Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone - not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs. When UDL principles are incorporated in the initial design of curriculum, instruction and assessment with forethought in the design process, school districts proactively address the requirement to provide students with disabilities accessible instructional materials .

Universal design for learning (UDL) is an evidenced based educational practice founded upon principles of universal design, brain research, and instructional design research. It specifically addresses curriculum development which includes the curriculum goals, instructional approach and strategies, materials and resources, and assessment.

UDL in itself is not a required practice in public schools, but is presented as a recommended practice under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) and ESSA (2016).

CPS provides universal resources and materials that all school teams can access. For teacher development, the UDL resources provide teachers, parents, and students with introductory information to understand the research behind this evidenced based educational practice and the value of incorporating these practices in the instructional design process.

Teachers may access Goalbook enabling individualization of instructional goals aligned to the Ohio Learning Standards. The Goalbook 5-Step Instructional Design Process integrates standards-based instruction and universal design for learning to develop instructional goals and to apply in the lesson planning process. Goalbook supports teachers to provide multiple pathways to engage all learners in their instruction.

School personnel may access introductory professional development on Universal Design for Learning and district wide resources to implement the UDL principles in instruction. Customized professional development is also available upon request.


    • CAST - CAST coined the term Universal Design for Learning over 20 years ago and articulated the principles. Learn more about UDL here.

    • National Center on UDL - Founded in 2009, the National UDL Center supports the effective implementation of UDL by connecting stakeholders in the field and providing resources and information.

    • Goalbook - Goalbook empowers teachers with resources to provide high quality, rigorous instruction that meets the needs of learners at all levels.

    • UDL Guidelines (Full Text) - The UDL Guidelines are organized according to the three main principles of UDL that address representation, expression, and engagement.

    • UDL Guidelines (Graphic Organizer) - The UDL Guidelines are organized according to the three main principles of UDL that address representation, expression, and engagement.

    • UDL Guidelines (Interactive) - The UDL Guidelines are organized according to the three main principles of UDL that address representation, expression, and engagement.

    • Representation - Learners differ in the ways that they perceive and comprehend information that is presented to them. Providing options for representation is essential.

    • Action and Expression - Learners differ in the ways that they can navigate a learning environment and express what they know. Providing options for action and expression are essential.

    • Engagement - Learners differ markedly in the ways in which they can be engaged or motivated to learn. Providing options for engagement is essential.

    • CAST UDL Curriculum Self-Check - Use this site to help you apply UDL principles in your teaching to reach and engage all of your students.

    • CAST UDL Lesson Builder - Provides educators with models and tools to create and adapt lessons that increase access and participation in the general education curriculum for all students.

    • CAST UDL Book Builder - Use this site to create, share, publish, and read digital books that engage and support diverse learners according to their individual needs, interests, and skills.

    • UDL Tech Tools - Tech tools that support all of the UDL guidelines

    • Getting the Right size- video from OCALI - Using a shoe store analogy, this short video by OCALI provides an overview of Universal Design for Learning.

    • Top 10 Tips for Designing an Engaging Learning Environment - To help you design learning environments that support the growth and development of purposeful, motivated learners.

    • CAST UDL Exchange - A place to browse and build resources, lessons and collections. You can use and share these materials to support instruction guided by the UDL principles.

    • IRIS Center UDL Module - examines the three principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and discusses how to apply these principles to the four curricular components (i.e., goals, instructional materials, instructional methods, and assessments)

    • UDL Quick Tips - To help you move from theory to practice.