Psalm 22

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The number 22 is considered by many to be one of the most mystical of all numbers, primarily due to the fact that the Hebrew alphabet is composed of 22 letters. The 22nd psalm is also one of the most mystical of psalms, as it prophecies in many ways, of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross.

Christ himself quotes this psalm in one of the most misunderstood verses in the New Testament. While on the cross he says the first four words of the verse, which is the way psalms were referenced prior to their being numbered. In these four words Christ was citing all the prophecies in this psalm about his crucifixion. This supernatural feat, more than any math, should convince the skeptic of the Divinity of the Son of God.

This fact has been known for some time, what was not known until now, is that Jesus was also making a cryptic reference to the practice of gematria. For the first verse of Psalm 22 has the same sum of the name of Jesus in Hebrew.

Psalm 22:1 = 391 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Jesus = 391

More than just the first verse, Christ's reference was to the whole of the psalm which can seen to be a masterpiece of triangulation, in this context it is always a reference to the Trinity of God.

The word triangle above is a mathematical triangle, the 22nd figurative triangle. Each subsequent row has one more word than the one that precedes it. The spacing between the words is only to better depict the triangulation of the psalm.

In this instance, the key to this puzzle is to include the title of psalm (the first three lines of the word triangle). The boldfaced row right beneath the title, is the portion that Jesus Christ cites while on the cross.

Further evidence of this pattern can be seen when we check the sum of all the letters of the psalm, once again including the title. These 5 triangles are each composed of 253 units. This number is of primary mathematical importance to Biblical numerics, as it is the sum of 22, the number of letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22 = 253


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