The Young Functional Analysts' Workshop

Welcome to the Young Functional Analysts' Workshop homepage.

The YFAW has been on hiatus since our last meeting, which was hosted virtually by Lancaster University in 2021, but we are pleased to announce its return! The next meeting of the YFAW, YFAW 2024, will be hosted at Newcastle University from the 15th to the 17th  of April: please see here for more details.

Registration for YFAW 2024 is now open and the registration form can be found here. Accommodation will be booked by the conference for all participants at no extra charge. 

What is YFAW?

This is a three-day workshop aimed at early career researchers, primarily PhD students, in functional analysis and its adjacent fields (such as operator algebras or function theory). Our aim is to present a low-stakes environment for attendees to show off and discuss their research, and to enjoy learning about related topics through research-level talks given by colleagues at a similar stage in their careers; additionally, there will be a number of longer-form talks given by invited speakers in and around functional analysis. Anyone who wishes to is welcome to submit a talk to present in an open and stress-free environment, and anyone who would like to attend simply out of interest in the field or atmosphere is just as welcome. We particularly encourage submissions from under-represented groups in mathematics!

When is YFAW?

The next workshop will be held in April 2024, from Monday the 15th to Wednesday the 17th. To accommodate attendees who need to travel on the Monday and Wednesday, we will start in the afternoon on the Monday and finish on the Wednesday in the early afternoon.

Where is YFAW?

YFAW 2024 will be held in the School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, housed in the Herschel Building of Newcastle University.

Why is YFAW?

For networking and interesting discussions!