
Each head coach/advisor of a varsity sport is required to establish a protocol for reporting scores to the media. Conference policy will dictate initial reporting. Your students and team deserve to have their accomplishments noted, so be proactive in contacting a variety of local sources when you have a potentially interesting story. Always plan your comments from a positive perspective and in such a way that you can be proud of any quotes attributed to you concerning your program or a particular contest or individual.

Before giving an interview ask:

  1. Ask what the story is about.

  2. Ask whom else have you interviewed? What did they say?

  3. Whom else are you planning on interviewing?

  4. What is your deadline?

  5. Remember you are in control and don’t have to answer every question.

  6. Alert the Activities Director 952-806-7719 and/or Director of Communications Rick Kaufman 952-681-6403

Keys to giving an appropriate interview:

  1. Share only information that is appropriate

  2. Respect data privacy, don’t be pushed to speculate on issues not related to the actual contest you are being interviewed about

  3. Speak about you teams/groups successes, be positive and upbeat

  4. Represent Bloomington Schools in the best way possible

  5. Speak about tangible results not beliefs

Reminders for students:

  1. Give credit to teammates (1st), parents, youth coaches and community

  2. Give credit to others

  3. Represent Bloomington Public Schools in the best way possible

  4. Only speak about tangible results not beliefs on issues