CLASS K-2 to K-5 2-6-0

Class K-2

Ten engines built by the Rhode Island Locomotive Works in 1893 and ten in 1894.

265 became 545 and in 1916 Central New England 131.

265 became 545 and in 1916 Central New England 131.

539 helping a G-4, probably at Blackstone.

540 at Cedar Hill September 3, 1916.

540 with an electric headlight at Chickering Station, Roxbury.

263 became K-2 543. Sharon Pit

264 became K-2 544

533 at South Boston May 1922.

Unidentified K-2 at Blackstone, MA.

Class K-3

Nine engines built for the New York & New England in 1889, 151-157 by the Rome Locomotive Works

and 158-159 by the Rhode Island Locomotive Works.

New York & New England 157 became K-3 516.

1055 later 514 was built by the Rome Locomotive Works in 1910 as NY&NE 155. A Street Engine House, Boston.

1059 became 518. Built by Rhode Island in 1889 and retireed in 1915.,

511 ex 1052 was built by Rome as NY&NE 152.

516 was NY&NE 157. Retired in 1923. Framingham 1906.

Class K-4 - One engine built by Rhode Island in 1889.

503 was built as NY&NE 160 - The space below the smokebox was not whited-out with the other background.

New York & New England 160 became the sole K-4 and was retired in 1923,

Class K-5 - Six engines built by Rhode Island in 1895 for the NY&NE

956 became 504

502 was built as NY&NE 53. Photo at Boston by William Monypenny.

K-5 500 at New Haven on July 7, 1917. Headlight open for servicing.

Fireman's side of K-5 500 at New Haven July 7, 1917

Class K-6 2-6-0's were built as the Central New England F-4 Class and are pictured with the CNE F Class locomotives.