed below.

Students’ Rights & Responsibilities

Ø I have the right to be safe in our classroom. This means people will have control of their bodies, keep their hands and feet to themselves, and use tools in an appropriate way.

Ø I have the right to be respected in our classroom. This means I will be treated fairly regardless of my race, ethnicity, or religion. Kind words and actions will be used with me.

Ø I have the right to learn about myself in our classroom. This means I will be free to express my ideas, feelings and opinions without being laughed at, interrupted or punished.

Ø I have the right to learn in our classroom. This means that the people around me will allow me to learn all I am capable of learning.

Ø These are my rights as an individual AS LONG AS I DO NOT INTERFERE with the rights of others. I pledge to be a good citizen and respect your feelings, your beliefs, and your values as a unique individual of our classroom community.

Ø With rights come responsibilities. This means I will use my time wisely and follow directions in order to complete tasks to the best of my ability. I will also listen to speakers and share my ideas in a respectful way. I will be ready to learn by having the supplies I need and bringing my charged Chromebook every day. I will include everyone so no one feels left out. Most importantly, I will never give up because I know that if I can't do it yet, with practice I will be able to do it someday!

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