Nekhbet Alexandra Selene

Honorable Lady Nekhbet Alexandra Selene

  • Margaret Gee
  • Passed: March 2012

Honorable Lady Nekhbet was a member of house Rolling Thunder.

  • Sad tidings to report
  • It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the passing of one of our long-time members of the Shire of Vaca Del Mar; The Lady Honorable Lady Nekbhet Alexandra Selene (Margaret Gee) passed away late Friday, March 02, 2012. THL Nekbet was a former seneschal of the Shire of Vaca Del Mar and has been very active in the group and the Kingdom in the SCA for many years.
  • We are all still in shock here in the shire, but are planning to hold a memorial service for her, possibly at Coronation. We will publish more details concerning services as we get the arrangements set.
  • If anyone would like to write about your memories of Nekbet or say a few words to be included in the memorial service please also contact me or email me at I would like to create a notebook of remembrance to give to her granddaughter.
  • I was only just beginning to get to know Nekbet and I am very saddened that I will not be able to continue on with what was becoming a very good
  • friendship. I shall miss her and the Shire has lost a wonderful person who has given of her time and self in many ways to enrich this Shire and the Kingdom of Trimaris. My heart goes out to her friends and family and I pray they may find peace in this difficult time. With saddened heart, Brandwyn (THL Brandwyn Alston of the Rift) (Stella Fullmer)
  • Seneschal Shire of Vaca Del Mar

May my soul come forth to walk wherever it pleases; may my name be proclaimed when it is found on the table of offerings... May a place be made for me in the boat on the day when the god sails forth; may I be received in the presence of Osiris in the land of truth of voice.

excerpt from the Hymn to Ra, Egyptian Book of the Dead

Order of Precedence entry