CLASS F-5 2-8-0

Fifteen Consolidation types were built by Brooks in 1912 as CNE 500-514 and became New Haven 150-164. The first ten had Walschaerts valve gear, the last five Baker valve gear.

153 at the Southampton Street Enginehouse in Boston

161 uses Baker valve gear. Southampton St. engine terminal, Boston.

150 at East Walpole October 1937

162 has Baker valve gear and a front mounted air pump to clear the valve gear control rod. Norwood, May 1939.

Engineer's side of 162. Southampton St. engine terminal, Boston, June 2, 1939.

154 with a clear vision tender from an 0-8-0.

162 as built. At Derby Junction July 1915.

Central New England 152 at Cedar Hill in September 1916 with oil headlight open for servicing.

152 twenty-three years later at Norwood, MA

Central New England 163 with headlight centered. Danbury, May 1922.

160 at Norwood Junction March 1939.

151 at the Southampton St. engine house June 15, 1939.

163 at Waterbury, CT June 14, 1947.

159 at Southampton St. April 29, 1940 by Donald T. Hayward, Sr..

164 at Southampton Street, Boston 1947.

157 at Norwood in May 1938.