English Learner Students with Disabilities - Supports and Services

Interpreter/Translation Supports for Parents

Parents/guardians whose primary language is something other than English are entitled to obtain information in a language they can understand. Types of supports that are required to be provided by a district-approved, trained interpreter includes the following for parents/guardians of EL students with and without disabilities:

    • Parent/Teacher conferences

    • Team meetings (e.g. IAT, 504, ETR, IEP) to plan, initiate, or discuss interventions

    • Evaluation/Assessment to plan, initiate, or monitor the progress of interventions

    • Translation of documents regarding intervention, 504 or Special Educational services

The Department of Student Services’ Office of Second Language Acquisition in CPS offers English-for-Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) supports based upon the English language proficiency skills and academic needs of each individual English Learner (EL). Intensive ESOL supports for newcomer students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) with or without disabilities are provided with age-appropriate peers at the elementary level at the following buildings: Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies (AMIS) for Bilingual education supports Spanish Speakers, Academy of World Languages (AWL), Roberts Paideia, or Roselawn Condon. For intensive, newcomer SLIFE supports at the middle and high school levels, these are available at following buildings: Aiken New Tech High school, Gilbert H. Dater High School and Withrow University High School. Traveling ESL specialists or building-level ESL teachers are assigned to every other CPS building in the district and provide direct and/or consultative supports for English learner students with or without disabilities based upon identified English proficiency needs.

Identification of Services – Interpreting and Translating

Interpreter – An individual who takes information from an oral language and converts it accurately and objectively into another language to enable communication between two parties who use different languages.

Translator – An individual who does the same as an interpreter but with written language.

Procedural Guidelines

Steps for Requesting an Interpreter or Translation of Documents

1. If your or another parent/guardian’s primary language is not English the school should inform you of your right to have a district-appointed interpreter attend the meeting as a means of avoiding cultural and/or linguistic misunderstandings. NOTE: ALL parents/guardians who have indicated (e.g. student enrollment packet) that the home language is NOT English should be informed of their right to this service regardless of apparent fluency in English.

2. At least 1 week prior to scheduling a meeting, a school representative should fill out the “Request for Interpreter” form online or call the Office of Second Language Acquisition (513) 363-3251 to discuss how the form can be filled out. There are ESL representatives assigned at your child’s building that speak language other than just English who can assist you in requesting a district-appointed interpreter for a future meeting.

Evaluation/Assessment for English language learners at risk of requiring 504 or special education services.

1. If your child’s native, home or primary language is NOT American Sign Language (ASL) or English, limited English proficiency MUST be ruled out as the primary cause of academic or behavioral concerns. A district-approved interpreter and/or cultural mediator can be requested to assist with formal and informal assessments. NOTE: The ESL School Psychologist should be consulted on these cases.

2. School representatives must fill out the “Request for Interpreter” form online at least 1 week prior to the scheduled assessment/evaluation or meeting date/time. For more information, parents or school buildings may call (513-363-3251) or emailing (

Translation of written documents regarding intervention, 504 or Special Educational services.

1. If you speak a language other than English in the home, you should be informed of your right to have a copy of documents regarding individualized interventions in English as well as have the entire document or a summary of it translated into your native language by a district-approved translator. NOTE: ALL parents/guardians who have indicated (e.g. student enrollment packet) that the home language is NOT English should be informed of their right to this service regardless of apparent fluency in English.

2. School teams will be asked to fill out the “Request for Document Translation” form and will take at least 3 weeks to be completed and returned.

English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) School Psychologist

The ESL School Psychologist’s primary objective is to assist in enhancing instructional practices and learning outcomes of English Language Learners (ELL).

The ESL School Psychologist’s services include:

    1. Consulting with support staff (i.e., school psychologists, counselors, speech pathologist, etc.) about appropriate and non-biased assessment practices for English Language Learners aligned with a multi-tiered system of supports framework.

    2. Collaborating with building teams in the implementation of appropriate instructional practices and act as a resource contact for related information.

    3. Providing in-services about second language acquisition, appropriate instructional and assessment practices, and laws and regulations regarding the education of English Language Learners

The ESL School Psychologist’s duties and responsibilities DO NOT include the following:

    1. Translating written documents

    2. Being primarily responsible for conducting multifactored evaluations for ELL students

    3. Providing direct services (e.g., one-on-one tutoring or counseling) to ELL students

First steps when an ELL student in a school is having academic and/or behavioral difficulties

  1. The natural support mechanisms in the school building (i.e., School Psychologist, other related services staff member, Intervention-Based Assessment teams, Intervention Specialist, etc.).

  2. The support persons from your child’s school (i.e., School Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, etc.) will contact and complete a Referral to Intervention Assistance Team (CPS-2) along with you, as the parent/guardian(s) in order to involve the ESL School Psychologist in consultation. If you do not speak English and need to assistance in obtaining an interpreter, your school building representatives is responsible for filling out a Request for Interpreter form and sending it to the ESL Department. You may call (513-363-3251) or email ( at the Office of Second Language Acquisition for assistance.

    1. Once permission to consult with the ESL School Psychologist is obtained you as the parent/guardian, the natural support person(s) should contact the ESL School Psychologist to set up a meeting.

    2. The ESL School Psychologist will meet and work in consultation with the support person(s) (i.e., School Psychologist, administrator, related staff member(s), etc.) to interpret data and make decisions about appropriate supports and services for ELL students.


For additional information regarding ESL Service delivery in CPS, including the information about the following:

    • ELL Enrollment and Identification Procedures

    • English Language Proficiency Levels

    • Criteria for exiting LEP status

    • LEP Plans

    • Cincinnati Public Schools’ Service Delivery Models for ELLs

    • Instructional Strategies & Lesson Design

    • Timeline of Required Services and Compliance Tasks for ELLs

    • District Support for ELLs in Nonpublic Schools

    • Roles and responsibilities of ESL Coordinator

To obtain the latest version of the CPS ESL Service Delivery guide, please go to the DSS Office of Second Language Acquisition staffnet site at the link below:


To obtain the latest version of the CPS ESL Service Delivery guide, please go to the DSS Office of Second Language Acquisition staffnet site at the link below:

To obtain translated documents into multiple languages, CPS received a Straight A Fund grant from the Ohio Departmentof Education grant.

To request an interpreter, please click on “Interpreter Request Form” at the DSS Office of Second Language Acquisition staffnet site at the link below: