Meghan Fisher

Research Project:

Volcanic plumes will transition from a momentum driven gas-thrust region to a buoyancy driven convective region if the plume entrains a sufficient amount of air. This bimodal nature results in complex entrainment scenarios, which are not fully described by most of the current plume models. The current entertainment models that do not use direct Navier-Stokes calculations are derived from Morton et al., 1956 (MTT) where the entrainment rate is treated as a constant. Subsequent studies of volcanic plumes and cumulus clouds have proven this to be a dramatic oversimplification. Scientists have attempted to resolve the discrepancies in several ways, including subdividing the plume, changing the entrainment rate as a function of plume curvature, and using top hat cumulus cloud models.

I will develop an analytical model that dynamically relates entrainment to plume characteristics, including height, diameter, density, velocity, and vorticity. I hypothesize that a dynamic entrainment rate throughout the plume can be determined using the turbulent eddy structures, density distribution, and vertical velocities.  I will replicate scaled versions of eruption plumes in an analogue tank environment to produce three dimensional velocity fields using HD video in conjunction with FlowJ (a toolbox from the image processing software ImageJ) and digital particle image velocimetry.  The density field can be determined by using a separate set of experiments to create a map between RGB pixel color and dye concentration/fluid density that can then be extracted from individual frames of eruption video.  Using hydrophones, I will track eddy scales in the plume that can be used to create a plume eddy signal library to be used for later field testing.   This new dynamic entrainment rate can be applied to source parameter models to better constrain plume height and mass eruption rate that are used to track tephra dispersion for hazard assessment

General Program goals: 

Over the course of my course of study, I plan to produce three papers relating to my dissertation research, all published within a year of completing my degree and five abstracts to professional meetings resulting in at least one oral presentation and acceptance to one peer-reviewed conference.  I hope to develop skills in:

Six Month (July 2016) Goals:

SKN: Ping KC

First focus: CAGEO

Push on Tank paper (tie together with EddyJ, relate to Bursik's curved version, compare to Popo video to show application)

After Tank paper, refocus on MATHAM

   - incorporate Bryan's stability work into MATHAM2 (need 0.5 m/s wind in both papers)

MF: email "original message" log to SKN from missing emails

-----Ireland hiatus----------

Activities for 3/21:

Finish CAGEO revisions and send to SKN/KC

email KC about KC paper

send tank figures to SKN, plus bullet points of main messages

Finish Drive organization

finish and send short report on hydrophone to SKN (follow up during defense visit)

{SKN: Give Shiloh $10 for tote}

Activities for 3/7:

send tank figures to SKN, plus bullet points of main messages

work on tank draft text 

LPSC: bold Fig 1, uses -> use, kill guide box in title, edit extra line in table, isotherm -> isothermal, empirically, (rephrase "Like terrestrial volcanic..." sentence), Fig 5 unbold "Comparison", "only heights from stable plumes" in Fig 5 caption, "Navier-Stokes" (keep hyphen), "stablitity" -> stability, FINESSE (add an E)

Finish Drive organization

CAGEO: fix fig 4 (now 5), update figure numbers

{SKN: Re-read CAGEO}

run tank with hydrophones; write short report

give receipts to SKN

Activities for 2/21:

send tank figures to SKN, plus bullet points of main messages

work on tank draft text (complete draft to SKN by 2/17)

send LPSC poster to SKN

go through Drive and organize drafts into folders, giving SKN top-folder access

finish CAGEO edits, send to SKN and KC (2/13?)

run tank with hydrophones in it

buy totes and organize tank gear (SKN will reimburse)

Activities for 1/30:

{SKN revise CAGEO}

email KC to check on review status

send tank figures to SKN, plus bullet points of main messages

work on tank draft text (complete draft to SKN by 2/6)

train SKN on tank - write user manual

finish LPSC poster

fix draft access (general)

Activities for 12/7:

resend poster to SKN

reply with draft to SKN and KC

send additional email to Suniti (cc me) that checks to see if it came through

finish entrainment text in MATHAM1 draft

clarify in text that new entrainment value is valid/justified, not just that it gives an answer that better matches atham (how does this relate to reality)

  - check mass flux vs. volume flux, effects of variable entrainment rates

finish 3rd low-ambient velocity run

{SKN review CAGEO}

Make appointment to get help with stress/email - send SKN evidence

Activities for 10/2:

finish AGU poster draft (send to SKN)

connect with MMG about glacier storage

incorporate entrainment text into MATHAM1 draft

forward Suniti email to SKN

Authorize KC on google docs for zip-up paper

update/upload resume

finish calculating entrainment values for MATHAM1

run code for extremely low wind, checking stability change

incorporate edits from KC

{SKN review MATHAM1}

<Carrot and stick for email check-ins while SKN is in the field: must send email update for regular meetings. If not done on time, owe Shiloh 1 week dishes; If done SKN owes coffee>

Activities for 10/28:

finish results section for MATHAM1

forward Suniti email to SKN

10 tank runs of water/heat eruptions (no salt or iso)

refresh CAGEO access for KC, send email

share edit access for KC draft (with email) to KC and SKN

finish AGU poster

Send SC stuff to SKN

Activities for 10/19:

work on results section MATHAM1

Follow-up on Suniti email - include summary figure, figure about atmospheres, and description of what you did. Goal: sanity check for us before getting to submission 

Test tank for thermal case, decide if these work (proof of concept stage) - need to chat with you

Finish current suite of revisions on CAGEO

Finish manuscript prep work for CAGEO (see list from last week) 

Continue on AGU poster (goal: send to SKN by 10/31) - needs 2 figs then done

Send SC stuff to SKN

Activities for 10/12:

send videos to committee, and thank them for meeting

EddyJ -> update files

work on results section MATHAM1 - working on it

Follow-up on Suniti email - did partial followup (do not have a figure done)

Finish remaining 10 tank runs, decide if you need more - are we adding heat? 

Type/send fellowship timeline to SKN

find deGruyter and Bonadonna paper on 1D collapse model

rework intro/methods for MATHAM2

* revise CAGEO, KC - with new figure 1 for CAGEO

{SKN: send file access to KC for both manuscripts}

<Can we submit in a week???>

                Tasks needed for submission:

                    - Title Page

                    - Acknowledgments

                    - References - recheck to be sure are in correct format

                    - Figures 

                    Note: code not needed till acceptance where it will go on the iamc server (update to ImageJ?); that needs

                            - readme.txt file

                            - user manual

                            - example (with images)

                            - example output

                            - source code and compiled code



Activities for 10/5:

insert figures into CAGEO draft --- (MF: which figures)

add additional dashed line to KC figure

After falcon resumes: finish windy conditions----7 more to go!

Send SC poster to mentor

Send slides to SKN as soon as recovered

IMMEDIATELY: go back up all important things on DRIVE

send annotated MATHAM output to SKN (as soon as recovered from computer)

email Suniti with update, cc SKN

complete results section for MATHAM1 ---rewrote intro and methods for MATHAM 1 instead

start tank runs of tank paper 2, complete 20 runs ---- 10 runs completed

{SKN: adjust last paragraph in KC paper and send to KC and MF; review CAGEO} 

Map out fellowship tasks/needs

comm meeting dry run: 

make slide printouts for comm meeting

(later: rework introductions for MATHAM papers based on theme redistribution)

Activities 9/28:

Email KZ about conference room reservation

test flow meter and new epoxy

finish windy conditions

finish SC poster, send to mentor

Commit to 60 minutes writing per day

add paper summaries to slides

Present dry run to SKN on 9/26, 1-2pm

Add figures to KC

{SKN: finish reviews, send KC to KC and MF}

look up dpi requirements for JVGR images

Activities for 9/21:

test flow meter (it leaked --- needed to add epoxy to a joint - drying until 9/21 evening)

Start MATHAM wind

 - do terrestrial wind equivalents next

Re-contact DD about schedule

 - announce meeting time

Add figures to SC poster (full copy due Oct 1)

change plume height/collapse in automated comparison code

Again: commit to 60 minutes writing every day

{SKN: read/review CAGEO and KC}

make powerpoint for committee meeting, include timeline, paper summaries

fix MATHAM1 access

Activities for 9/14:

install flow meter

fix Mars manuscript access for SKN

email KC about video from Cerro Negro

  - process with code 

Finish MATHAM runs

Figure out % ash for boundary based on vertical velocity profiles -- should be defensible

contact committee to set up meeting

{SKN: read/review CAGEO and KC}

work on poster for SC

automate ATHAM output comparisons

commit to writing 60min every day

give rubrics and updates to SARAH (cc SKN on email)

Activities for 8/10 (email check-in):

long term: viz stuff? 

  - Talk to Bryan about viz tools

CAGEO (goal submission 9/1):

  - finish making GUI pretty

  - update manuscript for new toolbox

  - send to SKN for review by 8/10

Keep running MATHAM conditions

Keep writing on 2 Mars papers (anchor vent sizes and speeds to literature, remember to discuss how this relates to style of eruption [e.g., not strombolian])

share Mars papers to SKN

Zip-up paper: incorporate updates into draft and to SKN by 8/13 

Optional, out-goals:

  - email KC about video from Cerro Negro(?) 

  - process with code (?)

Need to make videos of MATHAM eruptions

  - How to define collapse?

Install flow meter

Activities for 7/20 (submit status update report via email):

CAGEO (to do by 7/27):

  - incorporate pre-processing

  - implement video generation in java

  - make GUI pretty

re-run ATHAM to compare across humidity

link new module for MATHAM 

Women in HPC due 7/24 (for SC) (send SKN abstract for review, as well as summary of abstract expectations from conference)

AGU abstracts due ~8/1 (compare atmospheric profiles, compare to Earth)

Do first round edits on 2 Mars papers, be prepared to send to SKN on 7/27

Keep writing on 2 Mars papers

Add to KC paper: how does natural system impact model relationships? (think about qualitative agreement between timing and entrainment peaks; impacts of natural systems having multiple structures; impact of asymmetry; etc.)

Activities while SKN in Field:

Implemented M-ATHAM

M-ATHAM runs (in progress)

Intro and methods for early Mars M-ATHAM paper (written; needs edits)

Intro and methods for early Mars vs current Mars vs Earth (+/- wind) M-ATHAM paper (written; needs edits!!!!!!!!!!!)

CAGEO - streamlining Java toolbox

    - got rid of .FLOW binary save structure; now .csv file

    -added way to add conversion factor in Java

    -added way to show actual frame under flow

    -found Java library that lets you create quiver plots:

        - want to add this to FlowJ (note needs way to control quiver density)

    - found Java library for video creation

Activities for 6/8 (email meeting):

Break out smaller task steps in summer plan

Make easy checklist version

Finish KC integration

CAGEO: edit intro, methodology

Write structured outline of summer papers (earth vs. Mars; Mars' atmospheric possibilities; targeting Icarus)

Note: need FLIR for tank; paper 2 on hold temporarily

Activities for 5/12:

KC paper: complete figures

Write text for 3D effects on zip-up causing sequence

finish GSA talk slides, send to SKN

Activities for 4/28:

KC paper: evaluate vector compositions in images (histograms)

 - experiment with visualization (color to indicate magnitude?)

send flow meter email to SKN

Paper2: negatively buoyant plume figures complete

prep 3D figure and associated text for paper1

Activities for 4/21:

clean up edits on figures

redo poster edits that were lost

work on paper2 plots

prep 3D figure and associated text for paper1

{SKN edit}

Activities for 3/17:


Zip-up tank run with short duration (head NOT at tank roof)

Poster draft

KC paper: figures done

Activities for 3/10:

apply for travel funds (GSA and grad school)

tank runs for KC paper complete

start KC figures/vectors (bring examples/sketches)


SC16: figure out what presenting  Viz Showcase

Activities for 3/3:

update paper2 outline for deadlines:

  - finish tank runs 3/24

  - equation validation: 3/31

  - plots: 4/12

  - other equations: 4/15

  - draft complete: 5/9

Timeline for KC paper:

  - tank runs (neutral buoyancy, orthogonal): 3/7

  - Figures: 3/14

  - FlowJ vectors: 3/14

  - add appropriate text to manuscript: 3/23

Tank runs

Submit RM GSA

Apply to GSA travel grant

Activities for 2/25:

write outline of paper 2, emphasize which things are done and which are to-do

{SKN: deal with camera options}

continue tank

checklist of what we need for go-forward on KC paper (start doing checklist)

prep timeline for SC

prep abstract for RM GSA (due 3/1)

Activities for 2/18:

{SKN: deal with camera options}

send 3D expanded text to SKN by 2/15

send ISG to SKN 2/11

{ISGC, manuscript}

ISGC: add text explaining MATHAM timeline

finish email to MN (cc SKN)

video with new tank configuration, with stereo (add 3rd camera looking orthogonally for comparison)

Activities for 2/11:

send links to thermal cameras, with brief pro-con bullet point summary

experiment with white bedsheets solution to light reflection

expand on 3D text

{submit LOR, review ISGC, review manuscript}

send ISGC to SKN 2/4

summer reg. and send email notification to SKN and MN, stating that cost will come from ISGC grant, does not yet have index number 

Activities for 2/4:

3D report (1/28)

email Donna re: thermal camera

research price and capabilities of phone adaptation FLIR

send MVO edits (1/28)

Blue Water due 2/3

ISGC due 2/16

{review applications}

commit 2 hrs to ATHAM

Activities for 12/7:

{SKN read/edit draft}

finish and send 3D report (see below)

Write research question matrix for tank experiments

complete MVO edits and send to SKN

send current poster draft 11/30

finish poster final draft

talk to Diana about poster printing

Activities for 11/30:

forward email to Susie to SKN

{SKN: read/edit draft}

add text to 3D report succinctly evaluating usability: emphasis on how this will improve results/interpretations

Resend pdfs

Re-work MVO text based on discussion/comments

Finish AGU Poster

Activities for 11/23:

{SKN: read/edit draft}

add text to 3D report succinctly evaluating usability: emphasis on how this will improve results/interpretations

Resend pdfs, 3D flow document needs figures

Re-work MVO text based on discussion/comments

re-email Susie to see if she's had a chance to check

make poster, must send to SKN by EOB Friday. Do not cross off to-do list until receipt confirmed

Activities for 11/9:

(Doing shit-tonne of dishes for Shiloh)


{send email address for Susie}

Email Susie re: ISGC fellowship options

finish MVO short report (keep it short)

RESEND 3D point cloud report

start thinking about AGU poster

Activities for 10/19 (email):

Manuscript draft done by end-of-day 10/18 (Sunday). See email for reward/threat scheme

send video and report to SKN

send 3D point cloud report to SKN

Activities for 10/12:

Complete manuscript updates


Follow up with graduate school about AGU funding

Record short burst and medium burst tank eruptions for KC comparison

Prep document and video to send to MVO to ask for more details

Activities for 10/5:

send 3D point cloud image from tank to SKN

  - finish automation for 4D cloud

  - incorporate into mini summary

EOD 9/28: send Dispatch updates

{Finish editing manuscript}

Activities for 9/28:

EOD 9/22: send ISGC draft to SKN (carrot and stick: do Shiloh's laundry for a month or coffee)

send 3D point cloud image from tank to SKN

  - finish automation for 4D cloud

  - incorporate into mini summary

Update fig 4 from manuscript per discussion 

Fill out budget. etc., for AGU support ASAP

work out paraview meeting with Bryan

install new atham

edit Dispatch

send SKN and BN vector image from atham

{Edit ISGC}

{Edit manuscript}

(future reference: use atham or tank to validate KC's 2/3D issue) 

Activities for 9/14:

update ISGC proposal (when comments arrive) (due 9/28)

cross-check ISGC requirements (research initiation)

Write mini summary of 3D use, usefulness


continue to follow up with Bryan on Paraview viz

resend email with manuscript draft

check on AGU funding

{Review manuscript draft}

ATHAM: make tank scale version

Activities for 8/31:

fix outtake valve

contact company about flowmeter (cc SKN)

{follow up with ISGC of proposal feedback; turns into edits}

do a tank run with 2 cameras to test 3D photogrammetry option 

Write another Dispatch

make up calendar showing research blocks vs. teaching/grading, etc.

run ATHAM for tank similarity; display output (Bryan)

Activities for 7/24:

edit manuscript

AGU abstract draft!

make plot of falcon code times

isgc: draft! (USE PACKET) to SKN by end of Monday

isgc: budget -> must get to SKN by end of 7/17

{deal with cost sharing forms, cayuse}

Activities for 7/17:

resend manuscript with figures ASAP

time falcon code 

lit search: extraterrestrial explosive volcanic modeling (goal: July 26 seed project deadline)

seed project - opening paragraph

send SKN papers showing PIV cross sections with laminar central flow

Make figure(s) showing change in velocity and density for specific eddies (AGU) 

Activities for 7/10:

run CAVE code on falcon

  (debug CAVE code based on any errors that arise)

clean up figures for manuscript

write wish list for in-plume measurements: cross-sectional vertical velocity profile, cross-sectional density profile, cross sectional grain size distribution

revisit mid- and long-term goals

Activities for 6/26 (email meeting):

try modified wind rose diagram with bulk fluid rise subtracted from all vectors

keep writing. Updated draft due 7/3. {reward: lunch!; punishment: do the dishes for a week

mail flowmeter

set off tank again

make GDAL/CAVE code pretty

run CAVE code on falcon

Activities for 6/19:

send wind rose diagrams

make decision on manual/guide, update accordingly

15 min per day on manuscript

send SKN list of manuscript updates

mail flowmeter

set off tank once


Activities for 5/5 (note day change):

figures: wind rose version of direction vs frequency (or split by x vs y in cartesian)

make figure demonstrating agreement between vectors and plume front apparent velocity

write brief manual/guide (README), find a victim/volunteer and ask them to run the code

start incorporating updates into draft; must submit list of updated content

figure out tank pressurization issue

{mail flowmeter}

Activities for 4/29:

Kill interior axes labels on methods plot

make fig for velocity magnitude vs. time

make fig for velocity direction vs. magnitude (various ways to approach this one)

extract horizontal components from  wind-driven vectors, make plot that also includes reported wind speed

make figure demonstrating agreement between vectors and plume front apparent velocity

write brief manual/guide (README), find a victim/volunteer and ask them to run the code

{mail flowmeter}

Activities for 4/22:

add vector panel to methods plot

calculate 1 and 2 stdev on frequency histogram (keep straight scale)

compare key translational vectors to reported local wind speeds; compare bulk rise rate of plume front to average vertical vector components over time period

read SO2 movement paper (email) -> Dispatch

Plot automation - Almost done issue with scale bar remains

Contact CAGEO for variable color estimate boundaries

send tank video to SKN, KC

{mail out flow meter; forward AVE atham files to MF}

Activities for 4/15:

clean group figure (raw/lines(lobes)/vectors)

time-sequence figure

histogram of vector speeds

compare key translational vectors to reported local wind speeds; compare bulk rise rate of plume front to average vertical vector components over time period

write wrapper to increase automation:

flow chart of methods/tasks -> each box represents an action by user, box is filled with list of consequences/outputs

look up color page fee for CAGEO (also check on reduced student fee) : color fee only for in print (free for color online), publishing fees - none for subscription only, open access USD 2250 (for members of International Association for Mathematical Geosciences). 

Activities for 4/8:

Fig a: clean, publishable fig showing point-based vectors

Fig b: like Fig a, but with eddy groups from brightness filter

Combine data from a & b, use eddy edge proximity to reproject point vectors: 1 eddy this week

frequency plot (rough) of ambient noise

Activities for 4/1:

Complete short report by end of weekend, send to SKN

Tank runs: 2 Monday (and 2 Thursday)

leave hydrophone in tank during settling time to record ambient noise

meet with Bryan to get functioning ATHAM 3D transferred to falcon acct. -> email BN and SKN to set up time, coordinate

email HPC contact about opportunities, learning, etc. -- keep it cool, professional, brief

both MF and SKN: MF pack up flow meter, bring to SKN's office; SKN will email company to set up payment

Activities for 3/26:

brightness tool: test runs

90deg Popo: prep short report

heavy tank plume. Work on how to build into regular schedule

leave hydrophone in tank during settling time to record ambient noise

Activities for 3/18:

modify output from brightness conversion tool

plot apparent distance from vent vs. velocity for existing popo run to look for systematic variation (update: will need to adjust for horizontal and vertical distance. Holding on further work for now.)

90deg popo: map/analyze vectors

send Dispatch

1 tank eruption this weekend (heavy plume)

TTD code

commit to rewriting tank analysis section of manuscript

Activities for 3/11:

objective eddy grouping: use 3D brightness conversion, extract local minima (will need to remove isolated lows as noise)

plot apparent distance from vent vs. velocity for existing popo run to look for systematic variation

run popo for 90deg wind example (crossflow)

send Dispatch

1 tank eruption this weekend (heavy plume)

TTD code

commit to rewriting tank analysis section of manuscript

Activities for 3/4:

do Matlab analysis on Popo example

Popo writing: ~1000 words

make video of eruption with vectors

send Dispatch draft with extra figure (2/26)

email on flow meter, cc SKN

tank: try "heavy" plume, looking for leapfrog (in progress)

Send TTD code to SKN, plus any assorted files

{Edit manuscript}

[Meeting missed due to illness]

Activities for 2/18:

print copy of manuscript for SKN

{SKN: show TopHat grade upload}

write Dispatch draft

email on flow meter, cc SKN

tank: try "heavy" plume, looking for leapfrog (in progress)

Activities for 2/11:

update on flow meter

pick another Dispatch paper, read, outline

confirm edits to prospectus (if not done, do) -> bring issues for clarification to SKN

tank: try "heavy" plume, looking for leapfrog (in progress)

look up GSA proposal ; if not due this week, write a simple outline and problem statement

clean out spare half of office for Arina

Activities for 12/10:

final draft of poster BY FRIDAY to SKN

edit Dispatch

{SKN finish prospectus}

review ISG fellowship content, write problem statement appropriate for funding source

Activities for 11/19:

Edit/final polish on Dispatch

{SKN starts review of prospectus}

meet with CoSETech to install word

continue on manuscript

erupt tank for SKN on Thursday

close loop with SKN on flow meter repair

push with flow meter company regarding not actually used, not a surge

complete draft of poster

send SKN possible Skype meeting times to chat with Brent

Activities for 11/5:

Top priority: images from Tank to SKN on Friday

continue on poster

Dispatch draft

continue communication with flowmeter company, send in failed sensor

send prospectus to SKN

continue with work on manuscript

Activities for 10/29:

buy air tank

buy resistor

replace resistor

prospectus edits from SKN comments

email Sarah to set up meeting, discuss TTD figs

{edits for manuscript}

priority: get a real data run from tank (1st resistor, 2nd air)

commit to Dispatch topic

{send MF python example ASAP}

Activities for 10/22:

continue with TTD figs. meet with Sarah for prioritization


replace resistor in tank stuff

need to buy compressor {Grainger}

more updates to paper text

priority: get a real data run from tank (1st resistor, 2nd air)

keep reminding SKN about meeting with Brent et al., at AGU

Activities for 10/7:

continue making TTD figs on minerve - redo toque submission file to request 16 procs per node (#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16)

(email Jonathan/Michael to explain computational limitations, ask for advice)

Send manuscript draft to SKN (asap)

{continue on Prospectus (may need to reprint??)}

Explode.  (kinda)

continue writing manuscript updates

Activities for 10/2:

finish plumbing


TTD: get missing files from luna, get running on minerve

    - 10-12 figures, pending time following file transfer

continue on manuscript

{read/comment on prospectus}

substitute in 1101

{send 1101 slides to MF}

Activities for 9/24:

finalize last prospectus updates

transfer TTD to minerve (unless sudden positive response on luna)

run TTD

  - aim for 10-12 panels for large figure

more hole filling (manuscript)

reattach tank plumbing

ERUPT TANK!!!!!! (send celebratory text)

clear contact paper on tank grid

install grid on tank

{reimburse contact paper; pay print fee to Diana ~$10} (invoice sent M.F.)

Activities for 9/17:

email Shannon CDSMS task list

incorporate edits to prospectus

move TTD to time

  - re-test for time

email SG to set meeting about desired output

continue to fill holes

try KC's suggestions for tank issue

print tank grid and install

Activities for 9/10:

{finish prospectus edits; comment on guide draft}

{send parallel python directory}

send out iSNOBAL to SKN and SG for installation testing 

place tarball on Lithium

TTD frequency domain tests

move TTD back to time domain

  - start checking, using SG's guidelines

continue to fill holes

de-clog tank pump (email KC for advice)

make grid poster

Activities for 9/3:

Put isnobal installation file with clean, installable copy of code

Send final installation guide out to CE, SG, SKN, JJ, DD. 

{SKN: read prospectus, comment}

add pink noise to TTD and revert to time domain

  - includes cross-checking

add guidelines comment to top of FJ manuscript (pub rules)

mark "holes" in FJ manuscript

send FJ to SKN

find 1 hr per week for python office hours

Activities for 7/23:

install isnobal on lithium

write installation guide, explaining all of the hidden steps (fixed the makefiles)

submit CSDMS

finalize prospectus edits, send to Shannon

write draft of AGU abstract

edit intro, methods, highlight/comment trouble zones

use epoxy to stop tank leak 

post list of 6 mo goals.

Activities for 7/9:

{SKN: buy JB Weld epoxy after 1st of month}

incorporate edits for Brian, send to SKN

finish CSDMS wrapper

meet with Clarissa to introduce isnobal - remind her to download gcc

bring spreadsheet listing all classes and course numbers

{send ATHAM copy to MF}

edit intro, methods, highlight/comment trouble zones

Activities for 6/30:

{SKN: buy JB Weld epoxy after 1st of month}

incorporate edits for Brian, send to SKN

finish CSDMS wrapper

meet with Clarissa to introduce isnobal

bring spreadsheet listing all classes and course numbers

{send ATHAM copy to MF}

edit intro, methods, highlight/comment trouble zones

<gap for end-o-semester, proposal defense, summer research travels>

Activities for 4/24:

<buy hose> 

completed 1st draft of RS paper

significant progress on Bio paper (draft done)

confirm Joel has iSNOBAL, resend if necessary

complete slides

study for SigPr exam

continue on organizational list for master control

Activities for 4/10:

call for hose price ASAP

{edit prospectus; contact BW}

update prospectus

finish slides

schedule mock defense

send iSNOBAL to Joel

make the framework for master control of code (identify all required vs optional inputs, possible modules)

Activities for 3/20:

prepare dependencies map (order of operations) for code (in progress)

get price for hose

finish prospectus draft, get to SKN asap

edit Dispatch

documenting iSNOBAL

Activities for 3/13:

prospectus: anticipated results: flowJ, PIV, computational aspect with ATHAM

write Dispatch

resend Drive access

{SKN: hose stuff (forward email)}

prepare dependencies map (order of operations) for code (in progress)

abstract Winstral et al. (2012) (in papers)

Activities for 3/6:

contact Diana for laptop for Bengal Visit Day (ASAP)

decide on best-practice solution to flowmeter attachment problem

revise introduction and background for prospectus

set up Google Drive hours form for self, SKN, SG (snobal)

prepare dependencies map (order of operations) for code (in progress)

abstract another snobal paper (tell SKN)

pick next Dispatch topic

Activities for 2/20:

edit Dispatch, add figures, keyword suggestions

email Marks abstract ASAP

continue construction - confirm leak seals.

contact committee to set up proposal date

review prospectus you have, and highlight sections to discuss/build

maintain hourly work log on snobal stuff. (comment code, establish workflow order)

Activities for 2/6:

continue tank plumbing (limited due to injury). Concentrate on electrical on/off valve

send files from when you were sick

read/abstract Johari (2006)

pick Dispatch and write 1st draft

read/abstract Marks et al. (1999)

Activities for 1/23:

Blue Waters application

  - send to SKN

revise SKN question for exam

starting tank plumbing

flag update section in manuscript, send to SKN

Activities for 11/18:

contrast plots by 10's, followed by internal subsets

write mini report comparing flow top analyses to KC

send SKN email with emphasis details for letters

Qual prep continues

{SKN letters of rec}

Activities for 11/4:

contrast plots using grayscale

process images with top of plume moving through field -- compare to KC results

quals study time

NSF app -- send out for peer edits

(if time/future reference: Car FlowJ, other angles)

Activities for 10/28:

plot of change in velocity w/ histogram of change

process images with top of plume moving through field -- compare to KC results

edit Dispatch

quals study time

NSF app

forward valve email to SKN

(if time/future reference: Car FlowJ, other angles)

Activities for 10/21:

noise problem graph

abstract a paper - unsteady/wind lit

find a new Dispatch paper - write first draft

contrast impact figure, histogram of variance 

flow front image processing of plume (MF???)

general qual reading, meet with MM

Activities for 10/15:

email INL regarding app problem.

SUBMIT INL APP before any furloughing can happen

follow up with CR re: NSF Q's

abstract Fee paper

prep for KC visit (abstract a paper)

schedule meetings with comm. members

SEND reports

noise problem graph

Activities for 10/10:

submit INL internship app

send CV to SKN for review

continue work on NSF proposal/app - check questions, let SKN know if search needed

recontact MM

call for AGU res.

mini report on FlowJ

code for noise/signal contrast justification

read a paper, abstract

Activities for 9/30:

call plumbing about part, payment (?)

address to NI

FlowJ test w/ cars mini report

first draft clean figs and storyboard

email MG - Brunetto

continue work on apps

contact MM re: First Nation event names (cc SKN)

check in again with SG

Activities for 9/24:



follow up with NI. Get angry.

abstract paper

Wednesday: speeding

FlowJ tests -> with cars!

email recent MS grads re: Brunetto

If part comes in, plumb tank

make first draft clean figures at correct size and dpi for article, w/ captions; put w/ outline showing storyboard

Activities for 9/9:

resend mini math report

wall team after geo club?

Java Codecademy training

email/meet with Sarah about water transport functions

help BN with linux setup

abstract paper (acoustics)

email re: missing tank piece (if in, plumb)

contact NI re: reimbursement and new, correct cable

Activities for 9/3:

Send mini math report asap

coerce wall moving team

talk to law enforcement program

abstract geyser paper

apply spherical transformation to flowJ

continues Java love (automation & button)

Activities for 8/26:

Must have meeting scheduled and/or done with SG

work on code to automate FlowJ image selection (learn to love the Java)

write mini-report on math findings

finish contrast figure

call SC13 ASAP

abstract 2 papers {1: turbulent mixing, 2: Ch 4 of Multiphase flow book}

Install cubicle walls

Activities for 8/21:

work on code to automate FlowJ image selection

work on plotting vector fields in python or other

NaN color plotting problem

revisit algorithm idea as appropriate for inflating balloon and ball moving towards viewer

continue work on figures -- change in response with increasing contrast

email Shark article to Sh

Activities for 8/14:

submit AGU abstract

Shark article

sort out gear by location

stop by offices for radar gun

run FlowJ for videos that also show moving plume top

work on algorithm for re-projecting 2D into 3D using very simple assumptions

make first draft clean figures at correct size and dpi for article

write Kirsten C. {Sh send email of intro}

schedule a meeting with Sarah re: flow paper

Activities for early August:

resend abstract to SKN while away


put new gear in basement

keep reading

compare flowJ with radar gun results

MPI FlowJ comparisons

outline paper (include descriptions of key figures)

Activities for 7/15:



talk to LT re. shark article

contact athletics and/or law enforcement school about use of radar gun

FlowJ histograms -- contrast impacts; flow at angle

abstract paper on calculating flow fields

write AGU abstract draft

look up Computers and Geosciences manuscript guidelines; restrictions from FlowJ (use, sharing, pubs)?

{SH: edit Sawtooth}

Activities for 7/9:

CV to SKN asap


send back to NI

excel purchases in google drive

contact BW about local PIV alternative

final drafts on blog content

FlowJ report

abstract research paper (find Dufek, PDC paper)

blog report new paper (Bu or Wo -- see email)

Activities for 6/26:

buy 2 respirators, disposable masks

<apparently I forgot to save other things on list -- SKN>

Activities for 6/19:

edit blog post - focus on simple words/concepts

finalize MM report

send TY card

prep side-by-side content for top-1000 exercise

Get money spent with plumbers

finalize cord issue with NI

test modified flowJ with known velocities (car??) from head-on and perpendicular to motion, 45 degrees if time

Activities for 6/6:

talk to Michele about ISU stationary for TY card

fix image overlays

finish project for MM - include graph showing average vs stdev of grain sizes (see Walker and Croasdale, 1970)

write a lay-accessible blog post for a recent science pub - bring in triangle, electronic draft, and possible image

Describe research using top-1000 words. (here)

Activities for 5/31:

finish sending short report to SG

lab analyses of tephra & continued sampling

start on new eruption videos & finish image sequence code


Activities for 5/22:

send short report to SG (email)

calculate psi issue

manual scaling check on Sakurajima

find eruption video (Ejya? Chaiten? GVP for other ideas)

ambient conditions during S video

image sequence of S video

Activities for 5/15:


check FlowJ scaling for Sakurajima

run FlowJ on second flow (scaled)

short report for SG on TTD - focus on recreating existing images from manuscript

Activities for 4/29:

NI quote

alternative plumbers

edit prospectus

FIGURES/presentation (copies for comm members)

Petrology project write-up

Activities for 4/22:

look up tutorials on writing to file in Java, fix IO bug

NI quote

hardball with plumbing


edit prospectus

abstract paper for parallel project (see Sarah)

Activities for 4/15 (hahahah! Don't get sick this time!):

work with new java compiler

send uncut cables back to NI, get written bid on new cable

contact plumbers, see about new group

send lit review outline via email 4/2

email Dave P about shaker table -- airborne material? 

Mike: project trip

keep investigating glass beads

abstract: MTT

check in with Sarah, Donna, and Brian about fall classes

Activities for 4/8:

work with new java compiler

send uncut cables back to NI, get written bid on new cable

contact plumbers, see about new group

send lit review outline via email 4/2

abstracts: Ch 5, cloud model

email Dave P about shaker table -- airborne material? 

Mike: project trip

Activities for 4/1:

get price quotes on glass beads

java -- get compiler, compilation file

Keep chatting with NI

hopefully plumbing backorder ok.

lit review outline

abstracts: technical infrasound (2)

Activities for 3/18:

java syntax issues: working out prints

abstracts: signal processing, PIV 

if no word from NI by end of Tuesday, recontact

standby for plumbing

lit review outline check-in (outline must be thoroughly ref'd)

Activities for 3/11:

Finish FlowJ problem -- numerical output, scaled if possible

standby for updates from NI

standby for plumbing updates (backorder)

abstracts: Papale and Rosi (1989), Suzuki (1983)

Activities for 3/4:

Find FlowJ output problem

email NI about wire concern (send photos)

send proposal ASAP (2/25)

abstracts: aviation, whirlpool thesis

Activities for 2/25:

proposal (email Sh on Friday)

rewire 1

output from FlowJ

abstract: infrasound, aviation

Activities for 2/18:

find color mapping function in FlowJ

abstract: BuKo09, Schecter

attempt rewire 1

rough draft on proposal 

(2/4: Cancelled due to illness)

Activities for 2/4:

FlowJ: smokestack & YouTube volcano

(Sh: check on IAS dates)

plumbers coming by Friday

waiting on connector update (possible rewiring??)

Abstract: applied PIV paper, applied FlowJ (?) or infrasound

(Sh: contact Steve/MIB about Niagara Falls FlowJ)

Activities for 1/28:

hydrophone connectors

plumber meeting

polish synopsis draft, send with introduction to NASA researcher

email to arrange pet meeting

1 new paper w/ abstract

run flowJ on recorded something (use research camera) - bring annotated images to meeting

Activities for 1/21:

continue discussion with hydrophone, instrumentation companies regarding cord

meet with plumbers

new draft synopsis

3 cumulus papers - abstracts

contact NASA researcher(?)

Activities for 1/11:

revise hypothesis, problem statements in synopsis (edits for earlier sections)

methods table

read a paper relevant to each method

lit review outline (continuing - emphasis on entrainment for plumes and clouds)

Activities for 12/19:

edit research synopsis

2 more papers

order hydrophone connectors

keep Sh in loop on plumbers

Activities for 12/13:

as info available, price quotes on hydrophone connector

finish 1 page research synopsis

2 more papers

Activities for 12/6:

keep working on hydrophones

another 2 papers, 1 clouds

keep beefing up outline

work out drain for tank, price quotes, etc. to Shannon

start 1 page research synopsis: what is problem, what will you do?

Activities for 11/29:

figure out k problem from Suzuki paper

keep beefing up outline

3+ more papers, including entrainment in cumulus clouds


Activities for 11/8:

(Shannon: pass along contact info for Reson/NI; sorting out financial issue)

Email committee to to confirm participation and initial meeting schedule, signatures

2 paper game again

Write an outline of lit review

Activities for 11/1:

3 papers (same rules)

play with laptop/hydrophones (may need to contact reson/national instruments)

Find EAS-1 and EAS-2 forms

Activities for 10/11:

(Shannon - email fac. list regarding bone in plaster in flume room)

if laptop back, try plugging in hydrophones

pick 2 papers (1 from file, one from elsewhere) [Mastin et al., 2008, Kaminski et al, 2005)]

Activities for October 3:

Start fight with research laptop (internet, software, hydrophones)

pick 2 papers from folder (tell Shannon) for reading. themes: hydrophones (bubblyFlowAcoustics.pdf) and atmospheric infrasound

build cubicle walls around tank (measure, figure out what we need)

talk to Michele for flume room key

Activities for 9/20:

Work out equation 3 from Bursik (2001)

Finalize a day/time with Ben today or tomorrow

Read vergniolle shishaldin paper, "infrasoundInterpAndUtility" paper, and ClPh09.pdf write abstracts

Email Kevin Parker about committee

Start fight with research laptop (internet, software, hydrophones)

<Shannon: add Megan to dropbox folder>

Activities for 9/13:

Write out steps for Burisk (2001) transformation of plume coordinate system ✓

Read Bursik et al. (1992) and Carey and Sparks (1986), write abstracts ✓ ✓

Make prospective committee member list ✓

Fill out website text ✓

Talk to Ben about drilling tank stand hole ✓ ✓ ✓
