Chris Borg

Christian (Chris) Borg

M.S. Geology Student

Research Assistant

Idaho State University


cell: 208.206.6032


Thesis project: My thesis project involves studying mineral alteration gradients in basalts on the Snake River Plain at Craters of the Moon National Monument as well as younger basalts in Hawaii. This project is a small part of the NASA BASALT, or the Biological Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains, project.

Program goals:

- Improve scientific reading

- Learn new lab skills, particularly analytical tools

- Submit at least 1 manuscript for peer-reviewed publishing

- Present at 1-2 conferences

- Practice research presentations

- Get teaching experience

- Develop GIS and analytical skill sets that make me competitive

- Find confidence in coding

6-month goals:

- Complete coursework

- Thesis started, chapter completed

- Develop skills and confidence in microscope petrology

- Continue coding

- Develop skills as independent researcher

- Create resume and CV

Tasks for 5/10:

Highlight priority items in sample spreadsheet, update analysis status

- update Hawaii 2017 list

Point count 2 slides

Turn in Prospectus

Type up microscope notes and put into shareable/editable file

Make Harker diagrams of our data, symbol coded by location and alteration type

Update bestiary for clay

Write discussion section for BC paper

Check status of Hawaii2017 powders and billets

Tasks for 4/3:

Point count 2 slides

Turn in Prospectus

Type up microscope notes and put into shareable/editable file

Make Harker diagrams of our data, symbol coded by location and alteration type

Update bestiary for clay

Write discussion section for BC paper

Check status of Hawaii2017 powders and billets

Tasks for 3/15:

Point count 2 slides

Turn in Prospectus

Type up microscope notes and put into shareable/editable file

Make Harker diagrams of our data, symbol coded by location and alteration type

Update bestiary for clay

Write discussion section for BC paper

Check status of Hawaii2017 powders and billets

Tasks for 3/8:

Point count 2 (or more) slides

Turn in Prospectus

Type up microscope notes and put into shareable/editable file

RS paper (for Carrie)

Make Harker diagrams of our data, symbol coded by location and alteration type

Update bestiary for clay

Schedule meeting with BC

Write discussion section for BC paper

Make calendar notification for daily updates

Check status of Hawaii2017 powders and billets

Tasks for 2/22:

Give EC the list of which thin sections match Bio/OrgGeo samples

Prospectus: write about geochem, include plot of our geochem

Make Harker diagrams of our data, symbol coded by location and alteration type

Bestiary: do entries for clays, opaques

Look through thin sections and make a list of each of the types of olivines (populations)

- note alteration minerals you can pick out

Schedule your work time for the week

Tasks for 2/8:

Meet with BC, put content into outline that follows rubric

Finish catching up with CB (HW4 Feb 2, start HW5)

Meet with Emily on Monday (rock room)

Turn in prospectus draft

Continue with bestiary

Schedule with Ashley for rock room (next weekend?)

{SKN: Buy more ziplock bags - sandwich or snack size}

Look through thin sections and make a list of each of the types of olivines

- note alteration minerals you can pick out

Tasks for 1/24:


Do my taxes

Finish billets

Find/read 2 papers

Prospectus draft for next week

?? Check in with Emily/Shannon --> ask Shannon about powdering active fumarole samples

Reach out to Mike, Scott to schedule meeting

?? Colloquium Fall '18?

?? Monday check-ins

Erins samples. geochem?

Tasks for 1/8-12:


Read Koster thesis more in depth - per looking through it about the 5 olivines thing

Mostly through it

Finish billets during week

Not finished. Will finish Sat/Sun

Find/read 2 valuable prospectus papers

Schedule regular SKN meeting (BASALT telecons staying the same?)

Lab reading group this semester? Don't think this is gonna happen

Start adding HI '17 samples to Sample List Def started, still lots to do

Tasks for 1/3:

Review and revise bestiary

- list of anything missing that you still need to add

Read MU geochem paper

- Insert relevant MU geochem into prospectus

Draft this weekend-->Monday

(Goal: prospectus submitted to comm by mid-January)

Finish Harker diagrams from 2016; send to SKN by 12/28

Figure out why you were looking for 5 different types of olivine (or what you should use instead)

No idea :/ Koster referenced 3?? Maybe a conversation with Mike M?

Prep thin section billets and powders for 2017 samples

Starting tonight.

Tasks for 10/11:

Edit bestiary

Set up time to meet with Emily

textures bestiary: 3 or more entries

Finish reading papers on MU geochem, summarize relevant content and add to prospectus

- practice precision use.

Sort plots by alteration type

Finish prospectus draft

Bestiary: look for the 5 olivines in the slides, find at least 2 examples of other minerals

Tasks for 9/13:

Contact Allyson about sample list

All good

Send bestiary to SKN

{SKN review bestiary}

Meet with Kyle (+/- Mike) about textures for bestiary

Like you guessed, having a hard time scheduling. Reached out to Cool Ryan and he agreed to "tutor" me for beer

textures bestiary: 3 or more entries

not yet, will do with Ryan

Prospectus: finish summary of published geochem on Mauna Ulu

Still reading the papers

finish/send summaries

send SKN anticipated deadline for prospectus draft

Lets say Oct 1, the end of next week

make graphs showing geochemistry for the different alteration groups (differentiate by lava flow and alteration type. Use same color but different shapes for each lava flow)

super frustrated with this, I'll send you you what I have. Googling and youtubing trying to get better at excel and data series and changing legend shapes and colors. I suck

pit volume data to carrie

She has it now.

Tasks for 9/6:

check gps sample list against longer list

-found 3 errors, fixed on 'my sheet', fix on Allison's???

Find Geo samples used as alteration replicates for Bio/OrgGeo

email Hester for FINESSE sample list

-waiting for reply

3 new bestiary entries

-did 4... 11 total now

set up meeting with MMC and Kyle for thin sections

-Kyle is down for sure, still waiting to schedule time with Mike. Kyle and I will meet on our own - I can learn from him.

finish/send summaries

put python class in schedule

Tasks for 8/23:

check gps sample list against longer list

update status entries in master list

Find Geo samples used as alteration replicates for Bio/OrgGeo

find finesse list

Finish 5 more entries in bestiary

Send paper summaries to SKN

Find/read/summarize another paper for prospectus

Send new prospectus text to SKN

daily email check-in (now mornings)

write outline of code (in IDLE)

Tasks for 8/10 (email):

Master list updates

Find Geo samples used as alteration replicates for Bio/OrgGeo

Need spreadsheet of all sample bag numbers we have from BASALT

Review thin sections images in KosterThesis.pdf (return thumb drive to SKN)

make bestiary of minerals in your samples (photos, key features, etc.)

Send paper summaries to SKN

Find/read/summarize another paper for prospectus

Send papers to SKN

Send new prospectus text to SKN

Transfer half of Hawaii to ML

- need to have way to quickly find samples actually under focused study, and their replicates

daily email check-in

think up alternative pitch for python project

Tasks for 8/4:

spend another day with the thin section book, reviewing/practicing

make bestiary of minerals in your samples (photos, key features, etc.)

find paper for prospectus to read/summarize; test new software

transfer half of MasterList

daily email check-in

thermal raster layer

Tasks for 7/26 (email):

look at thin sections under scope to downselect for polished section set (Thursday)

10 thin sections - point counts

Pit volumes

finish MasterList transfer

set up new structure for prospectus

continue reading Atlas, write notes in Drive of important/useful stuff to look for

daily email check-in


- download most recent version of prospectus from email attachments and address 3 of the editing suggestions. May be as small as you want.

- Confirm for me that the COM16 samples have shipped for XRF and thin sections, and the estimated return date.

- Skim through 4 thin sections, without point counting, to decide if you feel comfortable with ID'ing all of the things you see. Assume not all of them will be clear to you. Make a list (including simple sketches/descriptions) of at least 4 things that you don't know what they are (or don't feel very confident about). It's not about getting the answers yet, just about figuring out what the questions are.

Tasks for 7/19:

look at thin sections under scope to downselect for polished section set (Thursday)

10 thin sections - point counts

install GIS

- pit volumes

finish MasterList transfer

set up new structure for prospectus

continue reading Atlas, write notes in Drive of important/useful stuff to look for

daily email check-in

Tasks for 6/28:

**Find missing hard drive; move all important files to cloud

Make list of all missing files

Point count.

- can you move the point counter (slide displacement) to a different scope?

- need to complete at least 10 slides

Pit volumes: see about Grass software -- online forums suggest it over QGIS for this.

- re-download DEM(s)

Transfer Idaho and Hawaii 2016 samples to new MasterList

Revise prospectus using latest emailed version

Read 2 texture papers, write short summaries

Make list of proposed billets for polished thin section, reasons for those selections

NAGT poster; print 6/22

Tasks for 6/21:

Python project

point counts/descriptions

pit volumes

requests that came up during the telecons

- skim survey of the papers Scott collected for the textures paper and identify 1-2 to focus on first

Tasks for 5/30:

sort out which samples were paid on invoice for Spectrum, update SKN on expediting price

think up better organization scheme for MasterList

- email Sam, Adam, and Scott about Hawaii master list

- email Allyson for update on missing Idaho samples

forward email to NB to SKN

find/fix missing values in ballistics

Finalize blast markers in KB image

- for the blast areas, calculate pit volumes (keep them separate, so it's clear which volume is for which pit)

{SKN: send prospectus edits}

Point counts: make list of minerals and types, count

Python: write code outline, write code to read input files

Tasks for 4/16 (email):

finish incomplete work for SG

point counts (start with Idaho samples)

ship missing Idaho samples 4/8, need fast turnaround (email SKN on price jump)

clean up ballistic dataset, send to SKN and NB

- re-project data from bad zone

clean up KB figure (lava lake outline, add explosive annotation)

{SKN: send prospectus edits}

Tasks for 4/24 (email):

clean up KB figure (lava lake outline, add explosive annotation)

compile ballistic dataset (minus Derek's rocks)

email ballistic dataset to NB (cc SKN)

email Haberle about Highway MS image (raw)

{later: calculate pit volumes using methods from CB}

finish HW5

Tasks for 4/20:

clean up KB figure (lava lake outline, add explosive annotation)

compile ballistic dataset (minus Derek's rocks)

email ballistic dataset to NB (cc SKN)

email Haberle about Highway MS image (raw)

{later: calculate pit volumes using methods from CB}

finish HW5

Tasks for 4/10:

send prospectus draft to SKN

compile ballistic dataset (minus Derek's rocks)

email ballistic dataset to NB (cc SKN)

{later: calculate pit volumes using methods from CB}

{later: KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft}

finish HW4

pick movie for video report

make list of what you have/still need for python project

come up with parallel project idea

Tasks for 4/6:

send prospectus draft to SKN

follow up with CB about pit volumes

{later: calculate pit volumes using methods from CB}

{later: KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft}

email Gavin (never mind on thin sections)

ship samples (BYU, Spectrum, Alex)

email ballistic dataset to NB (cc SKN)

Tasks for 3/20:

write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

email Gavin

ship rocks

Tasks for 3/13:

write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

cut/grind rocks

Tasks for 3/9:

write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

cut/grind rocks

Tasks for 3/6:

email SKN with Jadea schedule

write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

Tasks for 3/3:

ask SG and HM about web restriction software

finalize rock room time with Jadea

track successes/challenges with structured schedule

write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

Tasks for 2/23:

send SKN copy of paper, write abstract

calculate pit volumes using methods from CB

KB pretty figure: bring in-progress draft

Tasks for 2/16:

look through slide references

pick paper from list to read and write abstract Will read and write for thursday--got a few papers from Scott to read next as well

FTIR scans to Haberle (5-10 scans of stuff with XRF)

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pit Carrie offered to show me a better and more efficient way to do this than what I was describing to her--meeting with her at 2:30 on 2/19

find time to schedule rock room training for JB, email SKN

{carrot-and-stick: if you get this list complete, I buy lunch; if you don't finish it, you owe SKN lunch}

Tasks for 2/13:

read slides and scan references

{SKN: NAGT edits}

FTIR scans to Haberle (5-10 scans of stuff with XRF)

turn in HW5

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pit

Tasks for 2/9:

Read BASALT proposal

NAGT re-trim

FTIR scans to Haberle (5-10 scans of stuff with XRF)

finish HW5

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pit

Tasks for 2/6:

NAGT abstract

FTIR scans to Haberle (5-10 scans of stuff with XRF)

finish HW5

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pit

Tasks for 1/17:

finish HW5

activity log

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pit

finish pretty KB pits figure

load Scott's KB GIS stuff into glacier (see Hester)

FTIR scans to Haberle

* get ahead: python project

Tasks for 12/14 (email):

Finish GPS coordinates from Shannon onto KB image

Watch remaining writing video

restart activity log

calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pits

Color code map of samples based on ones already being processed and those that you think would be helpful to add. Must bring to next meeting.

email Catherine/Gavin to confirm all ok

Tasks for 12/7:

Finish GPS coordinates from Shannon onto KB image

Watch remaining writing video

restart activity log

get KB DTMs from Hester - calculate volumes of pits and compare pits to SKN GPS pits

Color code map of samples based on ones already being processed and those that you think would be helpful to add. Must bring to next meeting.

Finish registering for classes

email Catherine/Gavin to confirm all ok

(Field work)

Tasks for 11/2:

send files to Catherine/Gavin (remove TJ samples and those without coordinates)

Finish GPS coordinates from Shannon onto KB image

Finish structure video, watch next video

continue activity log

see if you can get KB fissure DTM(s) from Hester

If time: check out spring courses

Tasks for 10/27:

Continue to work with Diana on KML bug

email Catherine/Gavin with update (make sure FINESSE samples are also on list)

get data for Python project

read 2 more papers (fractal alteration of basalt, plus one other)

Finish GPS coordinates from Shannon onto KB image

add bag numbers, marker IDs, etc. to geo/archive samples that were dropped from Master List. ML p1 should have all samples, not just complete suites.

Finish structure video, watch next video

Finish Mission Day brief reviews for tomorrow. Also look at ColNikBot images

start time log to track activity effort

Tasks for 10/19

reply to prospective student

read 2 more papers (fractal alteration of basalt, plus one other)

GPS coordinates from Shannon onto KB image as soon as get it from Scott (email him reminder)


Check in with Erin on powdering samples (schedule a time to help?)

find missing samples from Master List and add them

add coordinates list to Master List

Watch Josh Schimel video about scientific writing (either structure, language or flow)

Read Mission Day briefs for Hawaii (possibly for Idaho, if helpful)

Tasks for 10/7:

complete KB image Awaiting some files from Scott per our conversation last week, and will go from there.

send SKN sample maps (with sample name labels) I have the sample locations labeled, can we look at it together in DML to determine how best to get that info to you...

find 2 more papers and read them. send to SKN. write abstracts.

find out about alteration thesis from MMC


train Erin S for rock room equipment

Quick update: Waiting for a new order form from BYU with a better order number that will allow us to pay online with a credit card. The office secretary will prepare it and "show Dr. Christiansen the right way to do it...sigh" haha

I re-sent the thin section order form and hope to get a confirmation back of that, haven't yet.

Tasks for 9/28:

email Dave and Tamar about exporting samples with coordinates

draw KB

Turn GPS coordinates from field book into line segments overlain on imagery for KB (make pdf)

Type up paper summaries for discussion

send papers from write-ups to SKN


**Ship priority 1 samples for thin section and XRF

*Make GIS layer of sample positions so that we can pick additional geo samples to process

Tasks for 9/21:

finish discussion about samples with Alex, send pieces and possibly archival rock

email Scott about KB line drawing/draw KB

Turn GPS coordinates from field book into line segments overlain on imagery for KB (make pdf)

Review Idaho 2016 Science Matrix in Drive folder (Basalt -> Idaho -> Idaho 2016 -> SciencePlans -> BASALT2016Idaho_ScienceMatrix) to orient yourself to themes and goals

Type up paper summaries for discussion


*Separate out high priority samples for thin section and and XRF using sample guideline sheet.

*Make GIS layer of sample positions so that we can pick additional geo samples to process

Tasks for 9/7:

*Finish powders into vials--package to ship to BYU and Alex

Turn GPS coordinates from field book into line segments overlain on imagery for KB (make pdf)

Make line drawing basemap of KB

Review Idaho 2016 Science Matrix in Drive folder (Basalt -> Idaho -> Idaho 2016 -> SciencePlans -> BASALT2016Idaho_ScienceMatrix) to orient yourself to themes and goals

Type up paper summaries for discussion


*Separate out high priority samples for thin section and and XRF using sample guideline sheet.

*Make GIS layer of sample positions so that we can pick additional geo samples to process

look up fate of rock that was lost in lava flow

Tasks for 8/31:

Powders into vials--package to ship to BYU and Alex

Turn GPS coordinates from field book into line segments overlain on imagery for KB

Review Idaho 2016 Science Matrix in Drive folder (Basalt -> Idaho -> Idaho 2016 -> SciencePlans -> BASALT2016Idaho_ScienceMatrix) to orient yourself to themes and goals

Type up paper summaries for discussion

Suggest next 1-2 papers to read/summarize


Separate out high priority samples for thin section and and XRF using sample guideline sheet.

Make GIS layer of sample positions

Tasks for 7/27:

finalize powder vials (have SKN purchase) Recieved--I will fill these and have them all ready to ship to BYU/Alex Schelke on Monday when school starts.

set up payment option for XRF (can they take CC? Or start PO) See email and its attachment

Start tracking samples in BASALT project spreadsheet Can we do this together? Not really sure

use xGDS to compile useful metadata about samples " " " " I am now on xGDS

do a lit review search -- find papers about basalt geochem and mineralogy, esp in ESRP and Mauna Ulu area of Hawaii.

Ongoing. I have also reached out to Haberle to see if he had some suggestions...

Review Idaho 2016 Science Matrix in Drive folder (Basalt -> Idaho -> Idaho 2016 -> SciencePlans -> BASALT2016Idaho_ScienceMatrix) to orient yourself to themes and goals I have not yet been shared the BASALT DRIVE Folder...

Read and summarize at least 3 papers


Tasks for 7/20:

finish powdering rocks

contact Kate about which thin section companies we have on official file

contact thin section company and Eric at BYU to set up invoices so that we can get the work approved. Must be done before we ship rocks. Quotes >$2k must be handled via PO

get access to xGDS (email Tamar Cohen or David Lees)

Start tracking samples in BASALT project spreadsheet

use xGDS to compile useful metadata about samples

do a lit review search -- find papers about basalt geochem and mineralogy, esp in ESRP and Mauna Ulu area of Hawaii.

Review Idaho 2016 Science Matrix in Drive folder (Basalt -> Idaho -> Idaho 2016 -> SciencePlans -> BASALT2016Idaho_ScienceMatrix) to orient yourself to themes and goals

Start attending telecons


Tasks for 4/18:

see Dalton, Erin, or Alli about field assistance on Sunday


Collect locally-largest blocks in raster pattern for northern transect area, far northern blast pit area (priority 2)

Tasks for 3/22:

send excel versions of corrected points

send screen cap (or file) of poster draft

Tasks for 3/7:

email co-authors

submit RM GSA

complete re-projection

very rough draft of poster for LPSC

Tasks for 2/29:

go back to original lines 3&4 and re-project from there (looking for rotation as well as translation)

write RM GSA abstract (due 3/1) can you send rough draft by Friday?

Tasks for 2/15 (via email):

fix projections on transects 3&4

list of 10 figures needed for thesis/pub

Tasks for 2/8:

Fix the projection of transects 3&4 (talk to CB)

Outline of senior thesis

- make schematic figures showing possible results/interps (all blocks from KB, blocks from 1 pit along northern area, blocks from multiple pits; include line of linear frequency and max size) [schematics are for sr thesis, not pub)

Tasks for 2/1:

Fix the projection of transects 3&4

Outline of senior thesis

make schematic figures showing possible results/interps (all blocks from KB, blocks from 1 pit along northern area, blocks from multiple pits; include line of linear frequency and max size)

plots of geometric average diameter vs. distance from KB pit centroid (before Monday?)

send SKN spreadsheet wit

Tasks for 12/7:

prep slides for FINESSE science talk (due Wednesday to Jen; review Tuesday or Wednesday w/ SKN)

final draft of poster (send copy to SKN for draft review during week)

(later, if time: clean up Drive folder)

Tasks for 11/16:

overlay own vs. Carrie's dgps lines on basemap to check conversion

email Scott so that he knows what's going on with conversions

put stuff on Drive; send reminder email to people on folder

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size (do, even if incomplete dataset)

Illustrator tutorial with Dalton

complete first draft of poster

Other long-goal: manuscript (think about b/w images, necessary text, etc. Goal period: Holidays)

Tasks for 11/9:

Compile corrected dGPS files on google drive and email Scott/Shannon

check on mxd export (export map package)

talk to Carrie about last projection changes, offer to make handout

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size (do, even if incomplete dataset)

start AGU poster draft: collect all the images you want to use and assign them to topic headers (if can't get a figure yet, put on list and explain how you will get it) Note: complete draft in 2 weeks

Other long-goal: manuscript (think about b/w images, necessary text, etc.)

Tasks for 10/5:

check on mxd export (export map package)

follow up with Carrie to convert dgps files

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size

if time: convert block position from UTM space to distance along line, plot distance vs. size and distance vs. local number density (excel)

add co-authors to AGU abstract

get one output of each type from FTIR to SKN

Tasks for 9/28:

send mxd file (all necessary files) to SKN, Erin, and Alli

finish projection conversion

- figure out how to convert the files we don't have .tsj for

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size

if time: convert block position from UTM space to distance along line, plot distance vs. size and distance vs. local number density (excel)

standby: proposal formatting

Tasks for 9/21:

plot tephra pits (label with hole depth, clast size, %eolian) send as pdfs to SKN by Friday?

read stuff for group

continue projection conversion (upload .tsj files onto handheld)

get more dgps points (transects)

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size

Tasks for 9/14 (9/7 is Labor Day):

continue dgps

check email for NAIP notification

plot tephra pits (label with hole depth, clast size, %eolian) send as pdfs to SKN

read stuff for group

extract txt files from dgps

plot current block data (arc) colorize points based on size

update webpage

if time: convert block position from UTM space to distance along line, plot distance vs. size and distance vs. local number density (excel)

Tasks for 8/31:

dgps this weekend; finish main pit area; head north if time available Talk about this

read stuff for reading group Yup!

download NAIP for KB, plot tephra pit locations Trouble: could only find viewable images...wouldn't let me input coordinates. Can we download correct image together?

telecon Tuesday: prep raw and clean output images

Ask Carrie about borrowing field camp laptop

call FTIR people to confirm if there is a limit to software installations


Tasks for 12/4

stay sane with end-o-semester

check with MM about supplies, saw blade

Tasks for 11/13:

update website based on conversation

do some more billets, as time permits

{forward geochem lab email to CB}

crinoid stem!!

check with MM about where to purchase supplies, get ready for Thanksgiving Break

- if Grainger, talk to SKN about prepping shopping cart online (need to be purchased with p-card)

Register for AGU

Tasks for 10/30:

Double check volumes for KB_07_31_2014_09, KB_07_31_14_10, and COM_08_07_14_05

email SKN and SSH with shopping list/needs for geochem powdering

measure volume, mass for 10-20 billets, plus vesicularly

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