7/12 Update

Post date: Jul 13, 2014 5:53:26 AM

7/12 Update

It has been a busy couple weeks and I didn't have time to update our blog til now!

June's aerial survey was pretty straightforward and easy, all of our tagged fish were in Willow Creek except for one that had remained in Little Willow Creek. We will skip doing an aerial survey in July and possibly August as well since all our fish are accounted for in Willow. This will allow us to save money for additional flights later in the fall.

Snorkeling surveys and habitat measurements have been progressing well, despite several high-water events in the last few weeks.

We have tagged several new trout in the upper reaches of Willow as the bead bite is heating up in Chinook spawning areas. Suprisingly, we also caught and released an early chum salmon above the Parks Highway on a bead.

We also noticed several wood frogs on Deception Creek. It is always cool to see these farthest-north amphibians.

Please be aware: Willow Creek below the Parks Highway is closed to all fishing til July 14th to protect King salmon moving up into Willow. Fishing for kings is not allowed above the Parks Highway.
