Apps Events: A empresa que faz eventos Google

Apps Events

A empresa independente que faz eventos sobre a tecnologia G Suite

Google/AppsEvents page for the Portugal summit 2014:

Sched page for the Portugal summit 2014:

Este evento foi organizado pela empresa independente Apps Events:

A empresa foi fundada no Reino Unido pelo Dan Taylor:

Dan Taylor, Director

Dan Taylor is from the UK and the Director of AppsEvents. After studying Systems Engineering at University he worked as a management consultant firstly in enterprise projects and then moved into EdTech. He has been involved in the Google Education community since the launch of Google Apps for Education in 2006. He began his Google work as a consultant managing the technical set-up and migration of schools to Google Apps, and has assisted the first schools to ‘go Google’ in many countries. He founded and co-developed CourseDirector, the first ‘Learning Management System’ to have native Google Apps integration which was then sold to WizKids.

Dan has helped train educators across the globe with AppsEvents from El Salvador to Vietnam. He has spoken on Google Education tools at several leading EdTech conferences including ISTE in the US, BETT in the UK, ISTEC in Asia and the ECIS Administration Conference in mainland Europe. Dan is a Google Education Trainer, Google Apps Certified Administrator and a Prince2 Project Manager.

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