TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel

A curious feature of modern Jewish life, is how language and culture of the calendar week still revolves around the Sabbath. According to modern Jewish tradition, the Sabbath begins on Friday, when the sun begins to set and ends after the next sunset on Saturday when three stars are visible in the sky.

Three stars begin the new week = 3

The seventh Sabbath day ends the week = 7

Three. Seven.


The three nearly aligned stars in Orion's belt is one of the most recognizable features of any constellation in the sky. It is this near perfect equidistant alignment that attracts the human eye unlike any other star configuration. It almost universally recognized by all cultures around the world and has been called 'The Three Marys' in Spain and 'The Three Wiseman' in Puerto Rico.

But is this just a natural accident or actually a great sign and wonder from God? The constellations of Orion with the Pleiades is mentioned specifically several times in the Bible. Are these citations just random or a hint of something far deeper?

Is Orion's belt a sign and wonder of God?

Recently a researcher from Russia named Dimitry contacted me about what he thought was a possible Three-Seven Fractal sighting. And sure enough he hit the mark and knocked it all the way into the stars.

The Three Seven Fractal is a never-before-seen alphanumeric fractal that connects all the major elements of the Bible through a code based on the numerals Three and Seven, the two most important and sacred numbers of Christian theology. Recently the fractal jumped out of the pages of the Bible and into the real physical world, when it was found written in blood on the Shroud of Turin.

In the book of Job we find a few references to certain constellations, namely here Orion and the Pleiades. Job is written in an ancient poetic style and is considered 'Wisdom' literature. Anyone familiar to the 3-7 Fractal knows that in Hebrew the word for 'Wisdom' is a classic example of the code.

Hebrew Wisdom Ordinal = 37

Hebrew Wisdom Standard = 73

Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73

Twice in the book of Job are the constellations Orion and the Pleiades specifically mentioned. Why should these two constellations be highlighted out of all others? Perhaps the original reason is lost to the centuries, but the theory of the Three-Seven Code can answer the question quite succinctly.

The Belt of Orion = 3 Stars

The Pleiades = 7 Stars

In other words a further continuation of the 3-7 Fractal that begins in the first verse of the Bible and is found in blood on the Shroud of Turin.

Job 38:31

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

The bands of Orion are a reference to the belt of the man in the constellation. The rendering of the Septuagint offers an interesting alternative translation:

Job 38:31

'And dost thou understand the band of Pleias (Pleiades)

and hast thou opened the barrier of Orion?'

(Septuagint, The Greek Orthodox Old Testament)

It is thought by some that these three stars of Orion's belt inspired the placement and design of the three great pyramids of Giza, perhaps the greatest monuments of the ancient world.

The arrangement of the pyramids appears to match the position and luminosity of the stars.

Job 38:31 = 3,431

3431 is the 47th multiple of 73.

47 x 73 = 3431

Now 73 is definitely inbounds to qualify for fractal status. But 47 is out of bounds as it is not purely three's and seven's. However the 3-7 fractal is based on the prototype of the first verse Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73. As a prototype all other verses must be compared to it as one might in manufacturing with a master mold.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701

Job 38:31 = 3431

3431 - 730 = 2701

So by the difference of the two do we find the code again. And the number 730 is very much inbounds for the Three Seven Code. It is composed only of threes and sevens (zero is not a number, and thus doesn't count) and its the sum of some deep math:

37th prime, semiprime, triprime, tetraprime = 730

157 + 115 + 164 + 294 = 730

The last number here being the sum of the Lord Jesus Christ (Greek Ordinal 294).


And again it is mentioned in the book of Amos, where only these two constellations are mentioned. Here the 'Seven Stars' are a reference to the Pleiades, also known as the 'Seven Sisters.'

Amos 5:8

Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

There are only two verses in the Bible that specifically reference the constellations Orion and Pleiades and only mention these two constellations. There are Job 38:31 and Amos 5:8. Using the logic of Set Theory, the foundation of mathematics itself, we can sort these two verses together by the fact that they share this common feature.

The set of verses that contain a reference to Orion and the Pleiades and only Orion and the Pleiades is the set of Job 38:31 & Amos 5:8.

Job 38:31 = 3431

Amos 5:8 = 3876

3431 + 3876 = 7307

More 7's and 3's, making more of the fractal.


We can see that the Bible has selected to focus on these two constellations in particular. Why the human author of these writings chose to focus on these two constellations we may never know. It could be forever lost to the vagaries of history and culture of the ancient middle east.

The 3-7 fractal says that it is included because it is a subtle reference to the three prominent stars of Orion and the seven famous stars of the Pleiades. Indeed these two constellation are natural 'Sky Partners' for the common everyday stargazer. A common technique to locate the Pleiades is to first find the belt of Orion, whose 3 stars point to the 7 stars of the Pleiades.

The stars of Orion are among the furthest stars of the sky visible to the naked eye.

The constellation of Orion is often used as a navigational aid. Its particular shape can act as a guideline to other stars and constellations. As seen in this graphic from its Wikipedia page.

The hourglass shape of this navigational aid is a cluster of 7 stars around a central 3.

NGC 2169

The constellation of Orion has another wonder hidden from sight. The image below is from NASA and shows a star cluster in Orion that is not visible to the naked eye. Examine the image without scrolling down any further.

Does anything come to mind?

Photo Credit Noel Carboni

This star-cluster is approximately where the hand of Orion grips the club.

This find was not a discovery of mine. The person who sent it my didn't discover it either. It has been known in astronomical circles for some time, so much so that it has its own catalog number and name.

Star-Cluster Number: NGC 2169

What's curious about this number is that it is the 17th Leyland number, numbers that quite often figure into the math of the Bible (See The Mirrors of Eden).

2169 = 11^2 + 2^11

The official name of the star-cluster is a dead give-away: 'The 37 Cluster'

You can read more about the 37 star-cluster in Brian Ventrudo's blog: The One Minute Astronomer

Psalm 19:1


Quite literally Psalm 19:1, an often quoted verse truly does declare the glory of the Lord, a glory of 3's and 7s and written in blood and math on the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. So next time you look up into the night sky and see the stars of Orion's belt they were arranged there on purpose by the will of He who turneth the shadow of death into morning, and who can loose the bands of Orion.

Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork.

Not only do the heavens declare it, so does this verse! This famous verse in the King James English Version is a square of letters.

But we need to look to the original Hebrew to find a unique kind of figurative puzzle.

It would seem this verse was intended to be read in a square matrix

The meaning of this puzzle should be clear. Hid in the Word of God is a constellation of figurative stars that represent the entire heavenly host of stars. What this simple puzzle teaches us, is that the Lord meticulously controls every aspect of His word, from the letters, words, sentences and paragraphs to the very versification.

* It is of some note that the title of this psalm performs an improbable ordinal transformation. Standard = 555, Ordinal = 150, both are hybrid triangles and both are multiples of 15: 15 x 37 = 555, 15 x 10 = 150.

The above puzzle actually includes the title of the psalm. But what happens when we look a the psalm without the title?

The above image is from Frank Colijn's fine site on Biblical Gematria from a correspondence with's old friend Stephen Coneglan.


The Fine-structure constant is perhaps the greatest numerical mystery to physics. It has haunted some of the greatest minds of science. The constant is a measure of the strength of electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles. The number below is a more accurate estimate of the constant.

α−1 = 137.035999139(31)

Is this the most understated, laconic hint in the history of the world?

Many a physicists has pondered the why and wherefore this number should be 137 and not another number. In the graphic above you can see that God was well aware of the magic of this number. This simple and elegant puzzle represents a swath of enormity that is impossible to even imagine.

Everywhere throughout the universe, where ever there is an interaction between light and matter the number 137 is in action. These thirteen 137's in thee most star of David configuration possible is perhaps thee greatest scientific understatement imaginable!


137 137 137 137

137 137 137

137 137 137 137


This well known and famous verse is super programmed with multiple codes. If we look at the ordinal version of the verse we see that it is, against odds, another multiple of 13 and this time a nod to the Golden Ratio, God's universal signature, also found everywhere in the universe.

My colleague Rob Slattery of was kind enough to point out that:

Just looking at your graphic, 1781 = 137 x 13. Hmmm.

The 13th prime and 13th composite numbers sum to 63 ("the glory of God"). The first 13 digits of e sum to 63.

The first 63 in phi begins from position 31.

31 + 13 = 44, and the 44th composite number is 63.

The man knows his math....

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This Sierpinski Triangle comprised of 63 units (3 x 7 x 3) and is 'Holy' code for the 'Word' Logos

The perimeters of all 6 triangles = 913, the sum of the 1st word of the Bible, berashith, 'In the beginning.'.

This triangle of triangles is actually part of a larger triangle of triangles which is the entire book of Psalms.

When the verse is seen in this light it becomes an anchor point for the very theme of the 3-7 fractal, which culminates in the Golden Ratio. Not only does the ordinal sum of 377 make it part of the fractal, but that it's the 14th Fibonacci number (Fibonacci numbers are intimately related to the Golden Ratio) but its individual components are phi (the Golden ratio) to the 7th power.

To read more about the Golden Ratio click here.

God's puzzles and proof are not only highly scientifically informed they can also be very complex and intricate. The first verse of Psalm 19 starts off with a big bang but it is only part of a much larger puzzle that includes the entirety of the psalm.


In a most direct way, all these patterns are pointing us to Jesus. Jesus is the glory of God and His name and number bare the truth of it. The name Jesus Christ in Greek is a perfect cube of 37's, a geometric representation of '3 dimensional space' and the stone and altar of the Christian Faith.

So when we look at the night sky and see a sign from God, where He has directed us to look (at the 3 stars of Orion and 7 stars of the Pleiades) we know that our God is an awesome God, a God that has literally arranged the place and position of the very stars of the universe for our benefit and His witness. For in a very simple way, this witness is plain.

Orion כסיל = 48 ordinal

The Pleiades כימה = 39 ordinal

48 + 39 = 87 = Jesus (Ιησους) ordinal

So the heavens really do declare the glory of God, who is Jesus Christ and has written it plain in the numbers 3 & 7 as the 'Glory of God' is 3 x 7 x 3 a perfect node of the fractal.

This well known correlation displays a powerful truth

This opening sentence of Psalm 19 is a powerful proof of God.


Cubed numbers are a bit of a rarity in figurative mathematics. It just so happens that the 24th cube of verses lands near the end of the book of Job. For a sense of how rare cubes of this size are, the prior cube happens roughly three books back in Ezra, while the next cube doesn't come about until Psalm 105!

Job 38:31 = 13,825th verse

This makes the number of verses that come after Genesis 1:1 exactly 13,824. Why is that significant? Because it is giant cube of verses encoded with the name of Jesus.

13,824 = 24³

The mathematical shorthand for this number (24³) could be a reference to the three 8's that make up the name of Jesus in Greek.

Jesus = 888

The early Christians believed the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet were a nod to the name Jesus and referenced in the book of Revelation as the 24 Elders.

8 + 8 + 8 = 24

What is really interesting is what we read in the verse that precedes Job 38:31, the actual 13,824th verse of the Bible.

Job 38:30

The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

The first word in Hebrew that begins this verse is actually 'With a Stone' k'aben.

With a Stone כאבן = 73

In the context of this passage of Job, the writer is evoking the forces of nature and comparing them to the lowliness of man. But it appears there is a second secret subtext to this verse, when examined in the light of biblical mathematics.

One of the prophetic names of Christ was the stone, and He also known as the foundation stone. Moreover, he is referenced as a cube in the book of Revelation, where the heavenly city of Jerusalem is an exact cube. In the ancient world and especially the Greek ancient world, the world in which Christ incarnated, a cube had a very special meaning.

These are the platonic solids and although they were revered as science at one point in our history, they are now not much more than a curious footnote. However in the world in which Christ lived it would be common knowledge. Of these 5, the cube here represents the earth or solidity a perfectly apt connection to a stone.

Read again the wording of Job 38:30, remembering that this verse just happens to be the final corner in a gigantic cube of verses that only God could have known about or made to come about in this place and position:

The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

Read in that light, doesn't sound like the verse could be talking about the gigantic cube of verses that only a supernatural God who could foresee and anticipate the eventual standard versification of the Bible?

In other words, evidence for the Inspiration of the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit. Especially since each side of the cube and each slice of the cube is exactly 576 units, the sum of the Greek word for 'Spirit' from where we get the 'Holy Spirit'.

Spirit (Πνευμα) = 576

Moreover, the Lord calls himself the Alpha and the Omega, here then is Omega cubed.

Omega = 24th Letter

13,824 = Ω³

This is not the first puzzle that uses the 'Spirit' as a secret signature of inspiration. We've seen it in the 576 letters of the 86th Psalm.

Click here to read more about the 86th Psalm.

This verse Job 38:31 really does have a powerful connection to the name and number of Jesus-888.

Job 38:31

The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

In Hebrew, it can be laid out as a cube of letters (the verse has 27 letters or 3^3)










The real 'coincidence' here is that the verse that just so happens to be the final verse of a giant cube of verses is itself also a cube of letters which is a divisor of the cube of verses itself.

Job 38:30 = 13,824th verse

Job 38:30 = 27 letters

13,284/27 = 512

512 = 8 x 8 x 8

Jesus = 888

This is to say that every letter of this verse is cubically encoded with a Jesus-888 signature in the very verse structure of the Bible.

These sorts of mathematical codes based on geometry, gematria and the versification of the Bible are exceedingly difficult to find. That should tell us something about the Riddlemaster, that is He who spoke in parable, the Lord who is Christ Jesus. His signature is there, hidden in the text, but it is as subtle as the shading on Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

This painting of Job by Leon Bonnet is a poignant depiction of human suffering. It is the suffering of Christ on the cross that pays the price for eternal salvation. Belief in this salvation is what makes a Christian a Christian.

Researcher Jay Brown and his excellent website pointed out the following facts pertaining to the "Sign in the Sky' of the Pleiades and Orion. His work analyzes the number of 'word' occurrences in the King James Bible:

Search scope = Wisdom books (Job 9:9)

“Which” 277 times

“maketh” 55 times

“Acturus” 2 times

“Orion” 2 times

“and Pleiades” 1 time

337 times in 307 verses

Search scope = Job through Revelation

“Which” 2437 times

“maketh” 110 times

“Acturus” 2 times

“Orion” 3 times

“and Pleiades” 1 time

Total = 2,553 (37 x 69)

Search scope = Wisdom books (Job 38:31)

“Canst thou” 18

“bind” 11

“the sweet” 1

“influences” 1

“of Pleiades” 1

“or loose” 1

“the bands” 3

“of Orion” 1

Total = 37

Search scope = Wisdom books (Job 38:31)

“Canst” 40

“thou” 4617

“bind” 38

“the sweet” 9

“influences” 1

“of Pleiades” 1

“or loose” 1

“the bands” 10

“of Orion” 1

Total = 4718 (337 x 7 x 2) in 37 books

Search scope = Bible

“the bands” 11

“of” 34618

“Orion” 3

Total = 34,632 (37 x 39 x 24)

Search scope = Wisdom books

“the” 5719

“bands” 9

“of Orion” 1

Total = 5,729 (337 x 17)

Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email Subject Line: Updates!

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“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

It is the source of all art and science.”

— Albert Einstein