The Square Root of Truth


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The Square Root of Truth

In the context of Scripture, the shape of a triangle is clearly indicative of the Trinity. Another shape that is repeatedly seen in many of the most important passages in the Bible, is the square. The ancient and modern meaning of the square is truth, as in to square it with the truth. This is a metaphor of a carpenter where a square is used to right all the angles and when it is right it is called 'True.'

Truth in Hebrew and Greek are also squares. In Greek Alhtheia is 64 or 8 squared and in Hebrew Amet is 441 or 21 squared. In the context of the Bible, a square means truth.

The first four verses (the first square) of John's book of Revelation hides one of the most spectacular letter puzzles in all the Bible.The verses contain exactly 441 letters (Truth) which is 21 squared. The number 21 relates to the name that God calls himself to Moses: I am that I am.

אהיה אשר אהיה = I am that I am

אהיה = I am = 21

One can see, that in the phrasing of the name, there appears something like a mathematical equation.

(I am) times (I am)

(21) x (21)

When we lay out the letters of the first four verses of Revelation as a square, we find a divine design in the name of Jesus.

Click to enlarge

The Four Center Lines = 888= JESUS

The remaining sum of the configuration is an incredible 4344 which is ‘I am that I am’ times 8.

אהיה אשר אהיה = I am that I am = 543

543 x 8 = 4344

The total sum is 5232 and gives each of the four verses an exact average. This can be seen as a plea to ‘Believe’ from John 10:38.

Πιστευητε = Believe = 1308

1308 x 4 = 5232

Revelation 1:1-4 = 5232

There are many more powerful correlations found in the configuration, including a double reference to the Logos of the Gospel of John.


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"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word."

—John the Evangelist