人種間の不公正に関するAstronomers Without Borders(AWB)の声明

Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) (国境なき天文家たち)は、2020年7月13日に「AWB's Statement on Racial Injustice」(人種間の不公正に関する Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) の声明)を発出しました。WGでは、これを掲載し、合わせてWGによる日本語訳を掲載したします。

AWB's Statement on Racial Injustice

Created: Monday, July 13 2020 21:38

Our Statement on Racial Injustice

Astronomers Without Borders is dedicated to its core values of promoting diversity, accessibility and inclusion through astronomy to make the world a better place for all. At this extraordinary time of collective focus on social injustice and racial inequality, AWB stands together with our richly diverse global community. Regardless of where it is happening, racism and social injustice against persons of color must end. AWB recommits itself to stand in solidarity with others, and to work tirelessly to help build a more just, equitable and inclusive world. We are one people under one sky, all with our origins in the stars. An act of racism or injustice against one person, is an attack on us all.

Zoe Chee - AWB Interim Executive Director, and

Tim Spuck - Chairman of the AWB Board of Directors


人種間の不公正に関する Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) の声明

2020年7月13日(月) 作成

