* Speaker's guide

From: Allison Mollica

To ALL Portugal Speakers.

Here are some details about the Summit that will help you prepare for your days and sessions.

Add comments to any section if you have questions. There is also a table at the bottom of the page if you would like to add your travel details (arrival, hotel, etc)

Please be sure to take the opportunity to market yourself well during this event. Tweet out, G+ posts etc should include #GIESummit.

We are looking for a demo slam from all the speakers. Details are noted in the document.

If you have not submitted your session links please do as soon as you can. If they are posted already, check them for accuracy. (I am a terrible proofer).

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, Katka, or Guen. We will reply promptly.

Thank you so much for being a part of the Portugal Summit!


The Apps Events Team