Duva dea Pullea

Baroness Duva dea Pullea

  • Pamela Thome
  • Passed January 12, 2007

Pamela Joan Thome (Librizzi)- January 8, 1959 - January 12, 2006She lived a varied and joyous life: beginning in a Polish neighborhood in Chicago, traveling across the Midwest on the dog show circuit and up and down the East Coast, stamping her passport to see the Crown Jewels in London, and making her home in a quiet neighborhood in Port Richey, FL, while enjoying a creative and beautiful life as Her Excellency Baroness Duva dea Pullea in a kingdom known as Trimaris. Her resume lists many jobs, but first and foremost was her dedication to her children, Michael (11) and Angelique (28) of Port Richey. Also survived by a brother, Larry (44) of Buffalo Grove, IL, and countless people who called her "friend." Died after a more than yearlong battle against cancer, but her humor, love, and joie de vivre stay with us.

Memorial website for Duva

Order of Precedence entry