The Knights are drawing in!

Post date: Sep 29, 2012 10:39:11 AM

Ok, sorry for the bad pun, but this month's star fungus is the Larch Knight (Tricholoma psammopus). The Knights are a robust group of fungi with characteristic white spore print and gills that sweep up to almost reach the cap where they meet the stem. As the name suggests, this month's fungus is mainly associated with larch trees. You can read Liz Holden's full profile for this fungus here.

As usual, please keep an eye out for this fungus and then either let us know you've found it or submit the record to your local fungus group. Also, remember that the ever growing list of 'Fungus of the Month' profiles is available here, ordered alphabetically or by its highlight month. We are always keen to hear about new records for any of these species at any time.

Tricholoma psammopus showing darker red brown at base of stipe