11/11 Update

Post date: Nov 11, 2014 10:34:40 PM

11/11 Update

Data analysis for my project is in full swing right now. I am finishing up genetic sex determination (example photo below) for trout tagged in 2014, working through overwintering locations, and organizing our habitat measurement data.

I got up for an aerial survey last week and found that most of the tagged fish are clustered in the Susitna near the mouth of Willow Creek. Several have transited to overwintering areas downstream of the Willow mouth in the Su, and a few have moved upstream all the way to the Kashwitna mouth.

The transmitters from the fish tagged in 2013 are starting to die out, most of them have significantly surpassed their estimated 360 day battery life. It is rather sad to see those fish go silent, but hopefully they will have years more to live!

I will give another update after next month's final aerial survey.
