9/15 Update

Post date: Sep 15, 2014 11:32:40 PM

9/15 Update

Well, field season has come to an end for us at Willow Creek. I have been too busy with school and personal

trips to update the website before now, but finally have a bit of time to do so!

As of the most recent aerial survey (9/8), we have ~30 fish from 2014 swimming around Willow, and are still

picking up 12 from 2013 (although their batteries will likely die before our next survey in October).

The final weeks of tagging in August were fruitful, with good luck behind spawning chums and in side channels.

We caught and tagged our biggest fish so far, a 27-incher we dubbed "Blimpo." It will be very interesting

to see where this large trout spends the fall and winter.

I was fortunate to have a slew of volunteers helping me wrap up work in Willow the last several weeks, including

my Dad (fisheries biologist from Montana). What an excellent end to a great summer!

Good luck if you get out fishing for rainbows or salmon before ice-up, and I will continue to post updates here

each month after aerial surveys (which we will continue through December).
