37th & 73rd Psalms

Keep reading to see how centered hexagons are the keys to Psalm 37 & 73

PSALM 37 & 73

If the Three Seven Fractal of the Scriptures is true, then we should expect to see it in Psalm 37 and 73, as this would be a clear reflection of the pattern of the first verse and its proto-pattern found in its factors (37 x 73 = 2701).

Should we compare these psalms we find that they are eerily similar in tone and subject matter. Both are a series of contrasts between the wicked and the righteous and we see this contrast in the very numbers of the chapters 37/73 which is that proto-pattern of the first verse. The New American Standard entitles them thusly:

Psalm 37: Security of those that trust in the Lord and insecurity of the wicked

Psalm 73: The end of the wicked contrasted with that of the righteous

These psalms when examined forensically, display definitive markers specifically related to the Three-Seven fractal. These features demonstrate a prescient comprehension of prime and composite numbers, a historical impossibility at the time of the writing of Psalm 37, which had yet to even be enumerated as psalm 37 or 73...

In other words... a mathematical miracle.

The easiest way to see this is, is to simply to look at the factors in the difference between Psalm 37 and 73 (with titles):

73rd Prime times 73rd Composite number = Psalm 37 - Psalm 73

Psalm 37 minus Psalm 73

81,984 - 45,651 = 36,333

367 x 99 = 36,333

367 = 73rd prime

99 = 73rd composite

Individually the psalms are a masterwork of figurative geometries. Using the same basic templates found in the first verse of the Bible we find layers upon layers of truth directing us to the name above all names, Jesus Christ-2368.

Both the number 21 and 61 can signify I AM, 21 = Eheyeh while 61 is the more common Ani or I am.

The meaning of this rebus puzzle is quite simply: I AM TRUTH, the very thing Christ said unto Pilate prior to His crucifixion. Hidden in this matrix of geometry are many references to Jesus and the Three-Seven fractal. Perhaps the pinnacle of these references is found when we highlight the perimeter of the centered hexagon and make something of a honeycomb.

Like the analogy of the complex of a honeycomb, this triple geometry, is itself truly a 'honeycomb' of mathematical correlations to the name Jesus Christ. By selecting various concentric patterns, we can produce both Jesus-888 and Christ-1480 and Jesus Christ-2368—all the components for the Greek name of the Messiah, in the very language that brought the gospel to the world.

The number 37 can be found in the centered-hexagon-61 with several symmetrical patterns.

The 'Comma-Code' backs up the findings here with two familiar numerical identities one more obvious than the other:

49 + 728 = 777 = 3 x 7 x 37

32 + 256 = 288 = 2 x 3 x 6 x 8

The number 288 is considered by many researchers to be a code for Jesus Christ 2368.

By highlighting the perimeter of the hexagon we find a hidden multiple of 37 in the 37th Psalm no less.

The black interior is the 1344th multiple of 37:

37 x 1344 = 49,728

Factorials are an important part of modern mathematics, especially when it comes to combinatorics—the number of possible permutations of a given set. Since factorials are purely multiplicative, their numbers rise exceedingly fast. Compare the difference between the third factorial 3! (1 x 2 x 3 = 6) and the 7th (7! = 5040). The 37th Psalm highlights the factorials of Three and Seven in its triple perimeters.

The number 10,080 is auspicious for several reasons, perhaps the most contemporary being that it is the number of minutes in a week—24 x 60 x 7.

The Three-Seven fractal spotlights important moments in the Bible, by marking them with advanced mathematics, based on the numbers and/or numerals three and seven. Here factorials are featured to highlight The Transfiguration of Christ.

Mark 9:3 = 10,080

And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow;

so as no fuller on earth can white them.

7! + 7!

The encoding on Psalm 73 is much more direct and can be seen in the factors of the sum, as Psalm 73 is a multiple of 73 at a 1.3% chance.

When we put the psalms together proper, that is without the titles, we find a remarkable number and a geometry ruled by centered hexagons, which are the centers of a hexagram configuration.

Psalm 37 + Psalm 73 = 127,127

Pay attention to the gematria that is related to the Glory of God.

This centered hexagon of 127 is the center of the hexagram star number 253, meaning that the six hidden points of the star are 21 each, the sum of Eheyeh-I-AM one of the most primary Godnames in biblical mathematics.

The most basic way of looking at this configuration is by reducing its factors to 127 x 1001. This is the why behind the repetition of the 3-digits 127.

127 x 1001 = 127,127

137 x 1001 = 137,137

147 x 1001 = 147,147


Not coincidentally the star numbers 37 and 73 fit perfectly in the 127 centered hexagon—one within another.

In the history of biblical gematria, one of the most famous verses is Genesis 17:15, (see K. Barry, The Greek Qabalah, p 174) where the Lord changes Abraham's wife's name from Sarai-510 to Sarah-505. This verse was argued over by both the very influential Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus and Jerome himself.

The argument is about the gematria of the name Sarai/Sarah. Philo argues about the Greek Sara/Sarra and Jerome attempts to correct the debate by arguing for the Hebrew Sarai/Sarah. This famous debate illustrates that biblical gematria was a hot topic in the early centuries of the Church; it also shows that the Greek Septuagint was the predominate Bible of that day.

What's interesting is when we put the two verses together and merge the arguments of Philo and Jerome into one.

Ironically, Jerome takes the more conservative position, wielding the original Hebrew text over the Greek translation. The irony? Jerome would come to translate the Bible into Latin, which would become the Latin Vulgate, which all but replaced the Greek and Hebrew texts for centuries in the Western Church and turned gematria into a footnote and a forgotten relic of the past.

The verse contains a riddle pertaining to the Three-Seven fractal. The name 'Sarai/Sarah' is mentioned three times in both the Hebrew and the Greek versions. When we add them all together the answer is found in the standard prime index, something unavailable to the ancients.

Hebrew-Sarai-510 + Hebrew-Sarai-510 + Hebrew-Sarah-505

Greek-Sara-302 + Greek-Sara-302 + Greek-Sarra-402

510 + 510 + 505 + 302 + 302 + 402 = 2531

2531 = The 370th Prime

By highlighting the three axis lines of the configuration, using standard geometry, we find our Three-Seven fractal in the sum 37037. This symbol was known to the early Christians as the Chi-Rho, for the first two Greek letters in the name Christ.

The Monogram of Christ

Our polar opposite (73) not only fits with perfect symmetry in this configuration, but does so in a complimentary way, further emphasizing the three lines of the hexagon or Chi-Rho.

These patterns overlay one another and seem to be suggesting the perspective of a cube:

The red counters represent a finer point of the Three-Seven fractal in that there are 54 (9 x 6)—the 37th composite number.

Only recently (early 2019) have any researchers made any discoveries related to binary. This is the two-digit number system that not only operates all computers, but is also the conceptual leap necessary to allow for computers and logic circuits to exist in the first place.

As seen above this geometry appears to reflect 'The Glory of God' in a number of ways:

127 = The King of Glory

143 = The Glory

1143 = The Glory of the Lord

Here we achieve 1143 by applying the binary equivalent, where 1001 = 9 and 3 x 3 x 127 = 1143

By alternating the alternation and contrasting psalm with titles against psalms without titles, we can see how Psalm 37 (with title) fits neatly within the sum of Psalm 37 & 73 (without titles)

When we examine Psalm 37 in the complimentary numeration, the ordinal, we find once again that the centered hexagon is the geometry which rules these two psalms:

7 x 1951 = 13,657

This seven-fold structure appears to correspond with the seven spirits of God, mentioned in the book of Revelation.

This geometry is clearly signed seven times over:

This flower of seven hexagons that we have seen in multiple applications of these psalms comes together once again in a complex composite geometry of the ordinal version of psalm 37 and 73 with their titles. These sort of configurations are dalliances of the fractal. The reason I go to great lengths in order to show these dalliances, is because I believe there should be a vast multitude more of them.

Here is one that is very alien indeed. And what is more alien to the mind of man, than the mind of God?

The mathematics and geometry that we see spring forth from these ancient writings, is sourced from a mind beyond human comprehension. The Deity, rightly observed and defined (with our best efforts, that is) must be not only infinite in mental capacity and instantaneously infinite in its comprehension; it must by mathematical decree, be also infinitely infinite, i.e. as the finite is to the infinite, so the minor-infinite is to the infinitely-infinite. These definitions are not mine, but basic to Set Theory, the mathematical discipline of infinity.

Bearing that in mind, this Being must thereby calculate not only a singular geometry, but how that singular geometry and its number relates to every other number and geometry in the infinite categories of mathematics. This is basic arithmetic to the mind of the Deity. With access to a supercomputer, these sorts of dalliances would blossom en masse.

As to prove the point, the total number of letters also makes a significant configuration based on centered hexagons and star numbers, whose centers are of course centered hexagons.

We're learning that one of the secondary confirmation codes of divine mathematics, is to be found in the perimeter and the number 216.

The name and number of Zion-156 figures strongly in the mathematics of the Star Fractal and here you can see its double incorporation in the letter sum of the 37th and 73rd psalm. This centered hexagon is a shadow pattern of the first verse.

References: Centered hexagonal numbers and the OEIS Listing.

Many other features of this hidden couplet are telling to be sure:

Psalm 37 = 298 words

Genesis 1:1 = 298 ordinal

Psalm 37 + Psalm 73 = 1973 letters

1973 = 298th prime

Genesis 1:1 = 298 ordinal

The 37th psalm with the title included has exactly 298 words, the same sum of the first verse in the Hebrew ordinal.

Psalm 37 = 298 words

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

The 73rd psalm has 197 words with its title, the same sum of the number of words of Day One (Genesis 1:1-5) as well as the sum of the name Emmanuel.

Psalm 73 = 197 words

Day One = 197 words

עמנואל Emmanuel = 197

This is further connected to the Three Seven Fractal in that 197 is the sum of all the prime numbers up to and including 37.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 = 197

The first 169 digits of pi (13th square) produces a stunning correlation with both psalm 37 & 73, when we highlight the border of square.

The number 232 is a well known number to theistic mathematics and it means withal transcendental perfection the Word of the Lord.

The Word of the Lord = 232

דבר יהוה

Mathematically we find a potent correlation with the number 37, perhaps the most important number in theistic mathematics. A circle whose radius is 37 will have a circumference of 232, the same transcendental circumference we see on the 13th square of pi.

The interior of this square renders 522, which corresponds in several ways to the Protoverse or Genesis 1 :1 which is the Power Set for the factors of the first verse in both ordinal and standard.

Power Set for the Protoverse

{ } {2} {149} {2, 149} + { } {37} {73} {37, 73} = 522.

The last correlation is a hidden reference to the factors of the first verse from the Psalms in the ordinal:

Psalm 37:1 + Psalm 73:1 = 522

אל תתחר במרעים אל תקנא בעשי עולה

אך טוב לישראל אלהים לברי לבב

Psalm 37:1+ 73:1

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.

Psalm 37:37

Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.

= 3068

Is this verse talking about Christ?

The verse numbers are auspicious. The sum of the verse is 3068, exactly 100 less than the 3168 of the Lord Jesus Christ in Greek, but that's not nearly enough to forma conclusion. But perhaps the prime factors of 3068 are, 2 x 2 x 13 x 59, rearranged according to the mystical understanding of the tetragrammaton: 2 x 59 x 2 x 13 or (יהוה) and we find the couplets produce a telling equation in the ordinal.

118 x 26 = 3068

Christ x Yahweh

These two psalms together form a very large puzzle, a puzzle that requires a missing key. The puzzle comes together to form a large triangle, the symbol of the Trinity. In order to make this triangular puzzle, one has to include the four Kethib/Qere corrections to the text.

The ancient scribes when codifying the scripture discovered on occasion a minor copying error in the text. Believing the text to be Holy, they did not eliminate the errors, but rather they noted them and inserted the corrected word following the error. These corrections can still be found in any Hebrew Bible. The words Kethib/Qere mean ‘As written’ and ‘As read.’ Due to this unique peculiarity of the Hebrew scriptures, we find that when we include both the error and the correction, that psalm 37 and 73 come together in a grand puzzle. This puzzle is only completed however when we include the first verse of the Bible, the missing key and the proto-pattern of the Scriptures.

Verse 1 = 28 Letters

Psalm 37 = 1214 Letter

Psalm 73 = 774 Letters

28 + 1214 + 774 = 2016 Letters

2016 = The 63rd Triangle

63 = 3 x 7 x 3

The number 2016 may be important as a date marker in and of itself, as that the was the year of the discovery of the blood code on the Shroud of Turin, on Thanksgiving Day 2016.

Below are the three components of the 37/73 Psalm Puzzle. Copy and paste all three into a word document and perform a word/letter count to check the number.

Verse 1 + Psalm 37 + Psalm 73

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

עולה בעשי תקנא אל במרעים תתחר אל

יבולון דשא וכירק ימלו מהרה כחציר כי

אמונה ורעה ארץ שכן טוב ועשה ביהוה בטח

לבך משאלת לך ויתן יהוה על והתענג

יעשה והוא עליו ובטח דרכך יהוה על גול

כצהרים ומשפטך צדקך כאור והוציא

מזמות עשה באיש דרכו במצליח תתחר אל לו והתחולל ליהוה דום

להרע אך תתחר אל חמה ועזב מאף הרף

ארץ יירשו המה יהוה וקוי יכרתון מרעים כי

ואיננו מקומו על והתבוננת רשע ואין מעט ועוד

שלום רב על והתענגו ארץ יירשו וענוים

שניו עליו וחרק לצדיק רשע זמם

יומו יבא כי ראה כי לו ישחק אדני

דרך ישרי לטבוח ואביון עני להפיל קשתם ודרכו רשעים פתחו חרב

תשברנה וקשתותם בלבם תבוא חרבם

רבים רשעים מהמון לצדיק מעט טוב

יהוה צדיקים וסומך תשברנה רשעים זרועות כי

תהיה לעולם ונחלתם תמימם ימי יהוה יודע

ישבעו רעבון ובימי רעה בעת יבשו לא

כלו בעשן כלו כרים כיקר יהוה ואיבי יאבדו רשעים כי

ונותן חונן וצדיק ישלם ולא רשע לוה

יכרתו ומקלליו ארץ יירשו מברכיו כי

יחפץ ודרכו כוננו גבר מצעדי מיהוה

ידו סומך יהוה כי יוטל לא יפל כי

לחם מבקש וזרעו נעזב צדיק ראיתי ולא זקנתי גם הייתי נער

לברכה וזרעו ומלוה חונן היום כל

לעולם ושכן טוב ועשה מרע סור

נכרת רשעים וזרע נשמרו לעולם חסידיו את יעזב ולא משפט אהב יהוה כי

עליה לעד וישכנו ארץ יירשו צדיקים

משפט תדבר ולשונו חכמה יהגה צדיק פי

אשריו תמעד לא בלבו אלהיו תורת

להמיתו ומבקש לצדיק רשע צופה

בהשפטו ירשיענו ולא בידו יעזבנו לא יהוה

תראה רשעים בהכרת ארץ לרשת וירוממך דרכו ושמר יהוה אל קוה

רענן כאזרח ומתערה עריץ רשע ראיתי

נמצא ולא ואבקשהו איננו והנה ויעבר

שלום לאיש אחרית כי ישר וראה תם שמר

נכרתה רשעים אחרית יחדו נשמדו ופשעים

צרה בעת מעוזם מיהוה צדיקים ותשועת

בו חסו כי ויושיעם מרשעים יפלטם ויפלטם יהוה ויעזרם

לבב לברי אלהים לישראל טוב אך

אשרי שפכו שפכה כאין רגלי נטיו נטוי כמעט ואני

אראה רשעים שלום בהוללים קנאתי כי

אולם ובריא למותם חרצבות אין כי

ינגעו לא אדם ועם אינמו אנוש בעמל

למו חמס שית יעטף גאוה ענקתמו לכן

לבב משכיות עברו עינמו מחלב יצא

ידברו ממרום עשק ברע וידברו ימיקו

בארץ תהלך ולשונם פיהם בשמים שתו

למו ימצו מלא ומי הלם עמו ישוב ישיב לכן

בעליון דעה ויש אל ידע איכה ואמרו

חיל השגו עולם ושלוי רשעים אלה הנה

כפי בנקיון וארחץ לבבי זכיתי ריק אך

לבקרים ותוכחתי היום כל נגוע ואהי

בגדתי בניך דור הנה כמו אספרה אמרתי אם

בעיני הוא היא עמל זאת לדעת ואחשבה

לאחריתם אבינה אל מקדשי אל אבוא עד

למשואות הפלתם למו תשית בחלקות אך

בלהות מן תמו ספו כרגע לשמה היו איך

תבזה צלמם בעיר אדני מהקיץ כחלום

אשתונן וכליותי לבבי יתחמץ כי

עמך הייתי בהמות אדע ולא בער ואני

ימיני ביד אחזת עמך תמיד ואני

תקחני כבוד ואחר תנחני בעצתך

בארץ חפצתי לא ועמך בשמים לי מי

לעולם אלהים וחלקי לבבי צור ולבבי שארי כלה

ממך זונה כל הצמתה יאבדו רחקיך הנה כי

מלאכותיך כל לספר מחסי יהוה באדני שתי טוב לי אלהים קרבת ואני

The four Kethib/Qere corrections of Psalm 73 are noted by the boldface-underlined type.

This enormous puzzle has yet to be fully analyzed. So far however it has produced many wonders. In the ordinal (the numeration that hides the majority of the secrets of the Bible) we find that the first 12 rows (37 = 12th prime) of the triangle sums to 888, the sum of the name of Jesus in Greek. The very next row has a sum of 87, the sum of the Greek Jesus, now in the ordinal.

The Jesus Triangle of Rows 1-12

Rows 1-12 = 888 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ


1 20

22 10 21

1 1 20 2

1 13 10 5 12

13 10 13 21 5 22

18 20 1 5 22 1 6

13 2 20 8 22 22 12 1

14 19 22 12 1 13 10 16 20

11 5 12 6 16 10 21 16 2 1

10 5 20 5 13 20 10 18 8 11 10

10 1 21 4 19 20 10 11 6 6 12 13

The 13th Row of Jesus

5 6 5 10 2 8 9 2 14 6 12 6 2

= 87 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Ordinal)

When we eliminate the duplicate words of the Kethib/Qere corrections the two psalms together now have 1973 letters, without their titles.

Psalm 37 & 73 Proper = 1973 Letters

1973 = 298th Prime

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

Looking at the two psalms in their proper formation without the duplicate corrections, we find that the first 7 verses from Psalm 37 and 73 have exactly 391 letters, the sum of the name of Jesus in Biblical Hebrew.

Verses 1-7 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 391 Letters

יהושע = Jesus = 391

If then we go on to include the eighth verse of each psalm respectively the number of letters comes to 443, the sum of John’s Logos or the Word.

Verses 1-8 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 443 Letters

Ο Λογος = The Word = 443

Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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"Christianity is completed Judaism, or it is nothing."

—Benjamin Disraeli