Bryan Nicholson

Research Project:

Modeling low altitude, low mass eruption columns

Historically, modeling the largest of volcanic eruptions has been a primary focus of volcanologists. And rightly so, given the potential risk these eruptions pose on their surroundings. However, this focus has left a dearth of potent models for "small" eruption columns, where concern remains for aviation safety and populated areas proximal to volcanoes. The term "small" here is relative, as small eruptions can reach over 8 km into the atmosphere and even farther distances away from the vent. People and agriculture surrounding the immediate vicinity of a small eruption will still endure hazardous situations. Fine ash and glass deposits can wreck havoc on agriculture, especially grass feeding animals, while causing respiratory issues in both humans and animals alike. In a dry environment ash may linger in the area for an extended period and can become remobilized by wind where it will continue to pose a hazard. This project aims to step forward in providing a model(s) for small eruption columns. The difficulties lie in the differences between large and small eruptions where in smaller eruptions wind plays a more dynamic role by swiftly altering the shape and dispersal of the column and its ash contents.

Perhaps a useful analogy here would be that of comparing an aged tree having a trunk width of several feet reaching a height of 50 feet to that of a young tree with a width of about an inch reaching a height of 10 feet and considering the impact of a 50mph sustained wind. The larger tree would remain unyielding at it's trunk with it's leaves and smaller branches swaying appropriately with the wind. The smaller tree (assuming it's still rooted), however, would likely be bowed over with it's smaller branches near the top fluttering rapidly. One could image the increased complexities of modeling the smaller tree ("small" eruption column). Fortunately, a higher frequency of smaller eruptions allow us to compare our models to a multitude of observations.

Cleveland Volcano May 23, 2006

Image from

Goals for MS program:

  • Develop an advanced problem solving skillset.

      • Critical analysis

      • Research experience from problem to conclusion

  • Become educated and fluent in modeling earth's dynamic systems

  • To further familiarize myself with academic literature.

  • Become knowledgeable in the utilization of computational models.

  • Expand my ability to write and communicate effectively to community level science.

    • Target skill sets applicable in career and industry (oil/gas, environmental, etc.)

  • Learn more geology!

Shockwave animation at Sakurajima Showa Crater, Dec. 2009

Image from

Weekly research objectives:

Complete thesis draft: 3/20

Shannon edits: 3/23

Submit to committee (SKN, SG, GFR): 3/29

Activities for 3/15

Rough draft of complete thesis to SKN by 3/15

Runs/analyses done

timing of instability figures, separated by vent speed

" , separated by vent size


uniform winds (10, 20, 30 m/s) for single vent speed

check on wind profile figs

Activities for 3/11:

Thesis due 3/29

Rough draft of complete thesis to SKN by 3/15

Runs/analyses done 3/11

finish cold/dry runs

do 2D runs - 6 runs completed 3 for each atmospheric profile

fill in MER gaps - Started runs with 250 m vent size for 10 and 15 m/s wind profiles

fill in 15 m/s gap - Started for both atmospheres

figure showing timing of partial instability

start runs for cold air with tall tropopause and vice versa (no wind and 10m/s) (rescale current atmospheric profiles to new altitudes)

{Return Intro/methods comments ASAP}

Activities for 3/4:

add two extra arrows for crossover events in plume tree (see photo)

use velocity vectors to determine fall vs flow along ground

do a couple runs with a steeper sided volcano to better distinguish fall vs flow (degree of partial instability)

finish cold/dry eruptions

finish 2D eruptions (may still be running at next meeting)

brief written analysis of warm/wet for various winds

- if time, also do cold/dry

- if more time, compare warm/wet to cold/dry

put points on plot of MER/wind showing stability

start runs for cold air with tall tropopause and vice versa (no wind and 10m/s) (rescale current atmospheric profiles to new altitudes)

submit for RM GSA

{Review new intro/methods content}

Activities for 2/12:

add arrows to plume tree

change colors to bottom row and connect to color coded photos

remove left column from Table 1 (epic table)

add Table 1 to results, plus extra columns (MER, stability)

add to methods: how you select ash threshold for visible edge, how simulations differ from real plumes

Check stability of completed runs

Prep images/slides for SG Friday

Activities for 2/5:

do 2D runs on laptop to match no-wind 3D outputs - I will run 2d on the cluster for a more complete comparison once 3d runs are completed.

Restart 3D ATHAM as soon as cluster comes back online - Running models again, encountering larger queue times though.

New figure for methods: (may be 1 or 2) tree of possible eruption outcomes, names, images, descriptions (if 2, use color coding)

Methods: add table showing intended simulations -The simulations table is now in methods and results, where the results table has a stability and a MER column.

Methods: add section on 2D vs. 3D - 2D vs 3D comparisons are written throughout the section.

results: (revised together) start working on figures, tables


Activities for 1/29:

Keep running 3D atham, fill in charts

compare 3D no wind to 2D no wind

finish first complete draft of methods

{SKN: finish edits on Ch2}

write outline (structure-level) of Results

email SKN and SG to set up committee meeting, get initial possible dates for defense

Activities for 10/16:

finish Background updates

try running atham on falcon using AVE's input files

{SKN: install own copy of atham on falcon using BN's updates, look for stability error}

fix stabilization problem

do search in code for error message, track to trigger

Activities for 9/18:

{SKN: read Intro}

Continue on Ch2 -Still working through edits, most of the time was spent working to get atham set-up

Unzip and install new atham copy - Unzipped and on the cluster, just trying to install it. - It is compiled and 'running' but coming up against runtime errors, I'm attempting to adjust inputs to fix it.

- note: switch extension to .tgz

check velocities during eruption - I need to get the new atham version up and running to start these

for dry profiles, use same as wet but decrease humidity (use actual dry climate profiles as a guide for reasonable values and rate of change)

Activities for 9/11:

finalize Intro -Completed and Sent

edits on Ch2 -Still working through it

{dig up old, clean atham copy for B}

{Continue to check in with MH}

install new/old atham copy to check for output gaps (DO NOT DELETE CURRENT WORK) -Will do asap, just need to extract the new Herzog file and make it.

run current atham for wind conditions, plotting at low (optical opaque) concentration

- looking for stability fields, filling in existing plot

- treat high and low latitudes separately (high vs. low, humid vs. dry) -So we want a high latitude wet & dry profile and a low latitude wet & dry profile? I'm working on getting these 4 profiles ready to go and nicely documented so we know where they are from and of what time frame (one snap shot or average of month or year?) I am thinking of using a Venezuela area profile for the warm & wet profile and Alaska (maybe near the Aleutians where is it probably wetter) for the cold & wet. But I'm not sure if I should pick dry profiles from the same locations (where it is more dry) or go somewhere across the globe?

Also, is the only input to adjust for wind located within the profile?

Figure out how user defined init_vel turns into real vent_vel -Missing vent from output, can't get reading on vertical velocity at vent or density for MER calc. Hopefully it's fixed in the new Atham code from Herzog. But from previous work I remember that it is roughly half of the input velocity, e.g., 200 m/s translates to ~90 m/s at vent. This may explain why I have never been able to have an eruption complete successfully when using ~100 m/s or lower; the code would usually end with a "cfl number too large" statement. I think it is because at the low input velocities, the eruption would put out material but it wouldn't go very far very fast and so the near vent area would accumulate and become dense with ash (in air) and it is too much for the code to work through.


Activities for 5/14:

keep working with print statements (add myid equivalent) to find stall point

retry 36 procs with npx, npy updated

make isosurfaces in paraview with existing data

move icenter, jcenter to middle to see if that fixes the cut-off error

edits on Ch 1&2

Activities for 5/7:

Play with ATHAM output for different number of time slice outputs: is that where the completeness problem appears?

Try ATHAM output for 6x6 procs (36 total) - Used 36 procs, got immediate error

use print statements to find stalling part in output

in output file writing code: remove icenter, jcenter, etc., and replace with i, j, etc. - Complete, finally have good output

Activities for 4/30:

make isosurfaces in Paraview

run atham with wind

compare 3D heights to 2D heights -> compile into table/fig

continue with Ch 1/2 updates

finish parallel project

Activities for 4/23:

find where procs cropping in combination to solve viz issue

work on updates to CH 1&2

keep running 3D...

Activities for 4/18:

{read, review Background (Thesis_background_renew_stability1.doc)}

{read/review Intro}

visualize 3D run (play with script option; if all else fails, write short code concatenate files, remove duplicates, and plot from ASCII grid in paraview)

keep running 3D...

Activities for 4/9:

{read, review Background (Thesis_background_renew_stability1.doc)}

{read/review Intro}

visualize 3D run (play with script option; if all else fails, write short code concatenate files, remove duplicates, and plot from ASCII grid in paraview)

keep running 3D...

parallel HW4

Activities for 4/2:

{read, review Background (Thesis_background_renew_stability1.doc)}

read Overview section in workbook, use to guide Intro chapter development

Finish Intro draft

Use port connection to speed up file transfer from falcon (or check globus)

keep running 3D

try file conversion for paraview input from 3D

follow-up email to Carrie

follow up with Cody about submitting to Monsanto

Activities for 3/26:

Complete 1st draft of new Background

Outline Intro; all categories/subcategories with brief explanation/text in each to make intent clear

3D atham: run no-wind 3D versions of 2D that we have, compare to 2D stability and plume heights

play with file conversion code to get output into Paraview input style

Activities for 3/19:

continue to work with Ben about netcdf link problem

run ATHAM in 3D - start by re-creating 2D eruptions

continue to update Background

Activities for 3/12:

continue to work with Ben about netcdf link problem

run ATHAM in 3D - start by re-creating 2D eruptions

{Review slides}

edit slides, practice talk

Activities for 3/5:

email Ben Nickell about netcdf on falcon

complete tropical collection - Completed 4 runs (100-400 m/s) under tropical conditions

continue to update Background - No updates this week, I've spent most of my time on prepping colloquium talk and on programming exam

prep colloquium talk; bring draft slides - Draft available, need feedback

MER vs. col height: Woods (1988), plus things that reference it. Specific examples in Encyc. of Volcanoes p 265 - Searching yielded no results for recent MER vs height.

Activities for 2/26:

1 p addendum summarizing goal changes, progress

continue with faux polar - Completed, working on tropical eruptions now

find references for MER vs. column height, evaluate against current output

redo on temperate/tropical plumes, to get MER

try to update paths on falcon - Just need location of netcdf, unable to find it using 'module avail' or 'module spider netcdf'

continue Background updates

Activities for 2/19:

If no response from SG by Monday, resend with cc SKN - SG Responded with grammatical edits, is looking forward to seeing prospectus addendum with updated schedule and progress thus far.

run model for faux polar tropopause and polar tropopause - Runs with true polar profile are complete, running faux polar profile now.

calculare MER - Completed for available runs

continue to play with file transfer - ATHAM transferred!! Now the paths in Makefile.COMPILE need updated.

{SKN forward INL email to BN}

continue Background updates

Activities for 2/12:

check in with SG after 2/6 Sent email, awaiting response

{SKN: tropo text; follow up with MH}

Finish minor updates to Dispatch

ATHAM - run model for restricted vent to compare to existing suite; pay attention to stability and fingering deposition

transfer atham code to Falcon - Tried, failed. Got errors involving path names during attempts.

calculate MER for runs (add output for density at top of crater, use velocity to top of crater, area of crater) - Do I use vent velocity from initial conditions or wnew at each grid point as an average?

update Background for morphology theme switch

post the paper summaries file in dropbox, add 2 more

read up on movies in Paraview

Activities for 2/4:

(remember to check back in with SG after 2/6)

write van Eaton Dispatch draft (bring text, figures, links, keyword suggestions)

Continue with collapse identification; run eruption through full length of simulations (at least 1 hr), always use same time step; make word doc showing peak image and concentration ratio

read & write brief (2 line?) summaries of key points for 3-4 papers

look up Tupper paper Got it, placed it into dropbox/papers/Column_Collapse1

update Background for morphology theme switch

{reply to MH; read/review tropo sensitivity}

Activities for 1/28:

email SG gentle reminder. Include attachment of prospectus.

{read/comment on Background}

fix Background citations (add as necessary, compile complete full ref list) Updated, only a few questions/comments remain

check RSA token for instructions, let SKN know (forward)

Finish tropopause sensitivity text Draft complete, see document for comments -BN

write first draft of VanEaton et al. Dispatch Not completed, paper has been read & highlighted

{re-email for code updates}

Going through existing runs: sort by which collapse, which partially collapse, which rise (make rule for partial vs. stable based on summation of mass in max plume time slice) Started, need feedback on calculation method

put together list of at least 5-10 papers we should review on collapse regimes {make sure SKN has access, too} Placed folder (named: Column_Collapse) in 'papers'.

Activities for 1/14:

follow up with SG re: prospectus Awaiting Response / signature - BN

finish Background updates The Final draft is ....finalized, needs references sorted out. Needs final edits from SKN.

submit INL form Account set up (received an emailed response), waiting for dongle to arrive in mail.

plot clasts to check PDC vs plume transport Using ParaView to plot these now, Excel can't handle the number of data points (>1 Million). ParaView is incredibly slow with this, however. - BN

Write section on sensitivity to tropopause height (2 week effort, bring copy to demonstrate effort to next meeting)

Select next Dispatch topic (look for Van Eaton) (consider emailing her to ask for copies of slides) Emailed and responded back to, forwarded to this site: Need to figure out how (assuming we can) to use UNIDATA IDV to display data (Grads binary grid files?) - BN

Start on table of eruption/ambient conditions for ATHAM 3D Started, trying to determine the values to have constant throughout different eruptions - BN

Activities for 12/11:

complete, final poster due to SKN no later than 11am Monday

finish projects/exams

make a list of goals for over break

Activities for 12/4:

complete and finished draft of poster

study for exams; finish class projects

Activities for 11/20:

revise poster statements

{SKN send 3D imagery}

revise Dispatch per notes

finish last sections of Background per discussion

add id to clast tracking output file

plot trajectories for various clasts per eruption (think about this for poster) (use grep line from discussion)

continue to play with eruption vent sizes, velocities

check Carazzo et al. for eruption ranges

email Carrie about GIS internship position

Activities for 11/13:

poster: 1 sentence central idea, 3 sentences support/explanation

confirm access to Illustrator

finish Dispatch edits

finish Background draft

try increasing vent size for really big eruptions to look for impact on col height

figure out if clasts from PDC eruption were in PDC or the plume portion (need to check trajectories)

Activities for 11/5:

Confirm travel dates with Nick, Doug, and Chris before finalizing travel paperwork

- finish travel forms

finish Dispatch edits

finish Background draft

try increasing vent size for really big eruptions to look for impact on col height

figure out if clasts from PDC eruption were in PDC or the plume portion (need to check trajectories)

start AGU poster - get layout and sections started, check with Diana on height restrictions

Activities for 10/30:

{transfer/test code for new computer}

why isn't paraview point-query displaying conc?

to nomogram-basis table: add vent size, vent velocity

decrease ash tracer densities; try to hit bigger/smaller events

1) finish prospectus edits

convert at least 1 atm profile to vectors

2) more Background updates

3) Dispatch edits

AGU travel forms

Activities for 10/23:

(1) plot heights vs velocities (nomogram) (check that color ramp is the same)

(1) drop copy of SG's comments off to SKN

(3) establish rainy vs dry conditions, compile appropriate atmospheric profiles for prehistoric events -- be prepared to justify decisions

(1) continue prospectus edits

(2) Background edits (address current comments, add minimum 4 pages)

(1) test azimuth conversion equations for all quadrants

(hold till next week on Dispatch edits)

{follow up with minerve vs. minerve2 issue}

Activities for 10/7:

continue running atham with full output for excel vs paraview picks

get Background up to min 5 clean pages (can use holders for some refs, etc.)

establish rainy vs dry conditions, compile appropriate atmospheric profiles for prehistoric events -- be prepared to justify decisions

text velocity conversions to make sure facing correct directions

update prospectus

write draft of Dispatch (MMC)

Activities for 10/2:

compare Paraview height picks to Excel picks (make table)

start converting Background to text; min 5 pages

establish rainy vs dry conditions, compile appropriate atmospheric profiles for prehistoric events -- be prepared to justify decisions

convert wind from knots/degrees to U and V velocities

keep fingers crossed for minerve memory update


start updating prospectus

(for next time: Dispatch)

Activities for 9/25:

finish paraview tutorial suite

use tutorial info to contour/colorize 2D ATHAM output (slice)

{read/edit Intro}

flesh out Background outline down to paragraph-level bullets; eschew meta-ness

get atmospheric data for eruption suite; vent diameter and depth; median and stdev of grain sizes

meet with SG and/or CB about Arc interpolation problems

email MF about getting Matlab code for flowfield generation (vectors)

Activities for 9/18:

continue work thru tutorial (paraview)

continue on Intro

Background - firm up next level of sub-headers

input folders (see below)

updates to Dispatch

{continue compiler issues}

Activities for 9/11:

go through ParaView tutorial using sample data

ping SG

more Intro updates

detailed outline (section/subsection headers) of Background (Ch2)

organize input folders for each of the target eruptions (vent width, height, atmosphere, grain size dist., etc.) Keep notes on refs.

during week, send Dispatch draft to SKN

Activities for 9/4:

sort out paraview contouring problem

make updates from SG, if applicable

make updates on Intro

cross-check model classifications in lit review draft

identify 3-5 well-documented deposits for model training

finish Dispatch rough draft

Activities 8/28:

figure out how to plot points with color designations in Paraview (like in Arc)

update prospectus, send to SG for comments

send Intro to SKN

{edit Intro}

Expand on Lit Review

Flow chart methods

{contact Jonathan again about compiler build -- done?}

rough draft Dispatch (MMC)

Activities for 8/21:

plot 2 and 3D images in paraview - use user's manual and online documentation

practice making new files of extracted output using grep and >

follow up with Diana and/or Carrie/Lori about Vulcan license issue

{read new prospectus draft}

with approval, send prosp. to SG for comments

Intro chapter - how to place problem statement and hypothesis in first 2 pages of text, with italics (see Polun; Statement of Problem; Scope of Work; Significance)

standby for cluster updates from Shannon/Jonathan

plot atham 2D outputs to see if getting PDCs is causing lower heights for faster ejections

Activities for 7/15:

re-run new heights using centered icenter, see if that changes strange acceleration patterns on centerline

write out and plot 2D slice of ash and velocity (wnew)

keep playing with Vulcan

download/install Paraview, check on data format requirements

{SKN: continue atham fight on clusters; read/edit outlines and drafts}

work on fleshing out Intro

start abstract for AGU

<field work>

Activities for 7/8:

run with corrected sim times to compare wind-derived height to ash conc. derived height

withdraw workshop registration

plot and display sample data in Vulcan

edit prospectus

write 1st draft of introduction

outline of lit review chapter

outline of methods

{atham wars}

Activities for 7/1:

send SKN prospectus

{edit prospectus}

move col height output code into gradspic zone, don't cut off with ash concentration (will give 1 W-wind profile, at final time step)

- check new output against ash-based plume top calculations

update atham compilation file if we get word back from J

submit proposed travel budget to SKN for Vulcan (dates, travel, food, lodging)

<break due to end-o-semester, travels>

Activities for 4/30:

add code to output vertical velocity and ash concentration above vent, use to identify plume top

re-run current models to check change

read MMC paper

Activities for 4/23:

change current location of maxH calculation in code to remove from loops

rerun current 3.2 and 6.4 models, identical to before, to see if max height is reproducible

Continue war on ATHAM -- compiler issue?? Try on luna

read Herzog et al. (98)

Dispatch recent MMC paper

Activities for 4/9:

compare nx120 zoom50 and zoom100 to other models for col height.

based on preferred fit, complete diagonals for that # grid points and zoom

resend message to CoSETech via geohelp email

play with connecting netcdf options (use "locate netcdf" to get started)

Sims: PDAC (2D or 3D), Darcy Ogden, SuKo07

Activities for 4/2:

put together new diagonals 30zoom and 50zoom

finish Connor & Volentik for bestiary

contact CoSETech about compiler error, why emacs won't open files

compile ATHAM on minerve

pick next Dispatch topic

Activities for 3/19:

update nomogram diagonal positions for sparse-output entries (continue playing)

notes on schedule: need to pick 2 non-dept classes, currently assuming intro python and advanced programming

for bestiary: look up Connor and/or Volentik stuff on tephra model

edit Dispatch

transfer ATHAM to cluster; check for netcdf; check for compiler

Activities for 3/12:

play with nreps vs. periodt in code.

check problematic outlier values in current nomogram lines

for other vars constant, how does zoom impact col height? How does turb length scale effect?

Dispatch draft

Reading: go back to family tree of models. add 2 more entries. add info on later papers using it.

bring list of classes (incl. #'s) completed

Activities for 3/5:

in volc models using Morton, Taylor, Turner (195x?) entrainment, does coefficient value increase with height?

keep working on diagonal line start for nomograms

try various zooms to test stability and run duration

pick a paper for abstract (let SKN know)

pick next DIspatch topic

Activities for 2/26:

edit Dispatch per discussion

complete ATHAM deposition plots

modify output from ATHAM to include vertical flow (for plume top calculation)

run for even smaller vent speeds

Abstract SuKo05.pdf

Activities for 2/19:

make ATHAM deposition plots like we discussed in meeting for rho = 2500, 500. Do for "small" and "large" eruptions

make figure illustrating 2D solution relationship between eruption column height and grain size distribution

edit Dispatch based on discussion

abstract OgWo08

Activities for 2/7:

Try random number seeding to change Random_Toy.f90

abstract Johari (2006)

write dispatch 1st draft on one of papers we talked about

keep running atham 2d

Activities for 1/29:

read & abstract Johari (2006), Bursik et al. (2012)

work out file access b/w virtual machine and regular box

plot tephra: in air and deposited

read atham_dep.F90

pick a topic for next dispatch

Activities for 1/22:

try grads 1.6 (or so) for qview; if that fails try switch to windows version

run ATHAM with deposition: change clast sizes & distribution, change eruption conditions, NO WIND. plot output to check distances


Activities for 11/20:

install grads (follow INSTALL directions)

try to see something in qview

play with atham inputs

read abstract 1 family tree paper, plus Burden et al.

work on internship apps


Activities for 11/13:

rebuild netcdf with proper links b/w gfortran and gcc

atham (??)

read/abstract 2 papers suggested by Family Tree, fill in as appropriate (BuPh)

register (check w/ CB re: geostats)

look into summer internship opportunities

Activities for 11/6:

check $PATH for netcdf build; chat with BN about mystery

once netcdf sorted out, celebrate... and run ATHAM

edit Dispatch

put together family tree of ash fall models, including majors refs

Activities for 10/30:

{SKN: get some version of ATHAM running on shasta}

new draft for Dispatch

abstract a Fall3D paper (Folch, Costa, etc.), find online

stay in contact with COSE Tech; contact about expanding VPN authorization to shasta

Activities for 10/9:

continue work on Dispatch

add necessary files for cgg installation

install gcc

install g95

abstract paper Papale and Rosi (1993)

Activities for 10/2:

dispatch article

abstract paper Herzog et al. (1998)

continue the good fight (compiler, atham)

Activities for 9/25:

install/build g95 in Linux

try running atham ("make clean" "make" "make run" from directory holding source, input, output, etc.)

abstract Tanaka; Searcy et al. (1998)

send Susquehanna to Sh

{post Susq}

find another recent paper of interest for Dispatches

Activities for 9/11:

read/abstract BuKo09, ObHe98

install linux on virtual box, move ATHAM files and other stuff over to linux side

fix atham Makefile.COMPILE addresses

try running atham ("make clean" "make" "make run" from directory holding source, input, output, etc.)

derive Eqn 3 from Bu01 using earlier eqns and Ue = kW (Morton, Taylor, Turner, 1956)

Activities for 9/4:

revise Susquehanna

read/abstract 2 papers: Bu01.pdf and Woods (1988)

scan Woods(88) (return hard copy to Sh)

bring laptop Friday to install ATHAM

after Friday, run ATHAM (try not to crash too often)

Activities for 8/12:

email Sh revised comm article

pack and move! (Welcome to Poky!!!)

Activities for 8/7:

edit website, find cool photo (?)

abstract 2 papers (see email)

find one 2013 publication that interests you and write community translation, find photo to go with it, include link to source, a possible title, and suggested tags (send original to Sh)

SC application

Activities for 7/10:

read/abstract BoPh05 (see email)

populate website

{SH - go through code/report}

Activities for 7/3:

Read and abstract Veitch and Woods (2001)

F90 code for sin wave, I/O