TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel


The man known to history as Jesus of Nazareth, is arguably the most famous and influential human in history. The name itself is so potent that even those who don't believe in God or even despise the idea of God, will, without thinking, swear by the name of Jesus and the name of God. Indeed the abbreviation OMG is ubiquitous across the internet and social media, and yet in all of this atheists never seem to find any of this at all unusual.

The name Jesus has undergone a long and convoluted evolution through the ages and languages of history. The English Jesus comes to us from the Greek to the Latin to the English Bible. It may be a surprise to many Christians even, that the Hebrew version of Jesus seen on so many spiritual and motivational graphics is in fact spelled wrong.

The modern Hebrew spelling is based upon centuries of Jewish scribes altering the original name to distinguish and possibly denigrate the name Jesus. The name given to Mary to give her son was in Hebrew 'Joshua,' which means 'God is salvation.' This is the perfect name for the Savior.



We know this for a fact because the New Testament cites the Old Testament name Joshua twice (Acts 7:45; Heb 4:8) in each instance the Greek translation reads letter for letter the same as the Greek 888 Yehsous where we get today's Jesus. In the beginning of Matthew the name given to the child is a clear reference to the meaning of the name Joshua, for he would save the people from their sins.

There are several sites that thoroughly prove the point.

A detailed history of the name Jesus:

This Hebrew 'Joshua' is actually encoded in the very first word of the Bible, Berashith or 'In the beginning.' This first word code couldn't be understood until the computer age, for it can only been seen in hexadecimal. Hexadecimal (Base-16 number system) is used by programmers for its ease of use with binary. Base-16 in the Biblical context can be seen here as a reference to the Golden Ratio. The Biblical Approximate of the Golden Ratio is 1.6 or as code 16.

1st word of the Bible

בראשית Berashith

'In the beginning' = 913

Jesus = 391

913 in hexadecimal = 391

913 > anagram of > 391


The first verse is the key to understanding the mathematical mysteries of the Bible. It's all too telling and all too appropriate that God would leave the 'Key' to the codes of the Bible in the very first verse. It is also rather telling that it would take mankind 1,000 of years before realizing it. And no doubt this realization will have to journey through turbulent decades in its intellectual baptism of fire.

Here we see the name and number 391 corresponding to the Three Seven Code in the sum of the prime and composite numbers. Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves, while composites have multiple divisors. Below we see the same sort of opposition, now between both 37 and 73 and composite and prime numbers.

Σ of the first 37 composite numbers = 1103

Σ of the prime numbers up to 73 = 712

1103 - 712 = 391 = Jesus (Hebrew)

The Three Seven Code also is revealed in this name, but it is hidden in the ordinal version of Jesus.

Hebrew Ordinal Jesus = 58

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3² + 7² = 58

37 + (3 x 7) = 58

This last equation is not as haphazard as a skeptic might claim. Beside this being a digital reiteration of 3's and 7's the two components are related in the prime/composite tables.

12th prime = 37

12th composite = 21

12th prime + 12th composite = JESUS

The 'Spread' is the difference between the standard numeration of a word and the ordinal. The Spread of Jesus is 333.

Jesus (standard) = 391

Jesus (ordinal) = 58

391 - 58 = 333

37 x 3² = 333

Jesus Christ (Greek) = 2368

2368 + 333 = 2701 = Genesis 1:1


Perhaps the most famous number of all is Pi the transcendental ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. Pi is the most famous of the transcendental numbers and what most people know is that it goes on and on without pattern and without repeating. The circle was considered by the ancients and up into the 20th century to be the geometric representation of perfection itself.

So how perfect it is that the first 169 digits of pi should produce an absolutely prefect testament to the name Jesus Christ, the creator of the universe, God Himself and the logos of all math and science. When we add the first 169 digits together (169 = 13 x 13) we find a square filled with theological symbolism of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How this intricate patterns came to be in pi is something of a mystery. Pi is a fixed number that cannot be modified, beyond its original construction, yet it appears here and there and in many other places to have something like design features. How that could be possible is seemingly impossible to answer.

There are many more correlations that can be find in this dynamic configuration, too many to display here. The center line for example comes to 67 the mirror opposite of 76 Berashith and the sum of the ordinal for Lord God in Hebrew. Similarly the remainder 631 being the 115th prime is a double correlation, in that 115 is the 37th semiprime number.

The extracted 3's and 7s in order also produce many correlations of their own.

The base of the triangle comes to 37.

169 digits of pi = 754

Jesus Christ = 754

The cross here comes to 294, the same as the name Lord Jesus Christ in Greek ordinal.


The remaining numbers of the field comes to 460 (754 - 294 = 460) which is a number closely associated with the Protoverse (Genesis 1:1). The prime factors of the Protoverse is 37 & 73 which is the foundation of theistic mathematics. In analog form we find this same pattern in a variety of mathematical places.

754 - 294 = 460

460 = Digital Sum of 37^73


= 3,011,104,700,937,353,238,603,237,





This extraordinarily large number, incredibly, perfectly fits into the hypothesis of the Three Seven Code. The number of digits in 37^73 is 115. This is a primary number to the Three Seven Code, for it is the ordinal of 'Jesus the Messiah' and that 115 is the 37th semi-prime number. A fact that integrates into the the math of the Protoverse.

יהושע המשיח = Jesus the Messiah = 115

37th semiprime = 115 73rd semiprime = 218

115 + 218 = 333

37th semiprime + 73rd semiprime + Jesus Christ = Genesis 1:1

115 + 218 + 2368 = 2701

What is 37^73? Here is an easy way to see what 37 to the 73rd power is:


37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37x37 = 37^73

To check this result you'll need two different tools:

Million Digit Calculator

Sum Calculator

Copy and paste the sum of 37^73 with commas into the sum calculator to check the result.



The 13th square also produces a stunning correlation here when we highlight the border of square.

The number 232 is a well known number to theistic mathematics and it means withal transcendental perfection the Word of the Lord.

The Word of the Lord = 232

דבר יהוה

Mathematically we find a potent correlation with the number 37, perhaps the most important number in theistic mathematics. A circle whose radius is 37 will have a circumference of 232, the same transcendental circumference we see on the 13th square of pi.

The interior of this square renders 522, which corresponds in several ways to the Protoverse or Genesis 1 :1, which is the Power Set for the factors of the first verse in both ordinal and standard.

Power Set for the Protoverse

{ } {2} {149} {2, 149} + { } {37} {73} {37, 73} = 522.

The last correlation is a hidden reference to the factors of the first verse from the Psalms in the ordinal:

Psalm 37:1 + Psalm 73:1 = 522

אל תתחר במרעים אל תקנא בעשי עולה

אך טוב לישראל אלהים לברי לבב

Psalm 37:1+ 73:1

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.


What is intriguing about the number 169, is that it is both 13-squared and it is a 'Star of Stars.' The first real hexagram or star number or figurative 'Star of David' is the number 13. So we can arrange 13 stars of 13 into a star shape and create a star of stars. This 13 based star is also Three-Seven Code for the logos.

When we arrange the first 169 decimal digits of pi into a star of stars configuration (tiling them in individuated order one star at a time) we find a spectacular correlation to the semantic division between the name Jesus and the Messiah in the original Hebrew.


The number of the name of Jesus in its various permutations is an orchestrated symphony of 3's and 7's. The Modern Hebrew name encoded in the prime factors of the first verse is there for many reasons, historical irony chief amongst them.

We see in this modern name for Jesus an echo of His true name. The sum of His true name is 391, while His second name HaNotzri (Of Nazareth, now translated as Christ) has a sum of 361, another mirror reflection in numbers with the reversed orthography of the 6 and 9. This 361 is also an anagram of the modern 316.





These two names (Jesus Christ/Yeshu HaNotzri) are ordinally encoded in the prime factors of the first verse. They display an exceptionally rare mathematical reference. Both 316 and its anagram 361 are subsequent Centered Triangular Numbers (#15, #16).

Furthermore, the number 316 is both a Centered Triangular and Heptagonal Number , i.e., a THREE and SEVEN centered figurative numbers. There are only 2 such numbers under 3.8 million.

316 = 3 & 7-centered numbers

Minimum Probability = 0.0001%

1 out 1,000,000 minimum

The last name for Jesus is also the sum of all the odd numbers up to 37, which are the first 19 odd numbers as well as 19 squared.

1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37 = 361

הנוצרי = Christ = 361

361 = 19 2

The modern Hebrew spelling for the name Jesus was purposely altered from its original form. This alteration however, only goes to prove the power of God in history. For as altered as it is, it is still fundamental to the Three Seven Code.

JESUS Hebrew Standard = ישו = 316

7³ - 3³ = 316

(343 – 27 = 316)


If we take the names of the authors of the four gospels we find another surprising connection in the ordinal.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Ματθαιος Μαρκος Λουκας Ιωαννης

83, 73, 85, 75 = 316

It is unknown whether or the writers of the New Testament were aware or employed the ordinal numeration. However, looking at the pattern of the four numbers (83, 73, 85, 75) we see a semi regular pattern: AC, BC; AD, BD.

Like a fractal, these four names that start the New Testament seem to anticipate the eventual whole of the New Testament. The writers of these early works, could not of course be aware of the eventual make up of the cannonized New Testament, God however, could and it would be just like God to leave a hint in the spellings of their names. For when we count the letters of these four names, we find. like the number of the books of the New Testament, it is a cube.










The Cube of the Gospel Authors

(Each letter square represents a layer of the cube)

What is fantastic about this cube of 316, that could be called the Cube of Yeshu-Jesus, is that when we subtract the center of the cube (the letter Sigma or 'S') the remainder, or skin of the cube comes to 298, both ordinal.

Cube's Exterior = 298

Genesis 1:1 = 298

The meaning of this to me is plain. It is saying: "The author of Genesis 1:1 is the author of the names of the four authors of the Gospels."


The contention of the Three Seven Code is that numbers and numerals explicitly related to 3 & 7 and in particular the prime number 37 display a underlying hidden relationship. So it is important that we can show that the Psalms (a collection of work written later by other authors) reveals the same relationship of Jesus Christ being the hidden hand in history and the inspiration of the Bible. Here Psalm 37:1, the first verse being the titular head of the psalm, has the very same value of Yeshu, the name that corresponds to the 37 in the factors of the Protoverse.

Psalm 37:1, ordinal = 316

אל תתחר במרעים אל תקנא בעשי עולה

JESUS Hebrew Standard = ישו = 316

Another code that has begun to appear in theistic mathematics is the verse code. Here we can say, that the standard historical versification of the Bible reveals a match between the name Jesus (Yeshu) and with that of the most famous verse of the New Testament, John 3:16.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

We see that the full name of Jesus Christ in Hebrew (Yeshu HaNotzri) corresponds to the full coding couplet twice-over. Here the numerical division is absolutely fundamental and displays the full range of number theory, where the 37 and 73 references are bound in prime and composite numbers, the basic division of numbers since the time of Euclid.

ישו הנוצרי = Jesus Christ = 677

(37th + 73rd prime) + (37th + 73rd composite number) = 677

(157 + 367) + (54 + 99) = 677

Incredibly, this number, 677, is the exact sum of the prime code for the Greek Jesus Christ, in the ordinal. Here by using the order of Greek letters in the alphabet and indexing them to the primes we find a code conceived by an all too scientific Christian God. The numbers you see listed below are all prime numbers. They correspond to the precise spelling of the name Jesus Christ as seen in the original Greek New Testament.

Ιησους Χριστος = Jesus Christ

23,17,61,47,71,61,79,59,23,61,67,47,61 = 677

Using this same prime code, now on the modern Hebrew name seen above produces two more significant correlations to the Three Seven Code (see below). The name Jesus, Yeshu now comes to 115, the ordinal for Jesus the Messiah in Biblical Hebrew. It is also the 37th semiprime number.

ישו = Jesus

10 = 29, 21 = 73, 6 = 13

29 + 73 + 13 = 115 = 37th semiprime

When we employ this same code for the full name, seen encoded on the first verse above, we see once again a definitive pattern in the numbers.

ישו הנוצרי = Jesus Christ

29,73,13,11,43,13,61,71,29 = 343

7 x 7 x 7 = 343


The actual Hebrew Biblical spelling for Jesus is: Joshua = Jesus (יהושע) [H3091]. We know this with absolute certainty, (Acts 7:45; Heb 4:8 The Certainty). This is the perfect name for the Messiah; it is a name that means God is Salvation. So in an incredibly complex orchestration of prime numbers, the first verse of the Bible adds up exactly to the name of Jesus once again.

The sum of the factors and their indexed prime scale of each letter of the first verse, Genesis 1:1, equals 391, the number of the true spelling of Jesus in Hebrew.

391 = Jesus (יהושע) = Genesis :1:1

To see the full proof, click: THE PROOF

This is important for a number of reasons, but primarily because the Son of God's given Hebrew name equate, perfectly with most elaborate code of the first verse. This name and number even equates with the first word of the Berashith (913) in hexadecimal code (base 16). The meaning of this was not known until the link between The Golden Ratio and the name Jesus Christ was discovered. Hexadecimal, base-16, is another reference to the Golden Ratio (1.6).

The Extreme and Mean Ratio = ακρος και μεσος λογος

Extreme (ακρος) = 391 = Jesus (Hebrew)

The number 391 is also and important figurative number, being the 13th centered pentagon.

It is hard to imagine a geometric figure that has more Golden Ratios on it than the ancient and universal symbol of the 5 pointed star or pentagram.

Every way you look at this now ubiquitous symbol (see the Flag of the United States of America) there is the Golden Ratio staring back at you.

There is an amazing relationship between the 391 pentagon and the name of Paul, the great Apostle of the New Testament. Paul's original name was Saul, but when he began his ministry for the Lord, God gave him a new name. The illustration below illuminates in part some of the reason Saul became Paul.

This is a composite formation (one made of two different figures) being the 13th centered pentagon with five triangles attached. Each triangle here is 12th triangle as in the 12 disciples. The central pentagon is actually composed of 5 overlapping triangles, each one being the 13th triangle. The spoke of each branch of the pentagram then sums to 169 or 13 squared (T12 + T13).

It is an astounding confirmation of the Three Seven Code when we realize every length of the figure has 37 units and every two lengths has 73. Considering just how intensely a five pointed star broadcasts the Golden Ratio, we have in one figure and two names the entire Three Seven Code.

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