Kyleigh Kowalski

Kyleigh Kowalski | Idaho State University Undergraduate

B.S. Earth and Environmental Systems | Minor in GIS Technology



Research Project:

Lava Undercover: Understanding Regolith Concealment on Martian & Lunar Surfaces Through Submarine Lava Classification of the North Gorda Ridge

I will be using SUBSEA imagery of submarine lava flows located along the North Gorda Ridge as analogs for Martian and Lunar lava flows. I plan to study how sediment infill and smoothing impacts our ability to remotely classify interplanetary lava flows using quantitative surface classification methods. 

Imagery of the seafloor taken by an AUV during NASA's SUBSEA Mission

Personal Goals:


Weekly targets: 7/19:

Weekly targets: 7/11

Weekly targets: 7/2 (zoom)

Weekly targets: 6/4

Weekly targets: 5/28

Weekly targets: 5/21

Weekly targets: 5/9

Weekly targets 5/2:

Weekly targets 4/25:

Weekly targets 4/11:

Hwyr and Hwys are the sources of heterogeneity!

Weekly targets 3/28:

Weekly targets 3/14:

Weekly targets 3/7:

Weekly targets 2/29:

Weekly targets 2/15:

Solved issue with 7x7_2m:

Clustering & data questions:

Weekly targets 2/8:

Reasoning for f in some file names and not others:

"The devegetated holes were left empty in the 0.5 m/pixel, 1 m/pixel, and 2 m/pixel resolutions. Since we wanted to analyze the roughness of lava flows, we had the code skip areas containing holes within the moving window frame. There were many holes in the 0.1 m/pixel resolution, however, so skipping the holes prevented the code from generating results. Therefore, we filled all the holes with the average of the surrounding pixels. The validity of this choice was tested in the 0.5 m/pixel resolution, for which we could compare calculation results from filled and unfilled vegetation holes; the impact that this had on roughness values is discussed in the results section of this paper. The downsampled and devegetated DTM rasters were exported as point data for use in the code." (Mallonee, 2021)

--> Created a new working folder with all the-filled 10cm files renamed to 10cm so that the script would pull them as intended. Removed all duplicated 50cmf files as these seem to only be used to validate filling the 10cm files and were not actually used in Hester's analysis (also fixed the files missing the smth label).

Weekly targets 2/1:

Weekly targets 1/25:

Weekly targets 1/18:

Weekly targets: winter break

Weekly Targets: 11/23 

Weekly Targets: 11/09 (email update; SKN away)

The Juan de Fuca Ridge & Methods for Dating Lava Flows:

Clague, D. A., Dreyer, B. M., Paduan, J. B., Martin, J. F., Caress, D. W., Gill, J. B., Kelley, D. S., Thomas, H., Portner, R.A., Delaney, J.R., Guilderson, T.P.,  & McGann, M. L. (2014). Eruptive and tectonic history of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, based on AUV mapping data and lava flow ages. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(8), 3364-3391. DOI: 10.1002/2014GC005415

Fast-spreading Midocean Ridge Theories Tested on Slower Spreading Ridge (Alarcon Rise):

Clague, D. A., Caress, D. W., Dreyer, B. M., Lundsten, L., Paduan, J. B., Portner, R. A., Spelz-Madero, R., Bowles, J. A., Castillo, P. R., Guardado-France, R., Saout, M. L., Martin, J. F., Santa Rosa-del Rio, M. A., & Zierenberg, R. A. (2018). Geology of the Alarcon Rise, southern Gulf of California. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(3), 807-837. DOI: 10.1002/2017GC007348

Weekly Targets: 11/02

The Gorda Ridge:

Clague, D. A., Paduan, J. B., Caress, D. W., McClain, J., & Zierenberg, R. A. (2020). Lava flows erupted in 1996 on North Gorda Ridge segment and the geology of the nearby Sea Cliff hydrothermal vent field from 1-M resolution AUV mapping. Frontiers in Marine Science, 27. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00027

Weekly Targets: 10/26

Surface Roughness Techniques:

Cao, W., & Cai, Z. (2018). Improved multiscale roughness algorithm for lunar surface. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11(7), 2336-2345. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2822297 

Weekly Targets: 10/19

Weekly Targets: 9/28 (via email)

Earth Analogs for Mars Volcanic Terrain:

Hughes, S. S., Haberle, C. W., Kobs Nawotniak, S. E., Sehlke, A., Garry, W. B., Elphic, R. C., ... & Lim, D. S. (2019). Basaltic terrains in Idaho and Hawai ‘i as planetary analogs for Mars geology and astrobiology. Astrobiology, 19(3), 260-283. doi: 10.1089/ast.2018.1847 

Weekly targets: 9/21

Crystal Characteristics that Define Lava Types:

Katz, M. G., & Cashman, K. V. (2003). Hawaiian lava flows in the third dimension: Identification and interpretation of pahoehoe and ′a′a distribution in the KP-1 and SOH-4 cores, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. doi: 10.1029/2001GC000209

"Samples collected along active ′a′a channels show a rapid increase in both plagioclase number density and crystallinity with increasing transport distance (Figure 2). The observed crystallinity increase indicates rapid cooling and crystallization during early stages of ′a′a flow advance [Cashman et al., 1999]..." (Katz & Cashman, 2003).

"Other flow features characteristic of ′a′a include vesicle-poor interiors (particularly in thick flows), highly deformed and irregular vesicles, and finely crystalline textures throughout. " (Katz & Cashman, 2003).

"Inspection of thin section images shows that pahoehoe flow margins are sparsely crystalline, with plagioclase and pyroxene crystals in a glassy or dendritic matrix (Figure 10a). Flow interiors are holocrystalline and of moderate grain size (Figures 10d and 10g). In contrast, ′a′a flows have extremely fine-grained margins (Figure 10b), and show only a small inward increase in grain size, regardless of flow thickness (Figures 10e and 10h). Most transitional flow samples that we examined are texturally similar to ′a′a, with fine-grained margins and interiors..." (Katz & Cashman, 2003).

"Pahoehoe flow interiors have relatively low crystal number densities (Na = 100 mm−2; Nv = 1.4 × 103 mm−3), which imply an average crystal size d = 70 μm. A ‘a flows have margins with plagioclase Na ∼ 2000–3000 mm−2 (d = 13–16 μm..." (Katz & Cashman, 2003).

Figure 10.

de Lima, E. F., Waichel, B. L., Rossetti, L. D. M. M., Viana, A. R., Scherer, C. M., Bueno, G. V., & Dutra, G. (2012). Morphological and petrographic patterns of the pahoehoe and ´a´ā flows of the Serra Geral Formation in the Torres Syncline (Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil). Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 42(4), 744-753. PDF

Abstract: "The pahoehoe lavas differ from the ´a´ā ones in that they have a coarser-grained microcrystalline groundmass. The pahoehoe flows are microcrystalline with glomeroporphyritic and diktytaxitic textures and a plagioclase-poor matrix when compared to ´a´ā lava flows. The higher content of microlites in the ´a´ā flows is attributed to undercooling, higher rate of eruption, and degassing before and during emplacement." (de Lima et al, 2012).

Conclusion: "Petrographically, the cores of the ´a´ā-type basic flows are characterized by an aphanitic and hypocrystalline texture and abundance of plagioclase microlites. The pahoehoe lobes and flows are texturally coarser and include larger plagioclase phenocrysts. These differences are generically attributed to rapid cooling of the ´a´ā lavas (open and channeled system), when compared to pahoehoe (close and leveled system), although this fact does not explain the greater volume of plagioclase microlites in the matrix of the ´a´ā lavas. The greater abundance of plagioclase in the matrix of the ´a´ā flows in comparison to pahoehoe is attributed to undercooling, devolatization, and higher eruption rate of the ´a´ā lavas." (de Lima et al, 2012).

Submarine Lava Flow Morphologies:

Gregg, T. K., & Fink, J. H. (1995). Quantification of submarine lava-flow morphology through analog experiments. Geology, 23(1), 73-76. PDF

Weekly targets: 9/7

Surface Lava Flow Morphologies:

Gregg, T. K. P. (2017). Patterns and processes: Subaerial lava flow morphologies: A review. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 342, 3–12. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.04.022

3 x 3

7 x 7 

The pixels are visually identical in size for the 3x3 1m and 7x7 1m (and same for 2m ,10cm, 50cmf). I'm suspecting that I did this part wrong and that the 3x3 is in meters, not pixels? However, the history in the ArcGIS Pro Project is empty and the properties only specify the vertical unit. It may be worth just redoing this part--I also am much more comfortable with ArcGIS Pro then I was when I originally did this so it probably wouldn't take as long.

I also forgot the reasoning behind the empty spots in the 10cm data, and I believe the "f" in 50cmf data means it was filled--do you remember the reasoning for only filling the 50cm data (and some 10cm)?

Weekly targets: 8/31

Reorientation to Project Processes:

Hester's Thesis:

Lava Types Nomenclature: 

Harris, A. J. L., Rowland, S. K., Villeneuve, N., & Thordarson, T. (2017). Pāhoehoe, ‘a‘ā, and block lava: an illustrated history of the nomenclature. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79(1), [7].