The book of Psalms is far and away the largest book in the Bible. Being that it is a song book and a book of praise, it is often overlooked as not being theologically important. However, a careful study of the book, shows numerous prophecies recorded within.

In fact, the most quoted verse in the Bible comes from the 110th Psalm. The 22nd Psalm is nothing less than a prophesy of the cross. The 37th & 73rd Psalms are thematic twins. We even have evidence that the entire book, all 150 psalms, may be an enormous acrostic puzzle, solved by gematria and the number of the psalm (see Psalm 86 & Psalms 1 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 40 = God/ Elohim 86).

But the largest prophecy of the work may just be the entirety of the book itself. The Psalms may just be the grandest of puzzles hidden in plain sight, in all of the Bible.

The 150 Psalms makes a perfect cross using basic geometry.

Read more on the Cross Fractal

David wrote more Psalms than any other psalmist, this was his signature.

The 9th Psalm has been called a 'Praise for the Justice of God.'

Having exactly 661 letters, makes it a perfect match with the name Esther and the book of Esther,

which is the penultimate story of God's justice.

This page is a collection of all the mathematical features I've discovered in the Psalms. There are 150 Psalms in most Bibles. It is possible the 150 chosen Psalms was intentional by the Jewish authorities since it is a multiple of 15. This number being one of the most common names for the Lord (Yah = 15) the shortening of the holy Yahweh YHWH.

Yah x Ten = Number of the Psalms

For manifestly obvious reasons, 10 is a most important number to a Jew. It is the number of the Commandments and it is the number of the Sephiroth (Vessels) on the Tree of Life.

There is also a hidden 151st Psalm that is a footnote in many Greek Bibles (151 = Jesus Christ, English ordinal).

The book of Psalms is the largest book of the Bible. It is this researcher's belief that these discoveries represent only the tip of the iceberg of the hidden treasures of the Psalms.


The number 22 is considered by many to be one of the most mystical of all numbers, primarily due to the fact that the Hebrew alphabet is composed of 22 letters. The 22nd psalm is also one of the most mystical of psalms, as it prophecies in many ways, of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross.

Christ himself quotes this psalm in one of the most misunderstood verses in the New Testament. While on the cross he says the first four words of the verse, which is the way psalms were referenced prior to their being numbered. In these four words Christ was citing all the prophecies in this psalm about his crucifixion. This supernatural feat, more than any math, should convince the skeptic of the Divinity of the Son of God.

This fact has been known for some time, what was not known until now, is that Jesus was also making a cryptic reference to the practice of gematria. For the first verse of Psalm 22 has the same sum of the name of Jesus in Hebrew.

Psalm 22:1 = 391 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Jesus = 391

More than just the first verse, Christ's reference was to the whole of the psalm which can seen to be a masterpiece of triangulation, in this context it is always a reference to the Trinity of God.

The word triangle above is a mathematical triangle, the 22nd figurative triangle. Each subsequent row has one more word than the one that precedes it. The spacing between the words is only to better depict the triangulation of the psalm.

In this instance, the key to this puzzle is to include the title of psalm (the first three lines of the word triangle). The boldfaced row right beneath the title, is the portion that Jesus Christ cites while on the cross.

Further evidence of this pattern can be seen when we check the sum of all the letters of the psalm, once again including the title. These 5 triangles are each composed of 253 units. This number is of primary mathematical importance to Biblical numerics, as it is the sum of 22, the number of letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22 = 253


The 23rd Psalm is the most famous psalm in the all the Bible. It is also one of the shortest and most beautifully worded.

Psalm 23:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

This great work of Biblical liturgy is also a fantastic mathematical puzzle.

It can be seen in at least three ways as a distinct triangle, the symbol of the Christian Trinity.

Above are the first words of each of the six verses in the form of a word triangle and a letter triangle, composed of 21 letters (3 x 7).


We have seen that in Hebrew the Psalm is triangular. The modern codes that are being discovered in English and other languages appear to employ regular punctuation marks in their encoding.

The 23rd Psalm in the King James Version has 118 words, which is a clear reference to the Greek name of Christ whose ordinal value is 118.

Christ (Χριστος) = 118

The character count comes to 595 including spaces.

595 = 34th Triangle

23rd Psalm

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

(Copy and paste the characters above or below into word document and perform a character count)

A Psalm of David.

118 Words, 595 Characters

(Christ = 118, 595 = The Sanctification)

English Ordinal = 5,484

The only verse in the Bible with this Hebrew sum is:

Genesis 6:14

Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark,

and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

Other examples of this type of encoding can be seen in:

The Nicene Creed

The Apostles Creed


One of the most recent and most exciting discoveries in Biblical numerics, is that the entire book of Psalms, all 150 of them, is a giant collection of puzzles that fit together like so many jigsaw puzzles of letters and words. They are also often puzzles in their own right.

What's even more amazing is the number of the psalm is directly related to its meaning in theological gematria. There is no better proof of this than in the 86th Psalm. There is one word in all the Bible that comes to the number 86 that is clearly more important than any other word that adds up to 86 and that word is God.

86 = Elohim = God

This then makes the 86th Psalm, the Psalm of God. Looking carefully at this psalm we see that it has 576 letters which is 24 squared. The number 576 is the Greek word for spirit, the word used in the name the Holy Spirit. The key to this code is of course found in the name of Jesus.

Ιησους = Jesus = 888

8 + 8 + 8 = 24

Those three 8's can subdivide the square of 576 letters into nine squares of 64 each. When we do this we find a cross that comes to the sum of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Κυριος Ιησους Χριστος = Lord Jesus Christ = 3,168

Cross of Psalm 86 = 3,168

To read more about this code in the 86th Psalm read: THE CROSS OF GOD


The largest book of the Bible, by far, is the book of Psalms, which is a book of books with 150 psalms. Amazingly, there is a hidden puzzle in this vast tome of data and it is found by simply looking at the first letter of every psalm.

Since there are 150 psalms and 10 x 15 = 150 we can make the entire book of Psalms into a very Trinitarian triangle of triangles.

The letters of this configuration are taken from the beginning of the psalms proper, not their titles.


It is in the Psalms that we truly begin to see the full extent of the Three Seven Fractal and we see it in the most plain and open way. We find the Fractal in the number of the Psalm itself, the most direct and largest denomination of the Psalms themselves.

In the most basic break down of the Three Seven Fractal we find that the 3rd and 7th Psalm come together and produce an absolutely stunning proof of the underlying mathematical structure to the scriptures.

Several puzzles are produced when the two psalms are put together. The most important related to the Fractal is the most direct as well. The number of letters in each psalm proper (without the title) come together to produce a magnificent Three Seven configuration.

Psalm 3 = 248 Letters

Psalm 7 = 529 Letters

248 + 529 = 777

3 x 7 x 37 = 777

The text in Hebrew below are the letters of the 3rd and 7th psalm respectively from the original Masoretic text, to which it can be compared. Copy and paste the text into a word document and perform a word/letter count to check the results.

The 777 Letters of Psalm 3 and 7

עלי קמים רבים צרי מה רבו יהוה

סלה באלהים לו ישועתה אין לנפשי אמרים רבים

ראשי ומרים כבודי בעדי מגן יהוה ואתה

סלה קדשו מהר ויענני אקרא אל יהוה קולי

יסמכני יהוה הקיצותי כי ואישנה שכבתי אני

עלי שתו סביב אשר עם מרבבות לא אירא

שברת רשעים שני לחי את כל איבי כי הכית אלהי הושיעני יהוה קומה

סלה ברכתך על עמך הישועה ליהוה

והצילני מכל רדפי הושיעני חסיתי בך אלהי יהוה

מציל ואין פרק נפשי כאריה פן יטרף

בכפי אם יש עול זאת אם עשיתי אלהי יהוה

ריקם צוררי ואחלצה רע שולמי אם גמלתי

סלה ישכן לעפר וכבודי חיי לארץ וישג וירמס נפשי אויב ירדף

צוית משפט אלי ועורה צוררי בעברות באפך הנשא יהוה קומה

שובה למרום ועליה תסובבך לאמים ועדת

עלי וכתמי כצדקי יהוה שפטני עמים ידין יהוה

צדיק אלהים וכליות לבות ובחן צדיק ותכונן רשעים רע נא יגמר

ישרי לב מושיע על אלהים מגני

בכל יום זעם ואל צדיק שופט אלהים

ויכוננה דרך קשתו ילטוש חרבו ישוב אם לא

יפעל לדלקים חציו מות כלי הכין ולו

שקר וילד עמל והרה יחבל און הנה

יפעל בשחת ויפל ויחפרהו כרה בור

ירד חמסו קדקדו ועל בראשו עמלו ישוב

עליון שם יהוה ואזמרה כצדקו יהוה אודה

It is of further note, that together, these psalms have 196 words, which is 14 squared, where 14 is the sum of the name of David, as well as 7 + 7.


If the Three Seven Fractal of the Scriptures is true, then we should expect to see it in Psalm 37 and 73, as this would be a clear reflection of the pattern of the first verse and its proto-pattern found in its factors (37 x 73 = 2701).

Should we compare these psalms we find that they are eerily similar in tone and subject matter. Both are a series of contrasts between the wicked and the righteous and we see this contrast in the very numbers of the chapters 37/73 which is that proto-pattern of the first verse. The New American Standard entitles them thusly:

Psalm 37: Security of those that trust in the Lord and insecurity of the wicked

Psalm 73: The end of the wicked contrasted with that of the righteous

The 37th psalm with the title included has exactly 298 words, the same sum of the first verse in the Hebrew ordinal.

Psalm 37 = 298 words

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

The 73rd psalm has 197 words with its title, the same sum of the number of words of Day One (Genesis 1:1-5) as well as the sum of the name Emmanuel.

Psalm 73 = 197 words

Day One = 197 words

עמנואל Emmanuel = 197

This is further connected to the Three Seven Fractal in that 197 is the sum of all the prime numbers up to and including 37.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 = 197

These two psalms together form a very large puzzle, a puzzle that requires a missing key. The puzzle comes together to form a large triangle, the symbol of the Trinity. In order to make this triangular puzzle, one has to include the four Kethib/Qere corrections to the text.

The ancient scribes when codifying the scripture discovered on occasion a minor copying error in the text. Believing the text to be Holy, they did not eliminate the errors, but rather they noted them and inserted the corrected word following the error. These corrections can still be found in any Hebrew Bible. The words Kethib/Qere mean ‘As written’ and ‘As read.’ Due to this unique peculiarity of the Hebrew scriptures, we find that when we include both the error and the correction, that psalm 37 and 73 come together in a grand puzzle. This puzzle is only completed however when we include the first verse of the Bible, the missing key and the proto-pattern of the Scriptures.

Verse 1 = 28 Letters

Psalm 37 = 1214 Letter

Psalm 73 = 774 Letters

28 + 1214 + 774 = 2016 Letters

2016 = The 63rd Triangle

63 = 3 x 7 x 3

Below are the three components of the 37/73 Psalm Puzzle. Copy and paste all three into a word document and perform a word/letter count to check the number.

Verse 1 + Psalm 37 + Psalm 73

הארץ ואת השמים את אלהים ברא בראשית

עולה בעשי תקנא אל במרעים תתחר אל

יבולון דשא וכירק ימלו מהרה כחציר כי

אמונה ורעה ארץ שכן טוב ועשה ביהוה בטח

לבך משאלת לך ויתן יהוה על והתענג

יעשה והוא עליו ובטח דרכך יהוה על גול

כצהרים ומשפטך צדקך כאור והוציא

מזמות עשה באיש דרכו במצליח תתחר אל לו והתחולל ליהוה דום

להרע אך תתחר אל חמה ועזב מאף הרף

ארץ יירשו המה יהוה וקוי יכרתון מרעים כי

ואיננו מקומו על והתבוננת רשע ואין מעט ועוד

שלום רב על והתענגו ארץ יירשו וענוים

שניו עליו וחרק לצדיק רשע זמם

יומו יבא כי ראה כי לו ישחק אדני

דרך ישרי לטבוח ואביון עני להפיל קשתם ודרכו רשעים פתחו חרב

תשברנה וקשתותם בלבם תבוא חרבם

רבים רשעים מהמון לצדיק מעט טוב

יהוה צדיקים וסומך תשברנה רשעים זרועות כי

תהיה לעולם ונחלתם תמימם ימי יהוה יודע

ישבעו רעבון ובימי רעה בעת יבשו לא

כלו בעשן כלו כרים כיקר יהוה ואיבי יאבדו רשעים כי

ונותן חונן וצדיק ישלם ולא רשע לוה

יכרתו ומקלליו ארץ יירשו מברכיו כי

יחפץ ודרכו כוננו גבר מצעדי מיהוה

ידו סומך יהוה כי יוטל לא יפל כי

לחם מבקש וזרעו נעזב צדיק ראיתי ולא זקנתי גם הייתי נער

לברכה וזרעו ומלוה חונן היום כל

לעולם ושכן טוב ועשה מרע סור

נכרת רשעים וזרע נשמרו לעולם חסידיו את יעזב ולא משפט אהב יהוה כי

עליה לעד וישכנו ארץ יירשו צדיקים

משפט תדבר ולשונו חכמה יהגה צדיק פי

אשריו תמעד לא בלבו אלהיו תורת

להמיתו ומבקש לצדיק רשע צופה

בהשפטו ירשיענו ולא בידו יעזבנו לא יהוה

תראה רשעים בהכרת ארץ לרשת וירוממך דרכו ושמר יהוה אל קוה

רענן כאזרח ומתערה עריץ רשע ראיתי

נמצא ולא ואבקשהו איננו והנה ויעבר

שלום לאיש אחרית כי ישר וראה תם שמר

נכרתה רשעים אחרית יחדו נשמדו ופשעים

צרה בעת מעוזם מיהוה צדיקים ותשועת

בו חסו כי ויושיעם מרשעים יפלטם ויפלטם יהוה ויעזרם

לבב לברי אלהים לישראל טוב אך

אשרי שפכו שפכה כאין רגלי נטיו נטוי כמעט ואני

אראה רשעים שלום בהוללים קנאתי כי

אולם ובריא למותם חרצבות אין כי

ינגעו לא אדם ועם אינמו אנוש בעמל

למו חמס שית יעטף גאוה ענקתמו לכן

לבב משכיות עברו עינמו מחלב יצא

ידברו ממרום עשק ברע וידברו ימיקו

בארץ תהלך ולשונם פיהם בשמים שתו

למו ימצו מלא ומי הלם עמו ישוב ישיב לכן

בעליון דעה ויש אל ידע איכה ואמרו

חיל השגו עולם ושלוי רשעים אלה הנה

כפי בנקיון וארחץ לבבי זכיתי ריק אך

לבקרים ותוכחתי היום כל נגוע ואהי

בגדתי בניך דור הנה כמו אספרה אמרתי אם

בעיני הוא היא עמל זאת לדעת ואחשבה

לאחריתם אבינה אל מקדשי אל אבוא עד

למשואות הפלתם למו תשית בחלקות אך

בלהות מן תמו ספו כרגע לשמה היו איך

תבזה צלמם בעיר אדני מהקיץ כחלום

אשתונן וכליותי לבבי יתחמץ כי

עמך הייתי בהמות אדע ולא בער ואני

ימיני ביד אחזת עמך תמיד ואני

תקחני כבוד ואחר תנחני בעצתך

בארץ חפצתי לא ועמך בשמים לי מי

לעולם אלהים וחלקי לבבי צור ולבבי שארי כלה

ממך זונה כל הצמתה יאבדו רחקיך הנה כי

מלאכותיך כל לספר מחסי יהוה באדני שתי טוב לי אלהים קרבת ואני

The four Kethib/Qere corrections of Psalm 73 are noted by the boldface-underlined type.

This enormous puzzle has yet to be fully analyzed. So far however it has produced many wonders. In the ordinal (the numeration that hides the majority of the secrets of the Bible) we find that the first 12 rows (37 = 12th prime) of the triangle sums to 888, the sum of the name of Jesus in Greek. The very next row has a sum of 87, the sum of the Greek Jesus, now in the ordinal.

The Jesus Triangle of Rows 1-12

Rows 1-12 = 888 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ


1 20

22 10 21

1 1 20 2

1 13 10 5 12

13 10 13 21 5 22

18 20 1 5 22 1 6

13 2 20 8 22 22 12 1

14 19 22 12 1 13 10 16 20

11 5 12 6 16 10 21 16 2 1

10 5 20 5 13 20 10 18 8 11 10

10 1 21 4 19 20 10 11 6 6 12 13

The 13th Row of Jesus

5 6 5 10 2 8 9 2 14 6 12 6 2

= 87 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Ordinal)

When we eliminate the duplicate words of the Kethib/Qere corrections the two psalms together now have 1973 letters, without their titles.

Psalm 37 & 73 Proper = 1973 Letters

1973 = 298th Prime

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

Looking at the two psalms in their proper formation without the duplicate corrections, we find that the first 7 verses from Psalm 37 and 73 have exactly 391 letters, the sum of the name of Jesus in Biblical Hebrew.

Verses 1-7 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 391 Letters

יהושע = Jesus = 391

If then we go on to include the eighth verse of each psalm respectively the number of letters comes to 443, the sum of John’s Logos or the Word.

Verses 1-8 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 443 Letters

Ο Λογος = The Word = 443



The 110th Psalm is related to the Three Seven Fractal in two separate ways. The first is that 110 is the sum of the prime factors of the first verse.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 x 73

37 + 73 = 110

The 110th Psalm stands out theologically as well, as it is the most quoted passage of the Old Testament. Psalm 110:1 is quoted 18 times in the New Testament (Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists)

Psalm 110:1

The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The psalm is composed of 63 words, a number repeatedly employed in the Three Seven Fractal, as its prime factors are the same as the Logos of John and the proto-pattern itself and the sum of the Hebrew word for ‘Prophet’.

3 x 7 x 3 = 63

Logos = 373

The Three Seven Fractal is all about the repetition and variation of the numbers Three and Seven. The number 21 is the most basic product of these two numbers (3 x 7 = 21) and is the sum of one of the most important names of God.

21 = Eheyeh = I AM

Since 73 is the 21st Prime and 21 makes a perfect triangle we have every right to configure the 110 psalm into a series of three triangles or a trinity of triangles.

The Trinity of Triangles of Psalm 110


לאדני יהוה

עד לימיני שב

לרגליך הדם איביך אשית

מציון יהוה ישלח עזך מטה

ביום נדבת עמך איביך בקרב רדה

בהדרי חילך

לך משחר מרחם קדש

ינחם ולא יהוה נשבע ילדתיך טל

אדני צדק מלכי דברתי על לעולם כהן אתה

גויות מלא בגוים דין מלכים אפו ביום מחץ ימינך על

ראש ירים כן על ישתה בדרך מנחל רבה ארץ על ראש מחץ

The second Three Seven Fractal feature of the 110th Psalm is its number of letters. The letters of the psalm proper (without title) come to 232. This in and of itself is extremely pertinent as this is one of the most well known numbers in Biblical gematria.

The 232 has many correspondences that agree upon its meaning, primarily in that of the Word of the Lord.

דבר יהוה = The Word of the Lord = 232

η γραμματεια του Κυριου = The Gematria of the Lord = 232

Let there be Light יהי אור God’s 1st Words = 232

Revelation 3:7

‘He that hath the Key of David’

Ο εχων την κλειδα του Δαβιδ = 232

The ‘Key of David’ seen here and in many other ways, is a reference to Christ who holds that key and to the numbering system of Biblical gematria. This is that key deciphered. The key to this Psalm’s decipherment is found both in the name of Jesus which is itself fundamental to the Three Seven Fractal.

יהושע = Jesus = 58 (Ordinal)

3² + 7² = 58

Since 58 x 4 is equal to 232 we can make a cube or box of alternating 3 x 3 and 7 x 7 squares.

Psalm 110 as a Cube of Alternating Squares

נ א ם

י ה ו

ה ל א

ד נ י ש ב ל י

מ י נ י ע ד א

ש י ת א י ב י

ך ה ד ם ל ר ג

ל י ך מ ט ה ע

ז ך י ש ל י י

ה ו ה מ צ י ו

ן ר ד

ה ב ק

ר ב א

י ב י ך ע מ ך

נ ד ב ת ב י ו

ם ח י ל ך ב ה

ד ר י ק ד ש מ

ר ח ם מ ש ח ר

ל ך ט ל י ל ד

ת י ך נ ש ב ע

י ה ו

ה ו ל

א י נ

ח ם א ת ה כ ה

ן ל ע ו ל ם ע

ל ד ב ר ת י מ

ל כ י צ ד ק א

ד נ י ע ל י מ

י נ ך מ ח ץ ב

י ו ם א פ ו מ

ל כ י

ם י ד

י ן ב

ג ו י ם מ ל א

ג ו י ו ת מ ח

ץ ר א ש ע ל א

ר ץ ר ב ה מ נ

ח ל ב ד ר ך י

ש ת ה ע ל כ ן

י ר י ם ר א ש

How the Bard found his way into the Scriptures

Shakespeare at the time was 46 years old. The 46th word from the beginning is Shake and the 46th word from the end is Spear. That is if you leave off the final Selah. Does that mean that it isn't a cryptogram, because it is not perfect?

Not necessarily.

If this is a cryptogram, it is of human invention. And humans sometimes say close enough.

Psalm 46

To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains SHAKE with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the SPEAR in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

What is really intriguing about this Psalm is that it has 204 words and 816 letters. That means that every word here has an exact average of 4.

816/ 204 = 4

To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah A Song upon Alamoth

God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble Therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountains SHAKE with the swelling thereof Selah There is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved God shall help her and that right early The heathen raged the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted The LORD of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge Selah Come behold the works of the LORD what desolations he hath made in the earth He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth he breaketh the bow and cutteth the SPEAR in sunder he burneth the chariot in the fire Be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth The LORD of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge Selah

The real coder here is not the translators but as always, God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

If we use the same sort of methodology of the cryptogram, now counting letter positions rather words, we find that the 'S' of SHAKE begins at the 203 letter. Adding these up we find the word itself has another exact average.

s = 203

h = 204

a = 205

k = 206

e = 207

203 + 204 + 205 + 206 + 207 = 1025

1025/ 5 = 205

205 = Jesus Christ

Ιησους Χριστος Greek Ordinal = 205

Moreover the this 1025 makes a perfect square of the Hebrew word for God. Squares indicate that a thing is true. The vertical and the horizontal beams of the cross here both add up to 205 Jesus Christ, once more.

God אלהים (Elohim) ordinal = 41

41 41 41 41 41

41 41 41 41 41

41 41 41 41 41

41 41 41 41 41

41 41 41 41 41

= 1025

PSALM 33 & 77 & 110

The 37/73 of the first verse sums to 110, just as 33 and 77 come to 110. Should we then add the words of Psalm 33, 77 and 110 together we find the fractal once more, now in the Logos of John and that number 373.

Λογος = Word/Logos = 373

Number of Words in Psalm 33, 77, 110 = 373

Listed below in order are Psalm 33, then 77 and 110. To check the count, copy and paste the text into a word document and perform a word count.

PSALM 33 & PSALM 77 & PSALM 110

תהלה נאוה לישרים ביהוה צדיקים רננו

לו זמרו עשור בנבל בכנור ליהוה הודו

בתרועה נגן היטיבו חדש שיר לו שירו

באמונה מעשהו וכל יהוה דבר ישר כי

הארץ מלאה יהוה חסד ומשפט צדקה אהב

צבאם כל פיו וברוח נעשו שמים יהוה בדבר

תהומות באוצרות נתן הים מי כנד כנס

תבל ישבי כל יגורו ממנו הארץ כל מיהוה ייראו

ויעמד צוה הוא ויהי אמר הוא כי

עמים מחשבות הניא גוים עצת הפיר יהוה

ודר לדר לבו מחשבות תעמד לעולם יהוה עצת

לו לנחלה בחר העם אלהיו יהוה אשר הגוי אשרי

האדם בני כל את ראה יהוה הביט משמים

הארץ ישבי כל אל השגיח שבתו ממכון

מעשיהם כל אל המבין לבם יחד היצר

מלט לא חילו וברב לתשועה הסוס שקר

כח ברב ינצל לא גבור חיל ברב נושע המלך אין

לחסדו למיחלים יראיו אל יהוה עין הנה

ברעב ולחיותם נפשם ממות להציל

הוא ומגננו עזרנו ליהוה חכתה נפשנו

בטחנו קדשו בשם כי לבנו ישמח בו כי

לך יחלנו כאשר עלינו יהוה חסדך יהי

אלי והאזין קולי אל אלהים ואצעקה אלהים אל קולי

נפשי הנחם מאנה תפוג ולא נגרה לילה ידי דרשתי אדני צרתי ביום

סלה רוחי ותתעטף אשיחה ואהמיה אלהים אזכרה

אדבר ולא נפעמתי עיני שמרות אחזת

עולמים שנות מקדם ימים חשבתי

רוחי ויחפש אשיחה לבבי עם בלילה נגינתי אזכרה

עוד לרצות יסיף ולא אדני יזנח הלעולמים

ודר לדר אמר גמר חסדו לנצח האפס

סלה רחמיו באף קפץ אם אל חנות השכח

עליון ימין שנות היא חלותי ואמר

פלאך מקדם אזכרה כי יה מעללי אזכור

אשיחה ובעלילותיך פעלך בכל והגיתי

כאלהים גדול אל מי דרכך בקדש אלהים

עזך בעמים הודעת פלא עשה האל אתה

סלה ויוסף יעקב בני עמך בזרוע גאלת

תהמות ירגזו אף יחילו מים ראוך אלהים מים ראוך

יתהלכו חצציך אף שחקים נתנו קול עבות מים זרמו

הארץ ותרעש רגזה תבל ברקים האירו בגלגל רעמך קול

נדעו לא ועקבותיך רבים במים ושבילך דרכך בים

ואהרן משה ביד עמך כצאן נחית

לרגליך הדם איביך אשית עד לימיני שב לאדני יהוה נאם

איביך בקרב רדה מציון יהוה ישלח עזך מטה

ילדתיך טל לך משחר מרחם קדש בהדרי חילך ביום נדבת עמך

צדק מלכי דברתי על לעולם כהן אתה ינחם ולא יהוה נשבע

מלכים אפו ביום מחץ ימינך על אדני

רבה ארץ על ראש מחץ גויות מלא בגוים ידין

ראש ירים כן על ישתה בדרך מנחל

The 1,456 letters of the three psalms can also be configured as yet another Star of Stars, this one composed of twenty-six 37 Type stars or a double 13 Type star of 37 type stars. (T7 = 28, 28 x 2 = 56 double triangle star of David, 56 x 26 = 1456)


There is a theory that the translators of the King James Bible left a cryptogram in the 46 Psalm, concerning the now legendary William Shakespeare. Read all about it:


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"To the mind of an atheist, oblivion is heaven."

— Anonymous