The Mirrors of God

TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel


Part Two

Part Three

(Part One of Three)

In a mirror, we see a reflection and the symmetry of light. In letters and numbers, we can see the same in the form of palindromes. Palindromes are a linguistic curiosity, where the word’s pattern is the same backwards or forewards. Such as in the words: Eve, Anna or Racecar. Palindromes can even be phrases:

I’m Adam, mad am I

Madam, I’m Adam

Madam in Eden, I’m Adam

Numbers can also be palindromic such as eleven squared or eleven cubed:

11² = 11 x 11 = 121

11³ = 11 x 11 x 11 = 1331

These numbers are also known as mirror numbers, as they appear to be reflective as an image might be reflected in a mirror. This may at first appear trivial, but what palindromic numbers really reflect is symmetry and symmetry is anything but trivial. In fact, one could argue, that if there is one great law of nature, it is that of symmetry for we see nature’s symmetry everywhere we look.

All vertebrates show explicit symmetry in their anatomy. Asymmetry in nature stands out only because it is so uncommon and nonstandard. The construction of the human anatomy is no different. A quick look in the mirror and one can see that pervasive and defining characteristic of symmetry in the right and left sides of your face and body, of your brain, of your organs and your skeletal structure.

Plant life also expresses symmetry in manifold ways. The symmetries we see so abundantly in organic life are not superficial. The symmetries of nature are intrinsic to the genetic blueprints that inform the construction of the larger organic life forms. There may be no better example of how nature uses symmetry than in the basic blueprint for life. If there is one underlying all pervasive feature of DNA, it is the symmetry of the double helix.

The word ‘Palindrome’ itself has an interesting history. The 17th century English playwright, Ben Jonson, coined the word Palindrome from these two Greek words.

Παλιν = Again (Palin)

Δρομος = Way (Dromos)

In a strange quirk of history, the word palindrome itself, in Greek, is a palindromic number in three separate ways. A number of historical circumstances had to align for this to happen. One, Ben Jonson had to produce a word based upon two Greek words. It was common in that day, as it still is, when introducing new words to base them upon words in the academic languages of Latin and Greek. It was important then that he chose Greek because Latin does not have a complete alphanumeric gematria or a history of gematria such as the Greek speaking world did.

There are two classical languages with a long and substantial history of gematria. Both Greek and Hebrew, the exclusive languages of the Bible, are gematric. That is, neither language had any separate symbols for their numbers. Instead they repurposed the letters of their alphabets as numbers. Because of this, we can in many ways, with all certainty, assign numerical values to certain words and phrases from the historical manuscripts of antiquity.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Today’s Hindu-Arabic numerals were not invented until centuries after the birth of Christ and were not adopted in Europe for centuries after that.

It is of further note that there are two primary forms of gematria that are historically verifiable. The first is the standard numeration which were the common use numbers of the day amongst the Jews and Greeks.

As one can see in the Standard Greek table, the letters F and Q are omitted. They had long fell out of use in Greek at the time of the composition of the New Testament. They were not then considered nor now to be included in the standard table of gematria. This proves doubly so in the second primary code of gematria called the Ordinal, which is simply based upon the place-order of the letters of the two alphabets.

We can, with all confidence, employ the ordinal along with the standard as they are historically linked and verifiable. The order of both alphabets was long ago codified and has never changed.

The gematria of Hebrew will also come to play an important part in the understanding of the palindromes of God. Hebrew, just as the Greek language, can be numerated with historical confidence in both a standard form and the alphabetic Ordinal form, as both Greek and Hebrew alphabets never varied the order of the initial Phoenician proto-alphabet.

If then we take the word Palindrome and return it to its language of origin, we can then convert it into numbers, using these two primary forms of gematria.

Παλινδρομος = (80+1+30+10+50+4+100+70+40+70+200) = 655 Standard

Παλινδρομος = (16+1+11+9+13+4+17+15+12+15+18) = 131 Ordinal

The ordinal here is itself a palindromic number.

Παλινδρομος = 131 = Palindrome

131 = Palindromic Number

More improbably, 131 is also the 7th Palindromic Prime.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131

Of further interest is that the Greek Standard hides not one, but two palindromic numbers.

Παλιν = 171 = Again


Δρομος = 484 = Way

Adding these numbers together we get the standard sum of 655.

171 + 484 = 655

655 is clearly not a palindromic number, but it is the sum of this Greek word.

ENΔEKATOΣ = Eleventh = 655

And Eleven is the first nontrivial, two digit, palindromic number.

Palindromic Numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, Etc.

And if we subtract ‘Again’ from ‘Way’ we get:

484 – 171 = 313

313 being the 11th Palindromic Prime.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313

We can make an interesting religious palindromic numerical correlation with this latter day Greek term of ‘Palindrome of the Lord’ which comes to 222, which is itself again another palindromic number.

Παλινδρομος Kυριου = 222 = Palindrome of the Lord

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of palindromic numbers is their mathematical construction. They are made by adding reflective numbers together until a palindrome is achieved.

127 + 721 = 848


27 + 72 = 99

When the first operation fails to make a palindrome, we simply repeat the operation until one is made.

67 + 76 = 143

143 + 431 = 484

Some numbers require more steps than others.

68 + 86 = 154

154 + 451 = 605

605 + 506 = 1111

There are a few cases, however, where this seems to be impossible, such as with the number 196, which even after over three-million such steps has yet to produce a palindromic number.

From the very first verse of the Bible it would appear God has displayed a keen interest in numbers such as these. This would then be in keeping with the all pervasive design symmetry that we see in all of nature.

The alphanumeric sum of the first verse of the Bible is 2,701. If we then add this number to its mirror opposite we achieve a first stage palindromic number.

2701 + 1072 = 3773

This is a startling ‘Coincidence’ since the prime factorization of the number 2701 is 37 x 73. This is far more important than it might first appear to be to those unaware of the basic tenets of Number Theory.

37 x 73 = 2,701

Prime factorization is the fundamental building blocks of all mathematics and number theory. Euclid, one of the great fathers of mathematics, proved in his Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, that every number in existence is either prime or has two or more factors that are prime, a prime number being only divisible by one and itself.

Euclid’s Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic tells us that every possible number has a unique prime factorization, which is the number’s unique identity. So it is of great importance that the very first verse of the Bible displays a remarkable mathematical identity in its unique prime factorization.

A child will immediately recognize the reflective pattern in these prime factors.

2701 + 1072 = 3773

37 x 73 = 2,701

This pattern of 37 and 73 runs throughout the scriptures as one can begin to see with the following examples.

חכמה = 37 = Wisdom (Hebrew Ordinal)

חכמה = 73 = Wisdom (Hebrew Standard)

מבוכה = 37 = Puzzle (Hebrew Ordinal)

מבוכה = 73 = Puzzle (Hebrew Standard)

ישו = 37 = Jesus (Modern Hebrew Ordinal)

הנוצרי = 73 = Christ (Modern Hebrew Ordinal)

The Word of John from the Gospel of John is the Greek word Logos, which is where we get our word Logic. The Logos of John is amongst the most profound and studied of words in the theology of the New Testament. We see this theological intensity reflected in the numbers that begin in the first verse.

(Λογος) = 373 = Logos, the Word

As 37 and 73 are mirror opposites we can begin to make palindromic number by adding them together.

37 + 73 = 110

The number 110 has many gematric correlations that perfectly fit this initial mathematical foundation of the Bible, including ‘Foundation.’

מוסד = 110 = Foundation

As well as:

ליסוד = 110 = To lay a foundation

By using the modern Hebrew of today we find the name of the Son of God.

John refers to the Logos as that which was in the beginning with God.

ΛΟΓΟΣ ΘΕΟΥ = 110 = Logos of God

God is infinite and this is one of His primary characteristics. It is fitting, then, that 110 also equals ‘The Infinite’ in Greek ordinal.

(τo απειροv) = 110 = The Infinite

Continuing the operation to find our palindromic number, we see that 110 and 011 makes eleven squared.

110 + 011 = 121

Here then we find something of an uncanny coincidence in that the number 121 is a palindromic number and is also the sum of a ‘Palindrome of the Lord’ in Hebrew, ordinal.

The word here for Lord is ‘Yahweh’, perhaps the most sacred name of God in all the Bible and one of the two primary names for God in the Old Testament. The second, ‘Elohim’, also creates a palindromic number.

The number 121 is Eleven Squared: 121 = 11² , (11 x 11)


121 is an exponential expansion of ONENESS. In that Eleven is the first number that reflects the ONE. The early Greek mathematicians did not even consider ONE to be a number. Rather ONE was THE UNIT and the source of all number. Hence we have a theologically mathematic parallel in the number 121, as the representing the source of ONENESS, just the title ‘God the Father’ is the source of all things. We also see that this correlation, from Ephesians 4:5, makes perfect sense in relation to the ONENESS of God.

EIΣ KURIOΣ = 121 = One Lord

ΘΕΟΣ O ΠATHP = 121 = God the Father

And lest we forget that God writes in both Greek AND Hebrew, we have this from Psalm 48:14:

And of that eternally mysterious Being called the Trinity.

H TPIAΣ TEΛEIA = 121 = The Perfect Trinity

On earth this being was to be known as the Messiah of Israel.

In Genesis 32:30 we have Jacob calling a sacred place: Peniel, which means Facing God, for that is where Jacob saw God face to face, such as one might see in a mirror.

Genesis 32:30

And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.

The word Peniel (Facing God) is itself another palindromic number and is in fact the ‘Palin’ of Palindrome.

פניאל = 171 = Penial ‘Facing God’

Παλιν = 171 = Again

Moreover the phrase ‘face to face’ here is a palindrome of words as well as this now all too familiar palindromic number in the ordinal.

פנים אל פנים = Face to Face = 121

The sum of this phrase in the standard is a hint at just who bares the face of God.

פנים אל פנים = Face to Face = 391

יהושע = Jesus = 391


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