Ashley Shields

Ashley Shields

Geosciences PhD Student

Idaho State University


Program Goals:

6-month Goals:



- Apollo Draft to SKN

- Email ASU for HiRISE

- Clipping code

- Fill out the VM request

- Review RDC materials

- Email DC back



- How to bulk download hirise data

    -No bulk DTM download option

    -746 DTMs total


- Outline code for clipping

-Adding dimensionality to CNNs

    - This is problematic on its own - computationally demanding and effectively mutes data weights

    - Solution - identify and combine highly correlated variables

-Contact KB about RDC

- Update goals

- outline code for sed cover

    - Develop training dataset of pure classes

        - clip sections of homogenous classes (sediment, outcrop, ocean)

    - push heterogeneous RGB data through segmentation module


    - calculate percent sed cover from segmentation output

    - Use percent cover as training dataset

    - instead of a segmentation module, run through a standard classification

        - We have options here all built into scikit learn - one option is SVM for a simple but robust analysis


-Apollo Status

- Check in with DC

Tasks for 06/03

-Modify Class Code to Run Classification based on Curve values

-Incorp. Dunes into class code

-Run Classification Code

    - 30 m (0/42)

    - 30 m+ Class (0/42)

    - 15 m (0/42)

    - 3 m (0/42)

-Email AB about fellowship

-Remnant Classification

    -30 m 4 class

        - Run Remnant (0/42 completed)

        - Cluster Analysis  (0/42 completed)

        - Stats (0/42 completed)

        - Determine number of classes (0/42 completed)

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis of combined mean curves (2nd)

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

    -30 m 6 class

        - Run Remnant (0/42 completed)

        - Cluster Analysis  (0/42 completed)

        - Stats (0/42 completed)

        - Determine number of classes (0/42 completed)

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis of combined mean curves (2nd)

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

    -15 m

        - Run Remnant (0/42 completed)

        - Cluster Analysis  (0/42 completed)

        - Stats (0/42 completed)

        - Determine number of classes (0/42 completed)

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis of combined mean curves (2nd)

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

    -3 m

        - Run Remnant (0/42 completed)

        - Cluster Analysis  (0/42 completed)

        - Stats (0/42 completed)

        - Determine number of classes (0/42 completed)

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis of combined mean curves (2nd)

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

Tasks for 05/20

-Written exam corrections

-Revise Manuscript

-Classification Guidance

    -Meet with student, Student's advisor, and SKN

-Add patch overlap

-What do the curves look like for dunes?

-Remnant Classification

    -30 m 4 class

        -Expand Class Rules

        -Rerun AR/RMS/Class

        -Merge results

        -Visualize class results in Arc

        - Run Remnant

        - Cluster Analysis

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis (2nd)x

        - Stats

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

-Remnant Classification

    -30 m 6 class

        -Expand Class Rules

        -Rerun AR/RMS/Class

        -Merge results

        -Visualize class results in Arc

        - Run Remnant

        - Cluster Analysis

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis (2nd)x

        - Stats

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

    -15 m

        -Expand Class Rules

        -Rerun AR/RMS/Class

        -Merge results

        -Visualize class results in Arc

        - Run Remnant

        - Cluster Analysis

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis (2nd)

        - Stats

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

    -3 m

        -Rerun AR/RMS/Class

        -Merge results

        -Visualize class results in Arc

        - Merge Results in R

        - Run Remnant

        - Cluster Analysis

        - Combine Clusters (mean)

        - Cluster Analysis (2nd)

        - Stats

        - Define # classes and class rules

        - Incorporate results into Class code

        - Run class on test patch

        - Merge results in R

        - Import results into ArcMap

Tasks for 05/13

-Send SKN proposal

    -Send defense whenisgood (after SKN ok)

-Classification Guidance

    -Meet with student's advisor and SKN


    -Make class rules for MW30 6 class

    -Run code on test patch (0/36 completed)

-Remnant Classification

    - Fix code to be R-ready

    - Run Remnant Code

           - 30m

                - Run remnant code on 30m patch test (36/36 completed)

                -Merge results in R

                - Cluster Analysis

                - Stats

                - Define # classes and class rules

                - Incorporate results into Class code

                - Run class on test patch

                -Merge results in R

                -Import results into ArcMap


                - Run remnant code on 15m patch test (36/36 completed)

                - Merge results in R

                - Cluster Analysis

                - Stats

                - Define # classes and class rules

                - Incorporate results into Class code

                - Run class on test patch

                -Merge results in R

                -Import results into ArcMap


                - Run AR/RMS on new stamps

                - Rerun Class

                - Run remnant code on 3m patch test (0/36 completed)

                - Merge results in R

                - Cluster Analysis

                - Stats

                - Define # classes and class rules

                - Incorporate results into Class code

                - Run class on test patch

                -Merge results in R

                -Import results into ArcMap

-Intermediate Window Size (15m)

     -Merge Binned Data

    -Cluster Analysis

    -Generate stats and visualizations

    -Develop class rules

    _Incorporate class rules into code

    -Run classification code on patch test (36/36 completed)

    -Write and implement R code to merge patch stamps to single .csv

    -Import results into arcmap

Tasks for 05/06

-Revise Manuscript

     -Manuscript Geo Setting Revisions

     -Revise roughness for 3m

-RMS/AR 30 m Moving Window

    -Remnant Classification 

        -Write Code

            -Has bug that I'm struggling with 

            - Moved on to other tasks until we can review it together

        - Run remnant code on patch test (0/36 completed)

    -Try running workflow on six classes

        -Create Curves/Develop Class Rules

            -Results are indistinguishable - too much overlap

 -RMS/AR 3 m Remnant classification

    -Modify code for 3m window

    -Run remnant code on patch test (0/36 completed)

-Run RMS/AR/Classification on intermediate window size

    - (100/100 completed)

    -Generate historgrams for Max/Min

    -Bin Data

    -Merge Binned Data

    -Cluster Analysis

    -Generate stats and visualizations

    -Develop class rules

    _Incorporate class rules into code

    -Run classification code on patch test (0/36 completed)

    -Import results into arcmap

Tasks for 04/29

-Revise Manuscript

     -Manuscript Geo Setting Revisions

     -Revise roughness for 3m

-RMS/AR 30 m Moving Window

    -How do new classes relate to old classes

    -Develop Class Rules

    -Incorporate Rules into code

    -Test Patch

        -Run AR and RMS and Class codes on test patch w/ 30 m window (36/36 finished)

        -Import results into ArcMap

        -Rasterize Results

            -IDW + INT


         -Sketch out code

                -Input = Classification Output

                -Ignore cells where final class .ne. zero

                -Bin results over moving window

                -Output X,Y,Z, RMS Bins

                -Output X,Y,Z, AR Bins

        -Write Code

        - Run remnant code on patch test (0/36 completed)

-Make Slides for SKN Weekly Meeting

-Add progress to MDAP slides for next meeting


Tasks for 4/22

-Mars Geologic Setting

    -Familiarize myself with Mars' volcanic regions

    -Manuscript Geo Setting Revisions

-Revise Manuscript figures based on smoothness reassessment

    -Also relevant text

-Determine no. classes for 30m window

    -develop colorized charts

    -develop classification rules

    -Incorporate into classification code

-Run new classification code on test patch (0/36 finished)

-Put progress into MDAP slides for next meeting

Tasks for 04/08

-Finish Prospectus Revisions

    -Make document to send to tyler

-Reassess categories for smoothness

    -Revise Figure

-Process tails on RMS and AR

    -Consider more bins

-Cluster analysis for 30m results


    -Select number of classes

-Assess unclassified areas

    -What can it do when it doesn't know what it has and comes out as inconclusive

-Slides for MDAP meeting

-Finish Manuscript Geo Setting Revisions

Tasks for 04/01

-Proof read draft

-Send to Tyler

-Edit Tyler's draft

-Histogram of raw data

-Finish 30m data analysis/stats

-Suniti slides

-Revise manuscript draft

Tasks 3/18

-Add sources to prospectus slides

-Write prospectus draft

-Finish 30m data analysis/stats

Tasks for 3/11:


 - revise background

        - In progress but not done

 - expand AR/RMS methods

Revise slides

Figure out defense day/time

      - SG asked for reminder to fill poll closer to the dates

Tasks for 3/4:

Solid methods draft

Incorporate Intro revisions from SKN

        --Done except for the final section that needs additional research and rewrite

Put together presentation for Suniti

Organize dataset and send to Matt at INL

Meet with Emily

Outline prospectus/slides

  - email committee about altered timeline

Tasks 2/12:

Written exam

Moar draft writing: methods

Process more area

Other morphologies?

Tasks 2/5:

{SKN finish comments; send}

Keep reading for exam prep

Process more area (HiRISE)

Process more area with overlapping MOLA

  - are there areas you disagree with

Moar draft writing: methods

Register for C3

Poster rough draft

Tasks 1/27:

Revise Dispatch

{SKN: read/comment on RMS/AR draft - Introduction - emailed}

Read material for exam prep

decide final date for written exam

Figure out what the classifications represent - assign name, find interpretation (if possible)

Run code over previously mapped zone of Mars

  - find DTM

  - find map

Run code for MOLA

Continue writing draft

Tasks for 1/20:

read material from Sarah about clustering/classification

update classification code

write a dispatch -- Emailed working draft - not quite done

schedule/meet with committee members for exam discussion

schedule date for written exam

(re)write intro/background for paper

Tasks for 12/4:

AGU poster

2nd priority: paper

  - send SKN map images of interpretations and base imagery (transparent?)

  - work on text in the background as able

Tasks for 10/11:

update classification boundaries

Update code and run

Look for journals that would be good fit for Apollo paper

start folder of submarine hydrothermal papers

   - start notes sheet

set appointments for 6 week check-in

   - ask SG about access to spatial videos

Tasks for 10/4:

-Organize data

-run stats

-plot var to determine classes

-make charts and colorize rms/ar data

-run bounding code (follow up - calculated in excel instead)

-test run through class code

-reply - oral exam (requested week following thanksgiving break)

-outline apollo goals

Tasks for 09/10:

-Re bin RMS


    -Run denodrogram

    -Run kmeans

-Calculate stats (determine # classes)

-Sort training data

-Clean final class code

-Find that bug

-Look up classification algorithms


Tasks for 08/23:

- Get code working and prepare graphic for SKN

- Flag/Map manuscript

- If done early extract 6 datasets and run through codes

- Seek out new classification areas

Tasks for some mystery date

-Address edits from SW, TP, and PL

    -Mostly done - writing is spiffed up but I need to diversify my references and refine a couple sections

-Correct color coding on figures

-Contact HM for AR code

    -Keep on list for next week

-Extract bounding equations for RMS

    -talked to SKN - need to figure out problem in binning

-Draft code for classification

    -Code is done - just needs bounding equations to be input

Tasks for 2/28:

Finish draft

 - add holder spaces for stuff below

 - write code to categorize new areas based on the existing rules (or failed matches)

    - we want 1-2 nice figures showing automatically classified morphology

Tasks for 2/21:

read lola/mola papers for citations

write first draft of paper

Tasks for 1/7:

redo detrend to be much coarser

process multiple patches for each of 5-10 different morphologies

compare distributions of values between morphologies

write first draft of intro/methods (start with outline)

Tasks for 1/17:

Mail thin section billets

Mail Scott thin sections

    - send scott tracking number

Test AR code update

Run a bunch of RMS for HiRISE (also AR if it actually works)

    - Develop a plan (Plan detailed below)

    -Clip area of interest

    - Add 3000 meters to make positive

    - Detrend data

    - Subset portion of hirise scene into overlapping 50x50 m squares (10 m overlap for 63 boxes)

    - Create model builder and process data (63/63)

        -Convert raster to point

        -Add XY values

        -Export to .csv

    - RMS (63/63)

        - Run each .csv through RMS

        - Convert each .csv to points

        - Export each .csv to feature class

        - Merge all csv into one file

        - Convert csv points to raster

        - Start grouping by values

    - AR (63/63) - Find bug in code!!

         - Run each .csv through AR

        - Convert each .csv to points

        - Export each .csv to feature class

        - Merge all csv into one file

        - Convert merged csv to raster

        - Start grouping by values

-Look at ortho imagery of hirise study area to help identify break values

Tasks for 12/20 (email):

Run codes for additional hirise data

   - see if you can get areas with lava, but do not sweat

Thin sections

  - check form with SKN

  - ship thin sections

Read/summarize a paper terrain analysis (look for LOLA paper)

Tasks for 12/13:

Run codes for additional hirise data

   - see if you can get areas with lava, but do not sweat

Get thin section form (epoxy, polished surface, etc.)

  - check form with SKN

  - ship thin sections

Mark thin section priority sides

Read/summarize a paper terrain analysis (look for LOLA paper)

Emergency assistance for proposal

Tasks for 12/6:

Test codes on lava channel

   - put together simple report with figures showing different textures 

cut rocks for Angela

   - prioritize billets

   - track all activity in shared gsheet

Read paper on athabasca lava coils (Ryan and Christensen) and summarize

Classification w/ consolidated ROIs

Check paper - field area overlap

Tasks for 11/28:

Download HiRISE for Athabasca Valles or another lava-dominated scene

Use RMS and AR code on HiRISE

    -AR Issues

Figure out code spacing problem

Eat way too much food, especially pie

Do good works for other humans

Put together decision report on paper

detrend loihi using the hires method, see if that improves anything

CG Figure

Tasks for 11/8:

Code: fix number of cells in each direction (should fix bug)

   - run HiRISE

    - New problem :)

Look for German paper on Gorda for positions, try to make general bounding box (lava and sea cliffs) and send in GE

Compile lousy Loihi correlations into a report we can circulate to SUBSEA

Email SKN with RS recommendation for Iceland

Meet with EC 11/05 @9am

Meet with CR 11/02 @12pm

Email TC loihi dem

Tasks for 11/1:

Add lots of comments to code to find crashing line; use small dataset *unknown amount of time. Start, but don't stress finishing

  - debug

  - run HiRISE

(Read/summarize a relevant paper - lower priority)

Collect Data and Literature for Cruise B

  - need to know map boundaries and existing bathy resolution

Accept changes to Dispatch, send figures as separate files

  - {post Dispatch}

Correlate observation points at Loihi to rugosity, slope, standDev 

-Ship Iceland Samples

Tasks for 10/23:

Add lots of comments to code to find crashing line; use small dataset *unknown amount of time. Start, but don't stress finishing

  - debug

  - run HiRISE

(Read/summarize a relevant paper - lower priority)

-Collect Data and Literature for Cruise B

 Write Dispatch draft





Do Loihi detrend 

- Start on SUBSEA samples

    - Move to AS/AG office

    - Organize by priority

    - Take first round of photographs for morphology (in bag)

    - Take second round of photographs for morphology (out of bag)

-Email CG for basemaps and field boundaries

Tasks for 10/18:

Reach out to Emily about rock room help

Finish sample prep

Get feedback from Angela on Loihi Plan of Attack doc

Play with fishnet size for detrending Loihi

Complete run of Craters

Let SKN know when H arrives

Write Dispatch draft





Try to run code on HiRISE

    -HiRISE data structured differently due to projection - makes it hog more memory (but I think the code works because the preliminary numbers make sense). 

    -Maybe I should get HPC access again?

Tasks 10/11:

Continue prepping samples

  - Scott's Iceland samples (10 of 24)


  - Organize/orient for Hawaii 2018 samples

        -See Loihi Plan of Attack document

Acquire HiRISE scenes

    -Syrtis Region

Try version of code that divides RMS at cell by the average (ABS) depth value, compare to detrended RMS output

   - Do this for Loihi & COTM

    -started but needs tweaking

Talk to H about possible housing

Pick a paper for a Dispatch

     -Wrote to ask for paper

     -Received from author

Tasks for 9/27:

Continue prepping samples

  - Scott's Iceland samples (10 of 24)

  - Organize/orient for Hawaii 2018 samples

Find bestiary and Mike notes and make accessible

Work on acquiring HiRISE scenes

Meet with Stacy

Try version of code that divides RMS at cell by the average (ABS) depth value, compare to detrended RMS output

   - Do this for Loihi & COTM

    ---Detrending complete (clip - fishnet - extract values to point - interpolate - raster calc [abs(float(detrend)-float(original))] - raster to point - add xy coordinates - export as ascii)

K2 maps/reply

Tasks for 8/7:

Continue prepping samples

  - Scott's Iceland samples (10 of 24)

  - Organize/orient for Hawaii 2018 samples

Start accumulating Mars DEMs, as high res as possible

Figure out problem with large-area Loihi test of RMS code

Re-run Loihi small area RMS using detrended version of DEM

Try version of code that divides RMS at cell by the average (ABS) depth value, compare to detrended RMS output

   - Do this for Loihi & COTM

Read/summarize a research paper

Tasks for 7/31:

Run RMS code on another 2 files to text; look at results to see if sane

   - if passes tests, send to SKN to pass to Hester

Continue prepping samples

  - Scott's Iceland samples (10 of 24)

  - Organize/orient for Hawaii 2018 samples

Try using re-sampled DEM to keep rugosity calculations at 5m/pix

Dispatch: glue Figs 1 a-c together and 2 a-b together.

   - {SKN: upload}

Start accumulating Mars DEMs, as high res as possible

Tasks for 7/24:

Finish revising RMS code

  - put in detailed comments

Prep samples (work with AG)

    -5 of 24 done

Cave stuff: explicitly state that there is no measurable change in chemistry or mineralogy

  - send geochem/pet report to SKN {SKN send to Sarah J}

Loihi roughness:

  - subtract coarse DTM from fine DTM to remove large-scale terrain. Process residual for roughness.

Contact DD, SG? for committee?

Revise Dispatch

Tasks for 7/17:

{SKN: actually post dispatches this time.}

Review HM code, try to debug

    - Have print out w/ question

Read/summarize 2-3 Mars papers

Email Scott to work out detailed sample prep plan, begin work (loop in EC/AG as needed)

   - Got detailed instructions from SH

    - sample prep (samples are cataloged, rock room cleaned up, ready to prep)

Double check error in XRF data; should be in table - 

        --find in table. forwarded to SKN in case I missed it. Should I contact EC?

Add petrographic results to geochem report

<after confirming error, we will send geochem report to Sarah J.>

Digitize DTM regions for Loihi

    -Watershed tool for polygons, TRI for roughness, Zonal stats Mean TRI for each waterhsed

Look up written exam rules - Link - pg 8

    -The total exam time should be 8-12 hours and be completed within one week

Tasks for 7/2:

Revise Dispatch

{SKN: actually post dispatches this time.}

Keep reading

Ping HM to get data for code testing -- done, asked for .csv as well as completed calculations. Will work on building a code once I have the documents.

Write code to calculate line of best fit -- I thought about it after our meeting and realized that I don't actually care what the line equation is for the unclassified data. I just need to calculate the actual bin values to compare to HM equations (basically automate the excel work and then directly compare to HM curves)

   - linear

   - X^2

   - more as you get the hang of it

    - Automate excel work and directly compare bin values to curves.

Scott samples

Write brief, but clean summary of cave geochem

    - only state significant changes

    - include graphs

Tasks for 6/19:

mull over Regolith, make list of pros/cons, questions

Cave samples: geochemistry interior vs. exterior?

Finish video when authorized

{SKN: post dispatch}


   - revise

   - edit AG

   - bring to next meeting

Read/summarize more papers

   - prioritize favorites for discussion

Modify HM tasklist

   - write code outline, consider starting work using fake data/equations

Tasks for 6/8:

Find good stat tool for comparing - No real way with what we have

Re-upload mineral distribution figures

Cave point counts

  - redo Needles, based on MM feedback

  - same process as frothy/dense

  - is the stuff on the inside the same as on the outside? - Petro: Yes

  - Are any minerals altered to clay? - No

Update thin section instructions (polished, no slide)

Finish video part 2, subtitles - DD told to hold off

Revise Dispatch, send to SKN with images as separate files

Read/summarize 4 papers

Make list of directions you want to research, place list of papers under topics; keep pulling from this list as you have time (read/summarize)

Coordinate with HM on curves; schedule Zoom meeting - June 02, 11am

   - start making task list, including a data needs list


    - Write

    - Revise

    - Edit AG Dispatch

Look through Nautilus live videos - sample collection 

Collaborate on MM notes with AG & CB

Update Instructions - Cleaning Samples

Figure - From MM

Read Mars RH Proposal

Tasks for 5/18:

Revise charts, including error ranges for each type

  - ANOVA?

  - Write ANOVA tutorial

  - Write paragraph explaining which sets are statistically the same, and which are different (phenocrysts)

Look through notes for Erin's sample justifications

Cave point counts ( Needle Interior, Needle Exterior, Last Chance Interior, Last Chance Exterior)

  - same process as frothy/dense

  - is the stuff on the inside the same as on the outside?

  - Are any minerals altered to clay?

  - Meeting with MM to review questions 5/18

Look at Angela posters, revise for Ocean Worlds sing SKN's abstract

   make fit Ocean Worlds dimensions 

   spans whole project, not just us

   adjust audience pitch

   email SKN when done


Finish video

   - Part 1: Finish Video, Add Subtitles

   - Part 2: Finish Video, Add Subtitles

Start SUBSEA reading team (Decided to do dispatches)

    - Write Dispatch

    - Edit AG Dispatch

    - Revise Dispatch

   - keep SKN in loop of papers - see Anthony_2018_Columnar_Jointing on Drive.

Review AG prospectus (if time)

Outreach (Rock ID)

Tasks for 5/7:

Make phenocryst normalized charts

update chart colors for consistency

Finish video stuff (if possible)

Tasks for 4/30:

Calculate error estimates on point counts (see Angela for document)

Turn point counts into figures

Keep going on video stuff

Read/summarize 2 papers (remaining bathymetry, Mars textures)

Email Erin S for info on why she collected the specific frothy/dense samples that she did - One from ball and one from stem - Details in SKN Field Book

Summer expectations

Tasks for 4/23:

Compare point counts -- make draft of analysis doc

Read/summarize Gregg and Fink, one of the bathymetry papers

Catch up on video stuff

If 6628 students ask for help, be kind

Tasks for 4/16:

Make/manage files for point counts

Compare point counts -- make draft of analysis doc

Write 2 more summaries, focus on lava morphology

Next steps for video

Teach 6628, 3391

Tasks for 4/2:

Revise Dispatch to include info on hotspot/mantle

Do point counts

Write 2 more summaries

Work on video

Tasks for 3/28:

Update target deadlines

Revise Dispatch

Write another 2 summaries

Find Erin Sandmeyer thin sections: frothy and dense

   - point count

Request key access to petrography room

{SKN: send slides for Bad Geo Movies}

Plan for programming

Tasks for 3/19:

Transfer video files 

Do Task 3, Task 4, and Task 7 on video list - DD fixing computer

Draft Dispatch

Find 3-5 more articles

Read another paper

Reschedule 3/26 Meeting

Tasks for 3/12:

Once you have CAVE access dates, update objectives timeline for video tasklist

Read/summarize 2 papers

Pick new Dispatch paper (read it)

  -outline Dispatch

Transfer video files -- No file access. Meeting with CO to get files.

Do #4 on video list -- No file access. Meeting with CO to get files.

Reschedule 3/26 meeting

Tasks for 3/7:

Accept revisions to Dispatch

Mail thin sections

Get quote for geochem approved by SKN, then ship

Figure out CAVE access, where files are -- contacted DD

Put goal dates for various tasks into video plan - contacted DD about access

Read/summarize 1 paper

Tasks for 2/26:

Mail thin sections

Get quote for geochem approved by SKN, then ship

Figure out CAVE access, where files are

Put goal dates for various tasks into video plan

Read/summarize 2 new papers

sort papers into theme folders

Revise dispatch

Tasks for 2/20:

revise dispatch

Ship lava tube samples for thin sections

Email Borg about BYU geochem foms

  - fill out, check with SKN, ship powders

Read 2 more papers

Talk to DD to work out specific expectations for video

    - see if undergrad assistance is available

    - make checklist/scene list (what imagery or task do you need to show?)

Tasks for 2/12:

re-ping on keys

Add 3-5 more papers to reading list

"Public Facing" summary of recent paper

Read another 2 papers

Prep lava tube pairs + Other samples

(Reschedule Feb 19 Meeting - President's day)

(Lava Videos)

Tasks for 2/5:

Add 3-5 more papers to reading list

  - one about lava tube habitability

prep lava tube rock pairs - Need keys

Read another 2 papers and summarize

Look through thin sections

Look up Harker diagrams, interpretation

   - write a paragraph

Tasks for 1/30:

{Find petrographic texture source to send over}

Read/summarize Garcia et al. (2006) Geology, geochemistry... Loihi

Check out the USGS Hawaii volcanoes report (see link)

  - put together reading list (this source and others)

Meet with CB (rock room training)

Read manuscript drafts (focus on S3 & S2)

Look through thin sections

Talk to AG about scope camera

Tasks for 1/22:

Fill in above line

Read manuscript drafts (focus on S3 & S2)

Coordinate with CB for rock room training - 1pm 1/24

Look through thin sections, petrology textbook, petrography textbook

Pick a SUBSEA paper, read, write summary