Emily Chojnacky

Emily Chojnacky

Research Intern

B.S. Geology Major

email: chojemil@isu.edu

Current Project

- Processes samples

- Archive samples

- Work on developing an independent project.

Task for 3/2:

-Look at potential of SEM @CAMAS

-Point counts must be completed before slides prepped.

-Work on completing Point counts (Quickly)

-Get information to Kendra about Committee commitments.

-Finish correlations of major and minor elements. Make scatterplots etc.

-Begin adding figures and results into writing.

-Finish updating this site.

Tasks for 10/23:

Send billets and powders

re-email AG (lost draft)

continue to fill in management spreadsheet

Ask AG/AS about unknown rock - does it need to be processed?

Search for papers on submarine basalt chemistry, put into folder

- if time, read/summarize 1 of them

If time: check in with AS about any processing needs for SUBSEA

Tasks for 10/16:

Finish billets and send

- National Petrographic

finish powders and send

- EC at BYU

Email AG for citation suggestions

Put together spreadsheet of samples, including sample ID, location, how processed, what you expect to get from it

----Break ----

Tasks for 12/5:



Revise poster

Find out poster dimensions

Tasks for 3/5:

Finish GPS positions on the samples to confirm sample sets before cutting


Tasks for 2/26:

Finish GPS positions on the samples to confirm sample sets before cutting


Finish abstract and submit

Tasks for 2/19:

Get GPS positions on the samples to confirm sample sets before cutting


Revise WRHC abstract

Tasks for 2/12:

Re-ping AG

Merge photos and notes

Start on billets

Get GPS positions on the samples to confirm sample sets before cutting

Email abstract to SKN when done

Tasks for 2/5:

Populate photos into G-slides

Chat with Angela about vent rocks

Add notes about what can be done with each sample, specific characteristics, etc.

Start on billets

WRHC abstract

Tasks for 1/29:

Make a processing plan for 0-age basalt

- spreadsheet with entries for each sample, including powder and thin section plan

- make associated google slides with photos

Write abstract draft for WRHC (<250)

- focus on void space research

Tasks for 1/22:

Prep samples

[if paperwork approved with time: collect 5 relevant research papers]

Tasks for 1/15:

Finalize advising contract

Coordinate with Angela to powder rocks

Fill out employment paperwork

Tasks for 10/31:

Check with front office about employment status

- SUBSEA index

Email Ashley to coordinate sample prep

- you want 0-age Kilauea samples

- bonus samples

First draft of advising contract

Tasks for 8/7:

Fill in sample table (BASALT) using xgds

Finish void counts; email SKN

Tasks for 6/19:

Fill in sample table (BASALT) using xgds

Void counts

- prioritize Idaho samples

Load spreadsheets to Drive, send to SKN

Tasks for 5/7:

Edit shipping manifest/letter to say they should talk to Scott about the xenoliths

Update summary draft

- Send new summary draft to SKN

pack boxes for powders/ship

Keep searching for matching billets

Tasks for 4/30:

Do another 2+ void count slides

Update summary draft

Send new summary draft to SKN

Finish HONS papers

pack boxes for powders

Make formal list of samples for shipping manifest

Keep searching for matching billets

Tasks for 4/23:

Do another 2+ void count slides

Update summary draft

Send new summary draft to SKN

Pack boxes for powder and billets (see Ashley for details)

- pack based on priority list from Scott (priority 1 only)

Where are the matching billets?

Tasks for 4/2:

Do another 2+ void count slides

Read summary comments/revisions, compile a list of follow-up questions

{SKN: Read/comment on new draft}

Pack boxes for powder and billets (see Ashley for details)

- pack based on priority list from Scott (priority 1 only)

Tasks for 3/26:

Void space count on 1-2 slides (more if time)

- record any observations about alteration state

- record in Drive sheet

- coordinate with Borg - the ones being used by Bio/OrgGeo

{SKN: review Basalt summary}

Pack boxes for powder and billets (see Ashley for details)

Tasks for 3/12:

Confirm 009a status, do we have enough remnant to send chunk?

009b: bag 2 pieces of wall rock for shipping set

Transfer the spreadsheet to Drive (share with SKN)

{SKN: review Basalt summary}

Void space count on 1-2 slides

- record any observations about alteration state

- record in Drive sheet

- coordinate with Borg - the ones being used by Bio/OrgGeo

Tasks for 2/21:

{SKN: email SH about COM-SSH17-0009b request}

Transfer the spreadsheet to Drive (share with SKN)

{SKN: review Basalt summary}

Void space count on 1-2 slides

- record any observations about alteration state

- record in Drive sheet

- coordinate with Borg - the ones being used by Bio/OrgGeo

Tasks for 2/12:

Transfer the spreadsheet to Drive (share with SKN)

Re-type updates to basalt report

- put on Drive, share with SKN

Void space count on 1-2 slides

- record any observations about alteration state

- record in Drive sheet

- coordinate with Borg - the ones being used by Bio/OrgGeo

Tasks for 2/5:

re-ping Borg

{SKN: get 2017 sample list; send to EC}

- add new samples to spreadsheet

Transfer the spreadsheet to Drive (share with SKN)

Add more headings and expand on composition section of summary report

- find images of the different types of minerals common in basalt (olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, Ca-rich plagioclase)

play with thin sections to practice for void space counts

Tasks for 1/29:

update organization of spreadsheet

re-ping CB

Summary paper: expand on MORB text/outline

- find images of the different types of minerals common in basalt (olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, Ca-rich plagioclase)

play with thin sections to practice for void space counts

Tasks for 1/22:

Bring spreadsheet to discuss organization

ping Borg about thin section questions (also: where are lab supplies? and how to use the thin section counter stage?)

Summary paper: expand on MORB text/outline

- find images of the different types of minerals common in basalt (olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, Ca-rich plagioclase)

play with thin sections to practice for void space counts

Tasks for 12/8:

finish spreadsheet

ping Borg about thin section questions

work on synthesis summary on basalt

{SKN: Buy more powder vials, kimwipes}

Tasks for 11/3:

Meet with Chris Borg to get answers to bestiary questions

Finish spreadsheets (email)

Keep looking at thin sections, making descriptions

Coordinate with Erin about the cave samples (all powders, thin sections when possible)

Keep working on synthesis summary about basalts: if you were to teach a non-geologist all the important things about basalt, what would it be? You can use figures, photos, etc., as long as you cite sources.

Tasks for 10/27:

Finish spreadsheets (once complete, bring to meeting)

{SKN: email cave team about coordinates}

Put together written list of questions about bestiary

Look at thin sections, see if you can identify minerals

put note on thin section box to identify it as ongoing work b/t SKN and CJ

Keep working on powders

Synthesis summary about basalts: if you were to teach a non-geologist all the important things about basalt, what would it be? You can use figures, photos, etc., as long as you cite sources.

Tasks for 10/13:

Try to finish spreadsheet compilation

Set up rock room time with Erin, start work

Put together written list of questions about bestiary

Look at thin sections, see if you can identify minerals

Put note on thin section box to identify it as ongoing work b/t SKN and EC

- ask Bre about key access to 221

Read/summarize paper on magma composition

Tasks for 10/6:

Finish Submarine Volc chapter summary

Try to finish spreadsheet compilation

Set up rock room time with Erin, start work

Review bestiary

Look at thin sections, see if you can identify minerals

Tasks for 9/29:

Contact HR about time reporting

Finish lava flow chapter and summary, email to SKN

Continue to work on spreadsheet compilation

Read/summarize Submarine Volcanism chapter

[For future: set up time with CB to go over thin sections, read about incompatible element segregation, etc.]

Tasks for 9/20:

On 9/21 do powdering training

Watch for spreadsheet from Scott

Start trying to combine spreadsheets, searching rocks

Read/summarize Lava Flows

Continue to populate page

Email SKN old summary

Tasks for 9/15:

reschedule rock lab training

start reviewing sample archives and suggest organization

review spreadsheets {SKN: send spreadsheets}

read/summarize "Basically basalt" chapter from Volcanoes

put stuff above line on this page: photo, goals, mini-bio