The Menorah Puzzle

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The Puzzle of the Menorah

The construction of the Menorah is meticulously described in the book of Exodus chapter 25. Many Bibles will subtitle that section and describe it as ‘The Golden Candlestick.’ The language in this passage is extremely precise and has a certain meter and poetic cadence all its own. This is often a sign of an underlying mathematical puzzle and this passage displays one of the most beautiful in all the Bible. The puzzle of this passage ends on the word ‘The Menorah.’

The first five verses of the passage has 324 letters, the last word being ‘The Menorah,’ which is what you might say ‘A Clue.’ The number 324 is Biblically important as equates to this phrase in the Greek ordinal from Revelation 1:8:

I am the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End

εγω ειμι το α και το ω αρχηι και τελος

= 324

We see this very notion in the unique shape of the Menorah. Looking carefully at the curved upward arc of the arms we see perfect symmetry, that great law of nature. Because each set of branches is a continuous arc, it can be said that the beginning of one branch is but the end of the other. That is, that both the beginning and ending of the branches are one whole object

This understanding of two mirrored objects, (an essential logic to the decoding of the Bible and found in the very first verse) is further evidenced in the factors of 324.

18 x 18 = 324


The phrase quoted above came from Revelation 1:8. The Menorah has six branches and 3 x 6 = 18, three being the Trinity. The number 18 to Jews is a very special number as it the sum of the word for Life. Here 18 squared is Life x Life or Life expanded exponentially.

In the metaphor of the mathematics of the Bible, squares always mean the truth. Both the Hebrew and Greek words for truth are square numbers (Aletheia 64, Amet 441). This is also the metaphor of a carpenter or a son of a carpenter, for carpenter’s use squares to make sure their construction is true.

When we lay out this passage as a square we find it is held a great secret for the last three thousand years. These puzzles are solved typically using the ordinal numeration. The reason for this is that it is code and ordinal is the more hidden of the two numerations. Another reason is that the ordinal numeration is lower and so interacts strongly with the standard, eg., entire verses in the ordinal can equate to a single word in the standard.

Naturally when we have a square configuration we look to find the cross, as it is the most important symbol of God. Odd ordered squares have a natural centered cross, but even ordered squares must use the two central rows and columns.

The cross of this formation comes to 786 which is perhaps the most appropriate number that could have been selected as it is the number of the word for Salvation, in many ways.

(ישועת) Exo. 14:13 Salvation = 786

(התשועה) Jdg. 15:18 The Salvation = 786

(ישעתו) Deu. 32:15 Of His Salvation = 786

(תושעי) Jer. 4:14 That thou may be saved = 786

(תושיע) Jdg. 6:37 That thou will save = 786

Cross of the Menorah = 786

We can also see that there is an internal puzzle in the cross itself with the numbers 410 and 376, rendering the cross as Holy Forever and Ever.

The border of the configuration comes to 840 which is Spirit of God in modern Hebrew.

Holy קדוש = 410

For ever and ever לנצח נצחים = 376

The Cross is Holy for Ever and Ever

Hidden in this cross in an extraordinarily clever way is the name of Jesus of Nazareth, a primary name and sum of the Messiah. The numbers 391 and 361, the two components in Jesus of Nazareth are strikingly similar and show us again the mirror logic that begins in the very first verse of the Bible.



This may look like a trivial connection to some, but upon reflection one may realize that what you are seeing here in the reflection of the numbers six and nine is indeed a numerical prophecy. Our modern day Hindu-Arabic number system had not been invented in the days of Jesus Christ. This is to say, that the sum of Jesus of Nazareth supernaturally anticipated the eventual international number system.

We see these two important numbers on the cross in a way that can only be explained by lighting, remembering that this is a passage describing the Menorah that golden candlestick which shines forth the light of God. By highlighting the shadows from a figurative light source we can see the numbers 391 and 361 in the cross.

יהושע = Jesus = 391

הנוצרי = Of Nazareth = 361

The positioning of the light source also tells us something about the theology of the Son of God. The name Jesus is highlighted upwards, indicating his Divine origin, while the ‘Of Nazareth’ is highlighted downward indicating that He was fully human as Christian theology has so long contended.

This puzzle has many components, another strong feature is the Word, now seen in the form of an X on the square. The letter X historically refers to the X in the name Christ and still seen in our modern word X-mas.

Χριστος = Christ

The sum of the X on the square is 443 the sum of the theologically important ‘The Word’ of John.

Ο Λογος = The Word = 443

The center four cells come to 46 the ordinal sum of God (Theos)

A standard technique in Biblical Numerics is that of Summing the Digital Roots. This is one of seven techniques that are instrumental in decoding the Bible. When one sums the digital root, they simply add the digits of a number together to produce its sum.

391 = 3 + 9 + 1 = 13

361 = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10

These numbers in turn can be further reduced using the same methodology.

13 = 1 + 3 = 4

This technique is key in solving the larger puzzles of the Bible as otherwise the sums would be astronomically high.

When we reduce to the digital roots all 324 letters we get a sum of 1264. This is of primary importance for in it is the mathematical proof of this puzzle. When we once again highlight the same cross we see that it divides the total into its most obvious and natural division. This is a pattern that any child will recognize.

Total Digital Sum 1264

The Cross = 264

The Field = 1000

The strongest contextual theological candidate by far at the number 264 is the Greek ordinal for The Trinity of the Lord God. Puzzles of this sort are solved by a process of elimination using the logic of contextual relevancy. Here it is contextually relevant that The Trinity of the Lord God equates to the cross of the Menorah matrix.

The Trinity of the Lord God


= 264

What is particularly compelling about this correlation is that we can further subdivide the cross into the component phrases of ‘The Trinity of the Lord God.’ One might think that it could have been even more subdivided, but that would not be as strongly indicative of a Trinity, where a three part division is more Trinitarian.

This three part division of the cross also bears more theological meaning in that the least important aspect of the phrase, the TOY, which is the genitive definitive article here, is beneath the connected components of the phrase. In other words, the three arms of the cross, the vertical arm and the two horizontal, add up to a perfectly acceptable but more informal Greek, of The Trinity of the Lord God.

When we combine our X and our cross we find another code this one as clear as any code could be.

873 = I am

391 = Jesus

The mixing of the Hebrew and Greek is reflected in the two overlapping shapes here, this being the mirror logic that is essential to the codes of the Bible. To those Christians of the Greek Orthodox faiths, the Greek here is Holy and considered to be a name of God in and of itself, for it is in the Septuagint, the name God gives himself to Moses. It is also the very same words that cause the Pharisees to pick up stones and attempt to stone Jesus for supposed blasphemy.

The solution to this puzzle indicates the work of a God who came to earth as a Jewish Jesus in a Greek speaking world. Clearly, this puzzle was composed chronologically prior to Christ’s incarnation, but that is in no way problematic, since God by His very definition is omniscient and All-knowing. It does perhaps shed a little light into the nature of the Trinity, where we see that God was fully presciently aware of every detail of His coming incarnation.

What is amazing is that we haven’t even got to the primary puzzle in this passage.

The fact the passage describing the Menorah is a perfect square of letters allows us to venture beyond the standard patterns of figurative mathematics. Typically the solution to the Bible codes involves the primary patterns of geometry, ie., the three points of a triangle, the four corners of a square, the perimeter of a polygon.

When one steps outside of these standard techniques there must be a clear reasoning behind it. There are many ways in which one could draw a figurative Menorah on a square of numbers. The key to this puzzle is that same key that unlocks all the other puzzles. It is the grand key of the Bible, the metaphorical Key of David.

The Menorah itself, is a key component in the Three Seven Code. It has three sets of branches and seven candles, three to one side and three to the other. Josephus tells us that the great Menorah of the Temple, burned three candles in the day, while all seven burned at night. Here the Menorah configuration conforms itself to that Three Seven pattern.

The first set of branches are three cells high and the last set of branches are seven cells high.

Three. Seven.

The sum of this Menorah could not be more within the parameters of the Three Seven Code of the Trinity. The sum of the gray cells comes to 999. To a non-mathematician that looks more like 9’s than 3’s, but 9 is simply the exponent of three.

3² = 9

999 = (3²)(3²)(3²)

3 x 333 = 999

27 x 37 = 999

3 x 3 x 3 x 37 = 999

3³ x 37 = 999

This number is packing a lot of threes. It has one more, that is the most important, for it is a theological three in that of the Trinity of the Messiah.

999 = Trinity of the Messiah שלוש המשיח

There is another fractal like aspect in this number to the Menorah and the Trinity.

המנורה = The Menorah (Standard) = 306

המנורה = The Menorah (Ordinal) = 63

306 + 306 + 306 + 63 + 18 = 999

The 18 in this summation may at first look out of place, until we remember that this is a configuration that is 18 by 18, or 18 squared.

999 = Trinity of the Messiah שלוש המשיח

The remainder of the configuration comes to 2947. It is in the prime factors of this number that we find its hidden meaning.

7 x 421 = 2947

The seven is a clear reference to the seven branches of the Menorah, the 421 here is perfect grammatical Hebrew being Unto Jesus. The code then being ‘Seven unto Jesus.’

ליהושע = Unto Jesus = 421

7 x (Unto Jesus) = 2947

The proof of this configuration, that proves it is a Trinitarian encoding, is found when we once again reduce the numbers through summing the digital roots.

Here we see that the sum of 999 reduces perfectly to 333 exactly 1/3 the former sum. That is proof that this golden Menorah is of God. It is hard to imagine a better mathematical metaphor for the Trinity than a sum in the shape of a Menorah in the passage describing the construction of the Menorah that begins as 999 and reduces to 333, one third the former sum. That is perfect Trinitarian math. It indicates that God clearly inspired the Bible and that God is a Trinity and He wants the world to know it.

We can see that not only was there a Trinity hidden in the 9’s but the sums to either side of the Menorah are highly relevant in the Biblical context. This we can take like a simple equation, its meaning is ‘Jesus = God Almighty’.

Jesus = God Almighty

יהושע = Jesus = 391

שדי אלהים = God Almighty = 400

Incredibly, this puzzle is hiding layers and layers of meaning, so many that are too many to list here. Perhaps the most exciting is The Light of the Menorah solution.

האור = The Light (Ordinal) = 32

מנורה = Menorah (Standard) = 301

A solution like this indicates an intelligent design of this configuration. It also appears to be humorous. Clearly the Light here is metaphorically coming from the flames of the candles at the ends of the seven candlesticks.

Returning to the ordinal rendition of the configuration we are further illuminated.

One of the most exciting correlations in the puzzle comes not from the Menorah itself, but surprisingly in between the gaps of the candlesticks. This is actually a reference to the writing of John in the book of Revelation, where he describes Christ as being in the midst of the Seven Candlesticks. Here we see that literally and figuratively Jesus is in the midst of the candlesticks.

The numbers here indicate a precise knowledge of the Hebrew for Jesus of Nazareth. The first gap is Jesus, the second Jesus of Nazareth, an expansion of the first Jesus, and the last is a Greek rendering of Jesus of Nazareth, all of which is in the ordinal.

יהושע = Jesus = 58

יהושע הנוצרי = Jesus of Nazareth = 131

Jesus of Nazareth

Ο Ιησους Ο Ναζωραιος = 221

When we add all three of these gaps together we get the number 410 which is Hebrew for Holy.

Holy = קדוש = 410

The difference between each side of the Menorah is a clear reference to the Menorah.

1300 – 1237 = 63

המנורה = The Menorah (Ordinal) = 63

Another aspect of this puzzle is revealed when we alternate our focus on the seven branches and the central stand of the figure. The stand comes to 292 which is The Trinity of the Holy Spirit, while the branches come to 707 the sum of the Sabbath, the most holy day for a Jew and the Seventh day of the week.

השבת = The Sabbath = 707

The Trinity of the Holy Spirit = 292

η Τριας του Αγιου Πνευματος

If we rightly divide the Word of God here we find another contextual revelation. Now we separate the side branches from the central stem.

Ephesians 6:17

The Sword of the Spirit which is God’s Word

η μαχαιρα του πνευματος ο εστι ρημα Θεου

= 394

John 1:1

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Εν αρχηι ην ο Λογος και ο Λογος ην προς τον Θεον και Θεος ην ο Λογος

= 605

There are many more features of this puzzle, so many that perhaps an entire book could be written on it. It stands as one of the best puzzles of the Bible, because it is an exponential combination of highly complex intricacy producing extremely simple and obvious correlations.

It is compelling not only because of its many highly improbable correlations, but because it is literally a puzzle of a Menorah in the one passage in the whole Bible that describes the construction of the Menorah, the symbol of the Jewish faith.

Those that think that this is nothing more than chance and confirmation bias are not interested in proof. No matter what proof you could show them, they will always set the bar higher. This is the most obvious puzzle of the Bible. If a person can't see this as a puzzle, the problem is not with the puzzle, it is with the person.

The Menorah passage of Exodus is listed below in English and Hebrew. At the bottom of the page you can download the Excel file for easy viewing of the math of the Menorah.

Exodus 25:31-35

And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side: Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers. And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed out of the candlestick.

Copy and paste the passage in Hebrew below to check the letter count.

Exodus 25:31-35












































































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Winston Churchill