8/9 Update

Post date: Aug 10, 2014 2:31:15 AM

8/9 Update

Our rainbow trout tagging has gone well in recent weeks, we have 25 new fish so far this summer and ~35 total swimming around in Willow Creek. We have only two more weeks of tagging before school starts and our field season effectively ends. However, we will continue tracking on-the-ground weekends through September and monthly from the air through December.

Trout are in mid-upper reaches of Willow Creek feeding on drifting eggs produced by spawning Chinook, chum, and pink salmon.

We have received several reports from anglers catching our tagged fish, and are very grateful for that info!

Remember to check Fishing regulations and emergency orders closely if you plan to fish for trout or salmon in Willow or other Susitna River tributaries.
