Responding to Reading

As you read with your child, stop and discuss the story as you go. Talking about what you have read expands vocabulary and deepens comprehension.

Feel free to:

Ø Make predictions about the book based on the title & covers.

Ø Speculate what might happen next.

Ø Anticipate the outcome of an event.

Ø Ask questions as you read.

Ø Connect to a personal experience (text to self), another piece (text to text), world happening (text to world), or something they have seen on a screen (text to media).

Ø Retell the story with proper sequence.

Ø Discuss the text (favorite/disliked/interesting/funniest/saddest parts, unexpected twists, & what you learned).

Ø Identify the message or lesson the author is trying to convey.

Ø Think about decisions characters made, discuss why they were made, & decide if those decisions were good ones.

Ø Put yourself in a character’s shoes and think about what you might have done in a similar situation.