TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel

● 40

The Flood = 40 days, 40 nights

Moses on Mount Sinai = 40 days

Israel wanders the wilderness = 40 years

Jesus wanders the wilderness = 40 days

From Resurrection to Ascension = 40 days

See the Greek & Hebrew Shema

MARY (Maria) = 40 ordinal

This famous verse shows both the Three-Seven fractal and a correlation between the name Mary-40 and sum of the verse.

This is the Jubilee Template that through geometry makes the patterns fit of many of the mathematical challenges in the Bible.

The number 40 is perhaps the most mysterious number in all the Bible. The number always appears in the most important of places in both the Old and New Testament, yet this all too apparent repetition of number is never so much as explained anywhere in the text. Indeed the explanatory gap lasts to this very day, with lingering intellectual dissatisfaction.


Various explanations have been put forth by the 'experts' most of which are nothing more than a general summation of what happens when the number appears, i.e. a time of trial, testing, etc. This explanation is so bland that it could be omitted without notice. There have been other attempts to explain the number, but as with most biblical numeracy, these explanations are either so generic to be meaningless or so meaningless they are unnecessary.

For example, in Hebrew, 40 days and 40 nights, can also be an idiom for a long period of time. But does this help us in any way to understand the mystery of 40. It's safe to assume, we already knew that 40 was a long period of time.


So can we extract a concrete meaning for the number, or will 40 forever be paradoxically generically-special?

What the modern number movement has been able to show with spectacular success, for those willing to witness it, is that the Bible is filled with highly improbable and scientifically inexplicable mathematical patterns. So it would appear it is incumbent upon such to explain the in-explainable, for what is 40 but one of the preeminent numbers of the text. To do so, we must follow the evidence, for wherever lies the evidence and in whatever fashion, therein must hide our answer.

The Three-Seven Code is nothing more than a distillation and continuation of the work of many other mathematicians. From the evidence available on this website and on others, the Three Seven Code is easily the most prominent mathematical pattern in the Bible. Here we must note: Every scholar in history who has weighed in on the meaning of '40' has been completely oblivious to the most important and ubiquitous mathematical pattern of the text.

Sine scientia ars nihil est.

Without such a key insight we must declare their opinion on the matter null and void. From a mathematical point of view, the numbers and numerals of three and seven are the most important that the text has to show. Yet, in a way, the text declares 40 to be the definitive public representative of numeric symbolism of the text. The mathematical evidence shows the Three-Seven Code to be the most important, yet the text seems to outwardly shout that 40 must not be forgotten.

The strongest evidence we have for the divine blueprint is found in the first verse of the Bible, which produces a kaleidoscopic menagerie of figurative geometries. We have triangles and stars and stars of stars and many other fractalling forms. The question then becomes:

'What is the geometry of 40?'

There is no standard geometry that fits our 40 well. It is neither triangle nor square. Our only recourse to see how it relates to numerals of Three and Seven, our standard bearers of biblical mathematics. But here we must ask the right question. The question is then, 'What is the difference between 3/7 and 40?' For in subtraction (the difference) we find out how two numbers relate to another.

40 - 3 = 37

40 - 7 = 33

It appears that 40 could relate to the Three-Seven code via subtraction. Indeed 40 is an extension of 'Fourness', that permeates certain Bible features.

7 - 3 = 4 Gospels

70 - 30 = 40

Just as the last letter of the Greek alphabet (Omega-800) minus the last letter of the classical Hebrew (Tav-400) gives us 400 (800 - 400 = 400).

But what is Fourness?

Geometry holds our answer as four is the first all possible squares. When we look at the gematric-multiples of 4 (both 40 and 400) we find a reiteration of the squareness.

400 = 20^2

40 = 7^2 - 3^2


To the mathematical dis-inclined this may seem like a random configuration (something of a dough-nut) but in the context of the massive amount of evidence we have for a Three-Seven Code, we must literally follow the Three's and Seven's where ever they lead us. A quick glance at the geometry of this template and we see that the most important elements in biblical mathematics coordinate with it, namely Genesis 1:1 and the name Jesus Christ.


The simple elegance of this pattern is only matched by its theological profundity.

The Jubilee requires a slight amplification. A Jubilee occurred every 50 years, just as Pentecost was the 50th day after the Passover. HOWEVER neither of these were celebrations of the number 50, they were in fact celebrations of the number 49, seven times seven. After 49 years came the Jubilee to celebrate the passing of seven by seven years, as did Pentecost.

The proper way, I believe, to understand this configuration, is to view the square like the layout of the Temple, where the Three-Seven split (7^2 - 3^2) delineates the sacred boundary between the outer profane and the inner holy of holies. In this light, the number 40 appears as the barrier to the sanctum sanctorum and the biblical Hebrew name of Jesus is its fulfillment. The Greek Jesus Christ (something slightly profane to the ancient Hebrew mind) creates boundaries for the sacred precinct, whereas, the English unified name bridges the gap between the two worlds, the very theological function of the salvation of God through the Cross.

The English Jesus Christ-925 is perhaps the most under-appreciated name and number in biblical mathematics. In my mind it is simply a coincidence that cannot be ignored. Here Jesus Christ-925 connects to our 40 in another way. By subtracting 40 from 40, in manner of speaking, i.e the linguistic difference between 40 and 40.

49 = 50?!

The 50 years of the Jubilee as well as the 50 days of Pentecost only nominally pertain to the number 50. In both instances they were celebrations of 7 x 7 years or weeks. So the Jubilee and Pentecost are both in fact configurations of 49 (7^2). So adding these two words together, the opposite operation from before, and we see an opposite geometry, i.e. 7 x 7 & 7 x 7 = 33^2.

The Three + the Seven (η τρεις) + (οι επτα) = 1089

Here the Greek for the numbers 'Three' and 'Seven' sum to 1089.

It is, I believe, this back and forth with the squares of Three and Seven, that produces some of the most beautiful mathematics in the Bible. Metaphysically, it is telling that 40 is the Three-Seven opposite of the name Jesus (Hebrew-58). This type of symmetry is found throughout biblical mathematics and it is mathematical symmetry by which so much of the mathematical universe operates. Symmetry to advanced theoretical mathematics is comparable to Night and Day.

49 + 9 = Jesus

49 - 9 = 40

Looking at the graphic above, one can see how the name Jesus can be the fulfillment of 40, as it literally fills the hole of 40. It is interesting to note that the English word for 'Holy' once meant to be 'Hole-ly' that is filled with holes, called so for holy rocks or stones that seemed sacred to the ancients because they had holes in them.

The composite square of the name Jesus-58 also produces a crossover with the Star Fractal, where the name Jesus Christ in Hebrew can be seen as the Lord squared:

Admittedly, the 40 formation seems at first to be a bit of a odd duck. But the breadcrumbs on the trail are amassing. If we take this template seriously, then we should have the courage to extend it to the third dimension, producing something like an empty Rubik's cube.

The 27th verse (Genesis 1:27) becomes a cube of 208-Isaac cubes, when we account for modern final forms.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. = 5616 = 27 x 208

In three dimensions our 40 becomes 208, the sum of the name of Isaac, the son of Abraham, an important character in the story of the Bible. The number connects to our code once again through the 4th Commandment, which is the Sabbath, the 7th day.

Exodus 20:8

Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy (ordinal)

208 = זכור את יום השבת לקדשו

If we amplify this Isaac's cube by 37 (the most important prime in the Bible) we find a generalized solution in the sum of Genesis 1:1 and the modern Hebrew alphabet.

208 x 37 = 7696

2701 + 4995 = 7696

Genesis 1:1 + Modern Hebrew Alphabet = 7696


Perhaps the most insightful discovery into the nature of 40 comes from the four rivers of Eden. Cartographers and geographers of old have used these rivers to try and locate the original location of Eden on earth. But I think that the real importance of the four rivers is beyond cartography. Spiritual thinking theologians have long understood them to be related to the fourness of God, who is seen by Ezekiel and John in Revelation as represent by 4 creatures.

A common solution to this sort of Bible puzzle is to include the opposite language of the text (linguistic symmetry). In the Bible Hebrew and Greek are opposites and thanks to the Septuagint we have a very ancient and reliable translation of the Hebrew into the Greek of its day. By bringing the two of these accounts together we find a perfect solution.

Are the four rivers of Eden a reference to the 'Fountain of Life?'

The forty letters fit our template but also fit the metaphysics where the four rivers came from one, a clear reference to monotheism. The fact that the ordinal sum is four times that of the ordinal Jesus of Nazareth-131 is profound to the highest degree. This finding is too perfect withal its features to be random. It is clearly designed by a Being who self designates as the incarnate Christ, prior to incarnation. Theologically profound indeed.

Another 'Forty' find is in the titles of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. This text, to a practicing Jew, is indeed sanctum-sanctorum. According to the logic of the Three-Seven fractal, the number five is the average of three and seven, and hence a way of displaying Three-Seven-ness in a single number.

The Torah is also known as the Pentateuch, meaning five books, so the fact that the titles of the five have 25 (5 x 5) letters is striking. Looking at its sum is important too, as it is a multiple of Abraham-248 (the founding figure of the Torah) and coordinates well with the forty-template.

Should we look to the English title we find another connection.


The basic geometric component of this construction is (27) the ordinal sum of Light Aur in Hebrew and the number books in the New Testament. The temple like configuration is composed of 40 of these cubes, which come together to produce a larger cube based on the dimensions of the New Jerusalem described in the book of Revelation.

The Greek name for Jerusalem has a very similar geometry based again on the 3rd and 12th cubes.

Jerusalem (Ιερουσαλημ) = 864

Like the Star Fractal or the fractal of the Cross, these geometric templates appear to be mathematical dishes of presentation. The name and number of 'The Holy Spirit' here in Greek at 1080 is the perfect example. The number 1080 has multiple factors but when we look at its divisibility by 40, we find that its geometry accords squarely.

This configuration of cube produces a number of connections to the name and numbers of the Holy Spirit, e.g, any four cubes comes to 108 Holy Spirit ordinal (pneuma hagion).

This cubic configuration appears to be related to a partner which is the sum of the first 40 primes. Here we have concrete evidence for the connection between 40 and the Three-Seven code.

Sum of the first 40 primes = 3087

3 x 3 x (7 x 7 x 7) = 3087

The Truth of the Trinity


Jesus Christ = 754 = המשיח יהושע

Lord = 26 = יהוה

The Spirit of God = 300 = רוח אלהים

754 + 26 + 300 = 1080

The Holy Spirit το Πνευμα Aγιον (Greek) = 1080

The theological meaning of this is simple: The Holy Spirit is that which unites the Trinity. The ordinal version of these epithets comes to 216 or 6 x 6 x 6, a celebration of the six days of creation and the perimeter of the triangle of the the first verse.

Lord Jesus Christ = 780 = T-39

The Spirit of God = 300 = T-24

39 + 24 = 63

3 x 7 x 3 = 63

Another surefire connection between 40 and the Three-Seven Code is found quite simply in the reign of David, the great Godly King of Israel, who was a precursor to Christ.

Here now, this 40 template is really showing itself to be mathematically sound. For when we place the odds and the evens which make up the sum of the verse, we find that in this template they reproduce the number 324. Our template is now justified by the math.

In Mark 5:32 we find an interesting puzzle. It is a fragment of a moment when Christ seems to 'Inadvertantly' heal someone. Such seeming 'paradoxes' appear often in the gospels as if highlighting a significant theological mystery. That mystery is still as elusive as before, though now its numerical profundity is revealed.

Seen in this light the verse appears to be a meditation on the Three-Seven Code.


One of the first and strongest connections the number 40 has to the biblical story is found in the tale of Noah and the flood. Mentioned first in Genesis 7:4. The verse here renders the initial template of 7 x 7 using only prime numbers.

If we focus our lense on just the 'forty days' and 'forty nights' we find a strong correlation to the Three Seven Code in the prime factors of 777 (3 x 7 x 37).

The same focus on this Three-Seven Split can be seen in the beginning of Genesis 5:1, the title and introduction to the Genealogy of Adam. Although the geometry materializes in triangular formations, the focus appears on the powers of seven and three producing the holy 40.

40 can also be seen as a sacred covering for the most amazing mathematical fact of the Bible, found in the very first verse. A border surrounding the 703 triangle (T-37) belongs to T-40, the 40th triangle.

Another connection here is found when we add the two Biblical '40's together. The Hebrew-323 plus the Greek-1248 renders a 1571, the 703rd semi-prime.

323 + 1248 = 1571 = 703 semi-prime


As a letter the number 40 in Hebrew is Mem, the English 'M' and the same phoneme of the Eastern Ohm, the supposed transcendental vibration of the universe. In Hebrew the Mem has a specific grammatical function, especially related to the name of God (Elohim) where it pluralizes the name. I believe any attempt to comprehend the meaning of 40 must in somewhere incorporate this plurality and justify it with the concept of monotheism.

We now may be beginning to understand what the meaning of 40 is, as informed by this and other formations. I do not think the 7^2 - 3^2 = 40 formation is trivial, in fact I think it may be fundamental to our understanding of the number and the emptiness within is the key. Jewish mystics (Kabbalists) have a word for this emptiness called Ain, the unmanifested, the no-thing, here the 3 x 3 empty center is the Ain of God.

The unmanifested of God, is presented as three levels that precede the creation of the Tree of Life.

'Nothing' Ain אין

'Limitless' Ain Soph אין סוף

'Endless Light' Aur Ain Soph אור אין סוף

The last level, the Endless Light (also called the Infinite Light) is a doubling of light itself, Light (Aur) = 207 and Aur Ain Soph = 414.

Here we can perhaps put forward a conjecture: Is '40' and the Endless Light which precedes creation in fact the Fountain of Life? Philosophically in general (and metaphysically in specific) the concept of the Endless Light fits the bill very well. (The Endless Light is a necessary contraction of God's infinity so as to make room for a universe that is not metaphysically dominated by God's infinity and thus allow us our freedom). There is nothing really larger than this concept, other than God Himself. The Fountain of Life can only mean the metaphysical source of all existence, the pure and continuous act of creation, i.e. the fountain of existence, which a mystical Jew might call the Endless Light.

Here the modern Hebrew for the Infinite Light (with final forms) comes to 1784, exactly 'Four' times that of the first river named in Eden, the Pison-446. The name of the river means 'Increase.' Gen. 2:11 where the river Pishon is first mentioned in the Bible, is also the first verse in the Bible to have exactly 40 original Hebrew letters.

Ain Soph Aur (אור אין סוף) The Infinite Light = 1784 (446 x 4)

The author John Michell who wrote the book The City of Revelation, has an intriguing theory about the meaning of the number 666 and its corollary opposite (in his estimation) of 1080. The number 666 is for him the male-force and 1080 the female, or as they are known in the East—yin and yang. In his musings on this numbers he then sums them together to create a fusion of 1746. However, this may not have been the right operation. The difference between two integers may tell more than the sum.

666 = Male (the active principle)

1080 = Female (the passive principle)

1080 - 666 = 414 = The Fountain of Life

The two Hebrew letters of Mem-40 and Samekh-60 share a unique mathematical bond among all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. There are various values that can be attributed to the Hebrew letters, but the four that are the most standardized are ordinal, standard, spelled-out and final forms (modern Hebrew). When we look at these four we find an intriguing inter-relatedness between the letters, both mathematically and visually.

John's book of revelation also mentions the Fountain of Life.

Revelation 21:6

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

The last portion comes to a remarkable multiple of 37 and a certain sign of its author, the man and Son of God who writes in 3's and 7's.

I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

= 10,656

Jesus-888 x 12 = 10,656

288 x 37 = 10,656

Son of God = 288

אלהים בר

The words in Greek ordinal for 'The Fountain' are equal to our mystical 40.

η πηγη = 40

The phrase itself properly rendered in Greek produces a wonderful geometry that connects us again to Samekh the 15th letter of the alphabet.

So what is 15?

It's gematria couldn't be any clearer as the most commonly used name for God in the Old Testament, Yah, the shortening of Yahweh.

Yah = 15

This is certainly divine and a sign of God, but it does not necessarily help us understand what the fountain of life is. However, by looking at the 15th letters of both Hebrew and Greek alphabets shows us a circle.

ס Samekh = 15

O Omikron = 15

Many researchers go back to the original pictographs of Hebrew to attempt to distill some universal meaning from the letter. But my own research has lead me in the opposite direction with an opposite conclusion. I don't believe that the ancient writing of Hebrew is the most mystically endowed, I believe the modern version of the language is far and away the more profound.

The Hebrew Samekh and the Greek Omikron are nearly identical visually. The omicron is the English letter 'O', graphically a circle. This spelling of this Greek letter is telling, for it too describes a circle with a greater deal of accuracy, 360 degrees to be precise. Here both the Hebrew Samekh and the Greek Omicron coordinate with our 40 template with the geometry of the Trinity.

The inference that appears to be here is that the number 40 and the 15th letters of each of the biblical languages, is the circle.


Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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“The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man.”

G.K. Chesterton