~Psalm 119

This name/number-geometry manifest in the extended mathematics of Genesis 1:1 and can be seen here in the 25 Million Names of Jesus

The largest Psalm in the entire of book of Psalms, is the 119th. This Psalm is so large because it is a enormous acrostic masterpiece in iambic tetrameter. The first letter of every verse begins with the appropriate letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order, like 'A' is Apple and 'B' is for Boy. In Psalm 119 this pattern is repeated 8 times over, making the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet into a 176 verse psalm (22 x 8 = 176).

This book of the Bible is one of the most elaborate and yet it displays a simple pattern that we have seen before and will likely see again. All told the Psalm has 4459 letters, a highly organized number indeed.

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“When you argue against Him you are arguing against the very power

that makes you able to argue at all: it is like cutting off the branch you are sitting on.”

― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity