Erin Sandmeyer

Project: Examining changes in lava flow texture (frothy to dense) in Highway flow at Crater's of the Moon. The goal is to understand the implications frothy and dense textures have regarding the rheology and morphology of the flow.

Project: Looks at patterns in the tephra deposit from Kings Bowl to determine eruption pattern.

We will do this by collecting tephra from various sites around King's Bowl.

We will then sieve the samples collected and examine differences in clast sizes. We will also look at the composition of the samples at each site, looking for what percent is lithic and what percent is eolian dust.

We will use information discovered to determine eruption patterns.

Goals: Tephra section of KB eruption modeling paper and Rocky Mountain GSA talk!

Tasks for 10/25:

{SKN sign UAS paperwork}

Continue powdering samples

Meet with Ashley to go over lava data for UAS

- brainstorm volc class module ideas

Coordinate with Emily to bring new rocks into workflow (billets and powders, whenever possible; need to be in master spreadsheet)

Tasks for 10/18:

email Gavin about thin section images

Powder samples

Follow up with Kate about joining UAS payroll

Tasks for 10/11:

email Gavin about thin section images

Powder samples

re-email Emily

Tasks for 9/20:

Review thin sections

Rock room training - reschedule

Finish KB line map in Arc

layers: 1) outer outline, 2) inner lake outline, 3) blast locations (dark lines), 4) boundary of tephra area

After rock room training: coordinate rock prep times

Prep list in excel of sample names, coordinates, stuff-to-do (turns into stuff-done)

Tasks for 9/6:

Ask Gavin about samples

Figure out what sample IDs were

Rock room practice

Grab samples that Scott wants processed (wait for processing until Emily officially starts)

Make KB line map in Arc

layers: 1) outer outline, 2) inner lake outline, 3) blast locations (dark lines), 4) boundary of tephra area

Tasks for 3/6:

ship samples to Gavin

start LPSC poster (look up dimensions, organize layout)

search for paper(s) about texture and bugs, bring a couple suggestions to next meeting

Tasks for 11/7:

add points to ball part of Mordor

- write associated text

give powders to Borg

ask Hester for DTM

keep searching lit, email SH for ideas

check piece of frothy lava for density (more or less than water)

Review mission day briefs

contact Linda about transportation

Tasks for 10/31:

Finish two final powders

Try re-loading layers into ArcMap

contact Hester for help with tiff

Write ~1 p describing apparent patterns in map

try to find another paper on vesicles, send to SKN

Tasks for 10/24:

Email SKN pdf of map

do XRF powders with CB on Friday


Get topo map and add to map layers (see Hester)

Write ~1 p describing apparent patterns in map

Find paper on lava vesiculation (send to SKN)

Tasks for 10/10:

Meet with Carrie about projections

Fix map alignment

grind XRF powders

Tasks for 10/3:

sort out base layer for map

- combine complete map

find missing frothy rock

get trained on rock saw

coordinate with Borg to pick thin section orientations, XRF subsets (requires grinding, you'll need training) -> should be done consistently with other samples

If possible: cut thin sections and make XRF powder in shatterbox

Tasks for 9/26:

make map layer of frothy zones, separating by froth type

snag examples of frothy and dense material close to one another (make sure you bring the permit)

- minimum of 2 pairs, one from ball and other from stem

Tasks for 9/19:

make map layer of frothy zones, separating by froth type

snag examples of frothy and dense material close to one another (make sure you bring the permit)

- minimum of 2 pairs, one from ball and other from stem


Tasks for 3/15:

Erin: set up meeting with CB or a grad student about points displaying

- update map for clast size

- talk to Kate for Travel Auth

- poster design (talk to Alli)

- register and join GSA, do travel grant application

Alli: poster design (section titles and needed figures)

- check with Kate about Travel Auth

- work with Erin on poster layout

What are poster dimensions?

Tasks for 3/8:

use dark magic to connect photos to hole numbers (or find the missing sheet)

fix maps for largest clast size (average for 3 largest)

work with Kate to file Travel Authorizations

need to register for conference before 8 April (prices go up then)

sketch out rough ideas for poster design

look up stuff for travel grants (need to become members and register first)

Tasks for 3/1:

update masses for fixed max sizes

fix maps for largest clast size (average for 3 largest)

add hole numbers to photo file names

send clean typed copies of updated abstracts to SKN by 2/26

{review/edit abstracts; finish up LORs}

Tasks for 2/23:

check 32 mm and 64 mm sieves

add hole numbers to photo names

share updated maps

write "first" drafts of abstracts and 1-2 key figures for your poster

Tasks for 2/16:

Erin: send SKN info on NASA scholarships

Alli: update graphs (follow example)

Erin: look for point 10.6 (size)

Erin: check largest clasts for true size, for those >3.2 cm, need to extend sieves

Erin: round hole depths to nearest hundredth

chat with each other about how to divide posters

Arcmap keeps crashing when I try to upload the corrected excel sheet

Tasks for 2/9:

Check out GSA travel grants

Erin and Alli: send SKN info on NASA scholarships

Alli: add histograms with mass (see sheet 2)

Erin and Alli: work on NASA scholarship text

Erin: look for point 10.6 (size)

check largest clasts for true size, for those >3.2 cm, need to extend sieves

round hole depths the hundredths position

Tasks for 2/2:

Erin: put hole depths on map (1/28)

Erin: put max grain size labels on map (1/28)

Everyone: contour the maps

- Contours for 0, 20, 40, 60 cm (depth)

- Contours for grain size: pick something sane

Check out GSA travel grants

Erin and Alli: send SKN info on NASA scholarships

Alli: histograms showing componentry for the different holes by grain size

The zeros on the clast map are holes we did not get samples from. Also the hole depth numbers are in meters. Sorry they are big and annoying.

Tasks for over break:

Erin: put maps of hole depth and max grain size points in Drive folder (label points, don't worry about pretty contouring, just have on basemap)

All: contour the maps

- Contours for 0, 20, 40, 60 cm (depth)

- Contours for grain size: pick something sane

bring contours to meeting after break

email to figure out when we can meet next term

think about how to show data relationships

think about GSA abstract

Tasks for 11/20:

keep working on microscope analysis of fine grains

put grain size, mass, and % composition into tables for each measured unit

GIS map of sample locations

- tephra/dust thickness

- largest rock size

- average of ~3 biggest rocks

<put on some kind of basemap: National Map Viewer; check with Carrie about using 2 layers from collected XY data in project>

Tasks for 10/23 (email meeting):

complete final remaining sieve/mass measurements

start using microscope for differentiating eolian fraction in the small size divisions

for help with dust interpretation, send images with questions to SKN

{SKN: talk to Chris about putting graticule on existing sample map}

populate website

ASAP: visit Kate to set up travel authorization for field (must be for each name)

Tasks for 10/15:

finish sieving/weighing samples

start using microscope for differentiating eolian fraction in the small size divisions

see Hester about loading existing points and base imagery into Juno GPS (SKN check with CB about GPS access)

keep logging hours for later ref.

populate website

visit Kate to set up travel authorization for field (must be for each name)

Tasks for 9/4:

{plot up pit locations over aerial photo}

update UTM file

- convert size column to geometric average (a*b*c)^-1/3

- remove non-alphabet symbols (like %)

- convert depth to decimal meters

Use fine sieves to sort out <2 mm fraction

populate upper part of website

future: Use microscope in Pet Lab to figure out actual % eolian for small grain sizes