
Thanks for signing up to host an Hour of Code!

EVERY Hour of Code organizer will receive 10 GB of Dropbox space or $10 of Skype credit as a thank you. Details

1. Spread the word

Tell your friends about the #HourOfCode.

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

2. Ask your whole school to offer an Hour of Code

Send this email or give this handout to your principal.

3. Make a generous donation

Donate to our crowdfunding campaign. To teach 100 million children, we need your support. We just launched what could be the largest education crowdfunding campaign in history. Every dollar will be matched by major Code.org donors, doubling your impact.

4. Ask your employer to get involved

Send this email to your manager, or the CEO. Or give them this handout.

5. Promote Hour of Code within your community

Recruit a local group — boy scouts club, church, university, veterans group or labor union. Or host an Hour of Code "block party" for your neighborhood.

6. Ask a local elected official to support the Hour of Code

Send this email to your mayor, city council, or school board. Or give them this handout and invite them to visit your school.