Adam Koster

Goals for MS program:

My goals for this program are to gain a better understanding of geology and the techniques involved in analyzing geologic materials. I am specifically interested in getting a better understanding of volcanology. Furthermore, I would like to attain more skill and knowledge of analytical techniques such as: petrography, x-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, and ICP-MS. Having these skills will help me in achieving my eventual goal of attaining a Ph.D.

Research project:

I will be studying the geochemistry and petrology of a portion of the Los Tuxtlas Volcanic Field which is in southern Veracruz, Mexico. My research will be aimed at gaining a better understanding of the magmatic plumbing system beneath the field. To this end I will be using geographic information systems, petrography (point counting), X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, ICP-MS, and other analytical methods.

Activities for 11/6:

Figure out why additive model doesn't come out symmetric in Test1.pdf (priority)

color/scale problems in 1000mmap.pdf

continue on Conclusions

schematic explanation of additive model steps

{SKN: CH 2, 3, 5}

Activities for 10/30:

write semi-literate (schematic-based) explanation for model methods, including faux data set like discussed together

Send Ch's 2 & 3 to SKN

Do updates to Ch 5, then send to SKN

send SKN copy of probability maps

start on Conclusions chapter

{SKN: finish Ch 1&4, return}

Activities for 10/23:

check additive probabilities for 3 step-size plot

put step-sizes plot maps onto same color scale bar

subtract CoCo approach from your approach -- map of high expectation but no current volcanoes

write additive methods into Ch 3, first draft of figure explaining method

Send Ch 2,3,5 to SKN

read papers about funky Cocos assertions, slabs running into each other

{SKN: catch up on editing}

Activities for 10/9:

email final prosp, telling them SKN will collect signatures

continue modifying additive prob.

do Read on Ch 1&4, then send to SKN

{SKN: finish editing Ch 2, start on Ch 1&4 as they arrive}

modify Ch 2, 3, 5

Activities for 10/2:

send prosp to DP, note changed areas

additive probability in code

plot additive probability map

slow read Ch 1&4

send fig embedded Ch 2&5

{Sh: continue editing}

Activities for 9/25:

continue variogram analyses

DP edits

continue edits Ch 4, 1

edits new figs per discussion

embed figs in chapters

first attempt at recombining variograms as map

{Sh: continue Ch 2&5, also 3)

Activities for 9/18:

variogram code: try v. small hit radii, smaller angle search.

variogram plots

continue to contact MM

MM edits to prospectus

find missing parts of Fig 1, other minor fig edits as discussed, road map fig

edit Ch 3,4

{edit Ch1,2,5}

Activities for 9/11:

harass MM

{re-find or re-finish Ch2 edits, send to AK}

{read, edit Ch 1, 4}

edit Ch 2 when back from Sh

edit prospectus when comments from MM

edit figs as discussed

continue with the variogram code, using smaller radius and smaller step size, emphasis on repeats

goal: create variogram plots

Activities for 9/4:

Send edited figs to Sh

update new round of figs

may need to follow up with comm

finish variogram code

send variogram output to Sh

refile intent to graduate

email Melissa re: registration

edit Ch2

rough draft geochem chapter

Activities for 8/28:

{Sh: finish edits/comments and send; search for papers Adam requested}

post additional figs to Drive or Dropbox

edits to figs as discussed

contact comm members re: signatures on prospectus

check code re: S variogram

intermediary variogram angles

check on intent to graduate form: refile?

Activities for 8/21:

{Sh: re-edit Ch2 (didn't save), read prospectus, Ch1}

renormalize cone distances per discussion for variograms, add intermediary angles

list of figures for Pet chapter

make 15 figures for thesis, including captions

email comm. members re: new prospectus version and signatures

Activities for 8/12:

Look up more monogenetic field distribution papers

variograms (E-W, N-S)

what do streaks of cones have in common in VD vs Length?

{Sh: send edited text}

Respond to comments in edited text

Activities for 8/1:

Continue to explore spatial/temporal relationships

first pass at anisotropy algorithm

edit petrology, geochem, other existing writing

finish updates to prospectus (DP, MM)

Activities for 7/10:

cone volume as function of local vent density and/or crossing alignments?

explore frequency vs orientation -- relatie percents on each side of SMT divide

filter lengths - use AnalystSoft with Excel to limit to 1 sdtev

{Sh: read/edit prospectus, petrology text}

Activities for 7/3:

incorporate DP and MM edits to prospectus

draft of pet results text (~<5 pages)

qualitative anisotropy story, supported by figures minor text

Activities for 5/22:

incorporate DP edits to prospectus

pin down MM on required edits

drafts of geochem and pet results text

qualitative anisotropy story, supported by figures

Activities for 4/30:

harass MM

parallel project: parallel

Activities for 4/23:

harass MM

focus on parallel project: get it in serial

Activities for 4/9:

need responses from MM and DP

alignment investigations: volume weight, variance/std dev, etc.

gravity model - check in with Mike, send to Sh

Questions we have: Do cones at intersections have different (larger) volumes? Is there a spatio-temporal recurrence interval, and does it vary with alignment angle, cone density, or position in field? Is apparent change in alignment strength at SMT real or not?

Activities for 3/19:

bring presentation for Colloquium

Clean up on temporal figures, and add morphology based cones by age

(Sh: send Chanie's photos of thin-sections to Adam)

Check in with committee about prospectus requirements to sign off

Work on Ch 3 and parts of results

read through code to refresh on volume concerns

Activities for 3/5:

Gather committee for meeting

meeting prep: clean figures in a presentation

Activities for 2/26:

revised conceptual model/figure

read Pearson papers

bring alignment graphs, illustrating trends


Activities for 2/19:

table of alignment data

geochem stacked graphs


methods outline - detailed, with refs

(Sh: figure out where Ch1 went)

(no meeting 2/4 due to illness)

Activities for 2/5:

meet with Mike re: geochem

send Ch 1 and prospectus to SKN on 1/29

read pet paper and update pet interps

code: run without morphometry sort

distances: alignment length vs. average distance, average distance relative to alignment angle, cone volume vs. distance (plots, numbers)

Activities for 1/29:

(Sh: send final edits from Christmas Break content)

send clean plots ASAP, TOC, PS

Make changes to text based on SKN edits

finally finish code

Activities for 1/22:

Finish code

Use problem statement worksheet to develop PS

Flesh out more sections in TOC

Clean up stacked plots - label axes, align plots, highlight those with meaning

(Sh: review content turned it, edit/comment)

Activities over break:

Write: Introduction, Geologic Setting, Table of Contents (detailed outline) (Chapters: Intro, Geologic Setting, Methods, Results: Physiography,

Results: Geochemistry, Results: Petrography, Discussion, Conclusions)

geochem and petrography graphs and short story

write clear, succinct problem statement

finish code

Activities for 12/17:

microprobe mini-proposal

send Sh stacked graphs with interps

sort out logical statements in code for sorting and distances

list of break goals

edits on prospectus

Activities for 12/10:

send Sh file with stacked graphs, geochem and pet interpretations

send prospectus to Shannon by 11/28

AGU poster

alignment code: finish

Activities for 11/26:

plot point counts in Excel - write a clean copy of interpretation (include refs)

edit prospectus, return to SKN (then MMC, BC)

add arrays, test, get loops going

Activities for 10/29:

focus on thin sections, point counting

- population definitions

finish read-in for code (confirm works properly)

Activities for 10/8:

pellets? Ask Mike

work out reading issues in code

prospectus edits

Activities for 10/4:

Ask around about chemistry hood/access

finish code

send Shannon prospectus edits

contact MSU about geochem extra cuttings

start point counting (if time)

Activities for 9/24:

Complete poster

- images, etc. talk to Diana

<Shannon reads and edits prospectus>

email Mike and Shannon to schedule group meeting

start writing cone alignment code

- read files, set up the do loops

Activities for 9/17:

start writing cone alignment code (delay one week)

- read files, set up the do loops

send Shannon Fenner diagrams

finish prospectus edits

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous abstract - By Tuesday

poster draft by 9/18

Activities for 9/10:

Continue writing cone alignment code

time-relevant geochem diagrams

prospectus edits

Activities for 9/3:

Continue logging cone alignment time relationships

Edit Intro chapter (too much work right now, hold off)

Find out about thin sections


Activities for 5/8:

fix P-chem enrollment

more cone alignments

prep prospectus presentation

COV7 abstract

Activities for 5/1:

Register for fall classes

cone alignments

hypothesize relative dates along field alignments

Activities for 4/17:

TAS code

maars fix

volc class sieving

Activities for 4/11:

keep debugging TAS code

vent alignments

Activities for 4/3:

continue debugging TAS - upper row

draw alignments, enter values into attribute table

mess with TVF-6b (high Mg)

Activities for 3/20:

search bugs TAS

work on alignments

Activities for 3/13:

debug TAS, add input file

Linux tinkering

start mapping alignments

read AlGo01

Activities for 3/6:

finish Idaho Space Grant proposal (due 3/5!)

finish bounds for TAS code, add input file

2 pages in introduction

Activities for 2/28 (no meeting 2/21: at EPSCoR CI event):

debug TAS - runtime bugs for dog-leg fields

3 more pages in introduction

read URC call, start filling in text

keep looking for Martian monogenetic papers, find: A unique volcanic field in Tharsis, Mars: Pyroclastic cones as evidence for explosive eruptions by P. Brož and E. Hauber

Activities for 2/14:

debug TAS

look up Martian monogenetic papers, summarize

write 2 more pages in introduction

Activities for 2/7:

Finish proposal text and budget

figure edits

Activities for 1/31:

Proposal figure (2 insets)

2nd drafts of proposal

Activities for 1/24:

Write a 1st draft of the GSA proposal - 1 fig

finish up the intro 3 pages

fix code bugs

Activities for 1/17:

code: allow it to read an input file with multiple entries, and output results in a file

code2: complete TAS code. (basic IDs)

writing: Intro draft, 3 pages

Activities for 1/10:

finish rock code

- bottom triangle

- accept raw point count values, normalize to 100

map: adjust/check cones and contacts; make blackout polygons

draft Introduction chapter

Activities for 12/13:

programming: finish QAP half of code

read on monogenetic statistics

outline monogenetic section for thesis

map: adjust/check cones and contacts; make blackout polygons

write goals and project description