G.G. Docs


10.नाश्ते का साप्ताहिक कार्यक्रम (menu) निम्नवत रहेगा :-    


9.                    Diet :[ Children of women prisoners lying in jail] 

CASE NO.: Writ Petition (civil)  559 of 1994 PETITIONER: R.D. Upadhyay RESPONDENT:State of A.P. &Ors.DATE OF JUDGMENT: 13/04/2006

It is noted that since an average Indian mother produces approximately 600  800 ml. milk per day (depending on her own nutritional state), the child should be provided at least 600 ml. of undiluted fresh milk over 24 hours if the breast milk is not available. The report also refers to the "Dietary Guidelines for Indians  A Manual," published in 1998 by the National Institute of Nutrition, Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, for a balanced diet for infants and children ranging from 6 months to 6 years of age. It recommends the following portions for children from the ages of 6-12 months, 1-3 years and 4-6 years, respectively: Cereals and Millets  45, 60-120 and 150-210 grams respectively; Pulses  15, 30 and 45 grams respectively; Milk  500 ml (unless breast fed, in which case 200 ml); Roots and Tubers  50, 50 and 100 grams respectively; Green Leafy Vegetables  25, 50 and 50 grams respectively; Other Vegetables  25, 50 and 50 grams respectively; Fruits  100 grams; Sugar  25, 25 and 30 grams respectively; and Fats/Oils (Visible)  10, 20 and 25 grams respectively. One portion of pulse may be exchanged with one portion (50 grams) of egg/meat/ chicken/fish. It is essential that the above food groups to be provided in the portions mentioned in order to ensure that both macronutrients and micronutrients are available to the child in adequate quantities.


1.परिपत्रसंख्या 47 / उद्योग   दिनांक 11.11.02

1   विचार विमर्श के अनुसार बन्दियो को दिए जा रहे मसालों की मात्रा में प्रति बन्दी प्रतिदिन निम्नानुसार किये जाने का निर्णय लिया गया है -

1-   पिसी हल्दी 01 ग्राम

2-   पिसी लाल  मिर्च 1/2 ग्राम

3-   जीरा साबूत 1/2 ग्राम

4-   पिसी धनिया 3/4 ग्राम

5-   गरम मसाला 1/4 ग्राम

वर्तमान में दिए जा रहे एक ग्राम गरम मसाले में 50 प्रतिशत धनिया व 50 प्रतिशत गरम मसाला पीस कर दिए जाने की व्यवस्था है I अतः गरम मसाले की गुणवत्ता में वृद्धि हेतु अब ¼ ग्राम गरम मसाले में विभिन्न घटकों की मात्रा इस प्रकार होगी I बड़ी इलायची 25 प्रतिशत, तेज पत्ता 8 प्रतिशत, दालचीनी 4 प्रतिशत, जीरा 28 प्रतिशत, कालीमिर्च 35 प्रतिशत I

अभी तक बंदियों को दी जाने वाली दाल  में छोंका लगाने की कोई व्यवस्था नहीं थी अतः संशोधित व्यवस्था के अनुसार ½ ग्राम प्रतिदिन प्रति बंदी अलग साबूत जीरा दाल  में छौका लगाने हेतु दिया जायेगा ,

2. परिपत्रसंख्या - 20 /सामा-2(1)/27 /97   दिनांक 21.09.04

(1)बंदियों के भोजन हेतु दालों का निर्धारण –

गोरखपुर / इलाहाबाद परिक्षेत्र की कारागारें


आगरा / मेरठ परिक्षेत्र की कारागारें


लखनऊ / बरेली  परिक्षेत्र की कारागारें

जिस दिन सायंकाल विशेष भोजन बनाया जायेगा उस दिन पूर्व की भांति ही विशेष भोजन वाले समय में दाल नहीं दी जायेगी I

बंदियों की अभिरुचि के अनुसार दाल के उपरोक्त तीनों निर्धारण में से किसी भी मानक के अनुसार दाल का चयन कारागार  पर अनुमन्य किया जा सकता है I

(2)-बंदियों के भोजन हेतु रोटी डायेट के स्थान पर रोटी / चावल की मिली-जुली डायेट

बंदियों के भोजन में सप्ताह में एक अथवा दो बार चावल दिए  जाने की व्यवस्था है I प्रदेश के कुछ भागो में भोजन में रोटी के साथ चावल भी अधिक पसंद किया जाता है I अतः इच्छुक बंदियों को जेल मैनुअल प्रस्तर-524 में निर्धारित व्यवस्था के अंतर्गत रोटी के स्थान पर रोटी / चावल की मिली-जुली डायेट देने के लिए आटे तथा चावल की मात्रा अश्रमिक डायेट (Non Labouring Diet) में आटा 150 ग्राम के साथ चावल(कच्चा राशन ) 100 ग्राम दिया जायेगा I 150 ग्राम आटे से बनी हुई रोटियों का वजन 210 ग्राम रहेगा I श्रमिक डायेट(Labouring Diet) में आटा 210 ग्राम के साथ चावल (कच्चा राशन) 100 ग्राम दिया जायेगा I 210 ग्राम आटे से बनी हुई रोटियों का वजन 295 ग्राम रहेगा I भोजन की अन्य सामग्री की मात्रा यथावत बनी रहेगी I

(3)बंदियों के भोजन में कढ़ी चावल दिए जाने की व्यवस्था-

वर्तमान में बंदियों को माह में तीन रविवार (प्रथम, तृतीय और अंतिम) को विशेष भोजन (पूड़ी, हलवा ) दिया जाता है I उत्तर प्रदेश जेल मैनुअल प्रस्तर-528A में भोजन में परिवर्तन के रूप प्रतिदिन आने वाले भोजन के औसत मूल्य के अंतर्गत पूड़ी, कढ़ी, मुगौड़ी अथवा बड़ी, दालमोठ आदि दिए जाने की व्यवस्था है I द्वितीय रविवार को विशेष भोजन नहीं दिया जाता है I प्रत्येक माह के द्वितीय रविवार को बंदियों को भोजन में एक समय कढ़ी चावल दिया जायेगा I कढ़ी चावल के लिए चावल (कच्चा राशन)  235 ग्राम चने की दाल (बेसन के लिए) 50 ग्राम कढ़ी की पकौड़ी के लिए सरसों का तेल 15 ग्राम , आमचुर 01 ग्राम, हिंग 1/10 ग्राम तथा खड़ा लाल मिर्च ग्राम दिया जायेगा I कढ़ी चावल के साथ सब्जी नहीं दी जायेगी I

3. परिपत्र संख्या - 54 /सामा-2(1)/27 /97   दिनांक 16.09.97

2.     बंदियों को प्रत्येक रविवार की सायंकाल दिया जाने वाला विशेष भोजन अब माह में तिन बार अर्थात माह के प्रथम ,तृतीय एवं अंतिम रविवार को दिया जायेगा |

3.     विशेष भोजन में पूड़ी तलने के लिए प्रति बंदी 90 ग्राम तेल के स्थान पर 90 ग्राम वनस्पति घीरिफाईन्ड आयल [ शासनादेश दिनांक 14.01.13]  प्रयोग किया जायेगा |

4.     सप्ताह में प्रत्येक बुद्धवार के दोपहर के भोजन में आलू में 15 ग्राम “दाल की बड़ी“ प्रति बंदी मिला कर सब्जी दी जायेगी | “दाल की बड़ी“ को तलने के लिए 2 ग्राम तेल प्रति बंदी की दर से अलग से दिया जायेगा | बड़ी की यह मात्रा निर्धारित सब्जी की मात्रा के अतिरिक्त होगी |

5.     प्रत्येक शुक्रवार को दोपहर के भोजन में आलू में न्युट्रीनगेट (सोयाबीन की बड़ी)10 ग्राम प्रति बंदी की दर से मिला कर सब्जी बना कर दी जायेगी | न्युट्रीनगेट की यह मात्रा निर्धारित सब्जी की मात्रा के अतिरिक्त होगी |

6,     आलू के उपलब्ध न होने की दशा में यह “बड़ी“/न्युट्रीनगेट अन्य उपयुक्त सब्जी के साथ मिला कर भी दी जा सकती है |

7.     नाश्ते में सप्ताह में दो दिन दिए जाने वाले उबले चने के साथ 25 ग्राम आलू प्रति बंदी की दर से छील कर एवं छोटे टुकड़ों में काट कर उबाल कर दिया जायेगा | यह आलू चने निर्धारित मात्रा के अतिरिक्त होगा तथा इसके लिए तेल ,नमक ,मिर्च आदि पूर्व में निर्धारित उबले चने के नाश्ते के मानकों के अनुसार ही रहेगा |

8.     सप्ताह में दो दिन वितरित किया जाने वाला भीगा चना अब नहीं दिया जायेगा | इसके स्थान पर प्रत्येक बंदी को 90 से 100 ग्राम वजन की एक “पाव रोटी” (बन्द) सप्ताह में दो दिन नाश्ते में दी जायेगी |

9.     प्रातः कालीन नाश्ते में सप्ताह में तीन दिन दिए जाने वाले दलिया में अब 30 ग्राम गुड़ के स्थान पर 30 चीनी प्रति बंदी प्रतिदिन की दर से प्रयोग की जायेगी |

10.    नाश्ते का साप्ताहिक कार्यक्रम (menu) निम्नवत रहेगा :

       (क)    दलिया / चीनी          --- रविवार, बुधवार, शुक्रवार  

       (ख)    पाव रोटी (बन्द)        --- सोमवार, वृहस्पतिवार

       (ग)    उबला चना / आलू       --- मंगलवार, शनिवार

11.    बंदियों को दी जाने वाली चाय में प्रतिदिन प्रति बंदी 2 ग्राम चायपत्ती  के स्थान पर अब डेढ़ ग्राम चायपत्ती दी जायेगी तथा चाय के लिए प्रति बंदी प्रतिदिन 20 ग्राम दूध के स्थान पर 25 ग्राम दूध मिलाया जायेगा |

12.    विचाराधीन बन्दी (अश्रमकारी बन्दियों के लिए ) निर्धारित आटे का मानक्रम 580 ग्राम प्रतिदिन प्रति बन्दी के स्थान पर  540 ग्राम प्रतिदिन प्रति बन्दी रहेगा | इस प्रकार एक खुराक भोजन के लिए बंदियों को 270 ग्राम आटे से बनी हुई रोटियां दी जाएगीं | जिनकी माप का निर्धारण पूर्ववत रहेगा परन्तु इनकी मात्रा प्रति बन्दी 410 ग्राम के स्थान पर 380 ग्राम रहेगी |

4- नवरात्रि की अवाधि में व्रत रखने वाले बन्दियों को आहार सुविधा 

 [परिपत्र संख्या – 14 / सामा – 2 [2] दिनांक 30,मार्च, 1994]

नवरात्रि की अवाधि में व्रत रखने वाले बन्दी दोनों समय का भोजन तथा नाश्ता नहीं लेते हैं | अतः इ़सके बदले में ऐसे बन्दियों के लिये जो व्रत के दौरान भोजन नहीं लेते हैं, उसी मूल्य के अंतर्गत निम्न समर्ग्री दिया जाना उपयुक्त प्रतीत होता है :-


5 -  रोज़ेदार बंदियों को आहार सुविधा 

रमजान के माह में रोजा रखने वाले बंदियों को सायंकाल के भोजन के साथ-साथ अफ्तारी एवं सेहरी के लिये निम्न सामग्री देय है -

मुख्यालय कारागार प्रशासन एवं सुधार सेवाएँ उत्तर प्रदेश, लखनऊ

कार्यालय ज्ञाप दिनांक 18.06.15

[ पृष्ठांकन संख्या 20216-96 / सामा-2(1) दिनांकित 18.06.15 ]

[ सुबह का नाश्ता, दोपहर का भोजन एवं दोपहर के बाद की चाय के बदले उसी मूल्य के अंतर्गत बिना किसी अन्य वित्तीय भार के ]


ग्रीष्म ऋतु 



 एक गिलास नीबू का शरबत जिसमे एक निम्बू, 30 ग्राम चीनी व 50ग्राम बर्फ हो ;

250 ग्राम मौसमी फल (seasonal fruit) तथा 02 बिस्कुट |

 50 ग्राम पावरोटी, 100 ग्राम दही 15 ग्राम चीनी के साथ ;

शीत ऋतु



 एक प्याला चाय, 250 ग्राम मौसमी फल (seasonal fruit) तथा 02 बिस्कुट;

 50 ग्राम पावरोटी, 200 दूध मि०ली० 15 ग्राम चीनी के साथ ;

6- आम का पना 

मई , जून के गर्मी के दो महीनों में सभी श्रेणीयों  के बंदियों को प्रतिदिन उपलब्ध कराये जाने वाला आम का पना -- 

आम- 100 ग्राम , पुदीना- 01 ग्राम , नमक- 02 ग्राम , काली मिर्च- 01 ग्राम, जीरा- 01, पानी- 200


520. Prisoners to receive diet according to scale

(a) Every prisoner shall entitled to receive daily at the prescribed times food according to the scale prescribed for the class to which he belongs, unless he is permitted by rules in this manual to receive food from private sources.

(b) Non laboring diet to prisoner refusing to work – A convict sentenced to rigorous imprisonment who refuses to work or does not do more than half the allotted task shall be given food on the non-labouring scale irrespective of any other punishment that may have been awarded by the Superintendent under the rules.

(c) The State Government may, at any time by order, vary either temporarily or permanently and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, the scale laid down in this chapter.

(d) Rules relating to diet of superior class prisoners will be found in paragraph 299.

521. Special or extra diet on medical grounds

In any case in which the medical officer for reasons of health considers the prescribed diet to be unsuitable or insufficient for a prisoner he may order in writing a special diet or extra articles of diet for such prisoner. The change in the diet of any class of prisoners requires the sanction of the Inspector-General.

522. Special diet in certain cases

In any case in which the Superintendent considers that the prescribed diet is having regard to the dietary to which the prisoner has been accustomed, unsuitable for him from the point of view of his health, he may recommend for the sanction of the Inspector General such special diet to the prisoner he as may consider suitable.

523. Morning meal

(a)The following scales are prescribed for the morning meal to prisoners:

(b) In the case of any prisoner the above diet may on any day or days of the week, at the discretion of the Medical Officer on grounds of health be replaced by 3 ½ chhataks of sweetened rice.

(c) Ordinary class convicts confined in the Districts Jails at Almora, Pauri, Tehri and Naini Tal may be issued hot tea once a day in the morning during the months of December, January and February and twice a day during snow fall and a month thereafter.

(d) The Superintendent shall fix the days on which these different meals shall issued and cause a copy of the program to be hung up in the Jail office, the grain expense store and the cook house.

524. Midday and evening meal

The following scales are prescribed for midday and evening meals for different classes of prisoners:



In accounting the issues of petty ration, such as oil, chillies, turmeric, salt etc., fractions up to one-half should be disregarded and those in excess of one half should be shown as one chhatak and entered accordingly in the diet register and stock book of rations, provided that total issue does not exceed the scale fixed.

525. Proportion in grain ration

The grain ration shall ordinarily consist of two-thirds of wheat flour and one-third of gram or barley flour. When however, wheat a cheaper than, or equal in price to gram or barley, the grain ration may consists of all wheat flour.

The numbers and weights of cooked CHAPATIS or TANDOOR breads for the two scales at each meal are given below:


526. Scale No. rice ration

The scale of daily rice ration in lieu of chapatti diet shall be as follows –

Other articles of diet shall be of the same quantity as prescribed for grain ration.

527. Rice ration in hot weather

During the hot months the Superintendent may issue to prisoners at two meals in a week a rice ration instead of the grain ration prescribed in paragraph 524.

528. Extra diet on festivals

Every convict and Undertrial of the ordinary class irrespective of religion shall receive on the anniversaries of Independence Day and the Republic Day and two festival of Id-Ul-Fitar and Diwali a special meal consisting of halwa (maida ½ chhatak, gur 1 chhatak and ghee ½ chhatak) and puries baked in mustard oil (1 ½ chhataks).


In order to provide variation in the diet of prisoners they may be allowed one of the following articles twice a month

Puries            – fried in mustard oil;




Dalmoth        – fried in mustard oil;

Provided that the cost does not exceed the daily average cost of diet of prisoners and the variation is made within the daily prescribed raw ration.

529. Food provided by private persons or societies

Whenever any philanthropic person or society offers to provide a special meal on any special occasion to the entire population of the jail, he or it may, as the discretion of the Superintendent, be permitted to pay the cash value of the food that is to be served and the Superintendent shall then issue the food desired by the donor to the prisoners and record the fact in his order book and also inform the Inspector General.

530. Special extra diet for inmates of Kishore Sadan at certain festivals

The following extra diet in addition to the special diet prescribed in paragraph 528 for ordinary class prisoners on the occasions mentioned therein, shall be given to the inmates of the Kishore Sadan, Bareilly, on the holidays mentioned below:




– 4 puries baked in mustard oil

- 2 chhataks of milk with ½ a chhatak of gur and ½ a chhatak of sewaiyan

531. Diet for Hindu prisoners keeping fast

Every Hindu prisoner who elect to keep a fast as provided in paragraph 725 shall be entitled to receive one chhatak of gur in addition to the diet admissible to the class to which he belongs. He may if he so wishes be allowed to receive the whole of his day’s meal at one time. A prisoner who may not wish to take the usual diet on religious grounds may be given fruits and vegetables instead. Such vegetables may be issued from the jail garden and supplemented if necessary by purchase from the market, provided that the value of fruits and vegetables so purchased shall not exceed the value of one day’s ration in the scale applicable to the prisoner.

532. Diet for Muslim prisoners keeping fast

Every Muslim prisoner keeping fast in the month of Ramzan shall receive one chhatak of gur or half a chhatak of khajoor (date-palm) in addition to the diet admissible to the class to which he belongs. He shall be allowed to receive the whole of his day’s meal at one time i.e. before sunset and to keep the whole or part thereof in his barrack or cell at night, for consumption during the night or early in the morning. One of the meals may consists of a rice diet.

533. Gur for a certain class of prisoners

Every prisoner working as a sweeper shall receive one chhatak of gur thrice weekly in addition to the usual diet.

            Every prisoner working in the tailoring factories at the district jails at Kanpur and Unnao and every prisoner working on carding on wool in the wool in the Central Prison at Agra and Bareilly and on extraction of castor oil in the Central Prison at Naini shall receive one chhatak of gur daily in addition to the usual diet.

533A. Special diet

Wage earning prisoners who do exceptionally good work or exhibit some special talent in their work may be allowed such special items of diet from their earnings as may be approved by the Superintendent.


In case of prisoners who are accustomed to a rice diet the Superintendent may direct the issue of a rice diet in accordance with the scale prescribed in paragraph 526 throughout the year. He may also sanction the substitution of a grain ration for such prisoners at not more than four meals in a month by way of a change.

            Prisoners on rice diet shall also be provided with morning meals as prescribed in paragraph 523.

535. Cooked rice

Cooked rice shall be served dry so that each grain is separate. It shall not be made into balls (golas) but shall be weighed out to individual prisoners on parade. Four chhataks of rice when cooked should weight not less than thirteen chhataks.

Note – Cooked weight varies with the quality of rice and the Superintendent should experiment with each variety of rice and fix the exact quantity of the cooked weight in each case.

536. Variety of Dals

Gram-dal shall be issued to prisoners at two meals in a week and arhar, masoor, urd, moong or some other variety at the remaining meals, at the remaining meals, at the discretion of the Superintendent provided that one and the same dal shall be issued for both the principal meals in a day.

            In hot months when the varieties of vegetables in the jail garden are few, vegetable for the two meals may, at the discretion of the Superintendent, be given at one meal and dal at the other.

537. Manner of issuing Dals

(a) Gram and arhar shall be split before issue for use as dal and the husk shall be carefully removed.

            Masoor, urd and moong shall ordinarily be issued whole. The Superintendent may at his discretion authorize by an order written in his order book the issue of crushed urd, moong and masoor to be used as dal. This may become necessary at the end of the season when these pulse are liable to attack by weevils. When massoor is issued after crushing, all husk shall be carefully removed.

(b) Programme of issuing different dals – In arranging the program of issue of different kinds of dal, the Superintendent shall pay special regard to their prices and the custom of the locality. Dals which are cheaper or which are the staple food of the locality shall be used oftener than other dals. The program showing the days of the meals at which a particular dal is to be issued shall be noted by the Superintendent in his order book and copies of it shall be hung in jail office, the grain expense store and the cook-house.

538. Daily inspection vegetables

The Superintendent shall daily inspect the vegetables when they are cut up ready for use and see that they are of good quality and free from stalks and woody portions. He may increase the quantity of vegetables and chilies, if sufficient quantities are available from the jail garden.

539. Vegetable to be varied

As far as possible only one vegetable shall be issued at one meal and to give variety to the food there shall be change in the kind of vegetables issued at different meals. Issue of chaulai and other sags shall be restricted to four meals in a week. If sufficient potatoes can be grown in jail garden they shall be stored and issued once a week.

540. Condiments

Tumeric, chillies and other condiments shall be grown in the jail garden and their purchase from market restricted as far as possible.

541. Purchase of vegetables

When the quantity of vegetables grown in the jail garden is insufficient, the Inspector General may authorize their purchase from the market for such periods may be necessary. This should not be necessary if the jailor looks after garden property.

542. Storage of anti-scorbutic vegetable

During the season of plentiful supply the Superintendent shall store anti-scorbutic vegetables, such as potatoes, pumpkins and onions for the use in the hot weather. Aanla fruit possesses valuable anti-scorbutic properties which are preserved to a great extent if it is dried in shade. After drying it can be stored issued to prisoners in the hot weather after removing the seeds and powdering it.

543. Scale of fuel

The daily scale of fuel shall be as follows:

(1) For a cook-house where food for 100 prisoners and under is cooked – four chhataks per prisoner.

(2) For a cook-house where food for more than 100 prisoners is cooked – 25 seer plus three chhataks extra per prisoner when the number of prisoners exceed 133.


(1) Six chhatak per prisoner for jails in the plains.

(2) Nine chhataks per prisoner for jails in the jails

In addition to the above scales of fuel, an allowance of 3/5th chhataks of coal or 3/4th chhataks of firewood per prisoner is allowed for the preparation of the morning meals and also two seers firewood per cooking range per day for lighting coal.

544. Limes

The Superintendent shall, when limes are in season, arrange for the issue of one lime per prisoner with the midday meal. The Superintendent shall not sell limes from the jail garden without the sanction of the Inspector General.

            Limes can easily be preserved for issue in the hot months by cutting them into halves and sprinkling them with a plentiful quantity of common salt and Superintendent should where the supply of limes is plentiful arrange for their preservation in this manner for the use of the prisoners. It is to be noted that they must be stored in porcelain jars or similar non-porous receptacles. An ordinary earthenware jar will dry up the mixture and spoil it.

545. Issue of chatani and anti-scorbutic

(a) One-six chhatak of chatani shall be issued every Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the evening meal throughout the year to every prisoner.

The following ingredients well pounded together with the addition of a little water are sufficient to provide chatani for 100 prisoners:

Note – Salt and chillies required for chatani should be found from dietary prescribed in paragraph 524.

(b) From 1st April to 31st October one or other of the following anti-scorbutics shall also be issued on the remaining four days of the week to every prisoner in the quantities prescribed below:



Tamaring (free of husk and stone)

1/12th chhataks

1/12th chhataks

1/12th chhataks

546. Scale of dietary and fuel for sick prisoners

The following scales of dietary are prescribed for patients in the hospital:

(a) The above quantities are for whole day and may be issued at the times fixed by the Medical Officer. The Medical Officer may also prescribed the morning meals as in paragraph 523 and any extra food which he may consider necessary in addition to the scales prescribed above.

            For Scales Nos. 4 and 5, 1/12th chhataks of ghee in dal, 4/25th chhataks of oil in vegetables, 4 chhataks of vegetables, 1/50th chhataks of chillies, 1/50th chhataks of turmeric and 1/4th chhataks of salt per patients are also allowed.

            The Assistant Medical Officer is responsible for the preparation of diets of patients in hospital under the control of the Medical Officer.

            When the Medical Officer considered proper, diet according to the full ordinary non-labouring scale may be given to a patient in hospital.

(b) Scale of fuel is the same as for the cook house for less than 100 prisoners.

(c) Extra fuel issued to the hospital for the boiling of water and the sterilization and the heating of milk shall not exceed the following quantities:

Three seers in winter and two seers in summer for every ten prisoners or less.

Note – Five chhataks of fuel is sufficient for boiling one seer of milk. Much of the fuel can be found in the jail garden without damaging the trees and will include the sweepings of the garden and these should be made use of as much as possible.

547. Rice ration for old and infirm prisoners

Such old and infirm prisoners as cannot digest grain ration may be given rice ration as prescribed in paragraph 526 including 1 chhatak of rice (3 ½ chhataks of sweetened rice) as morning meal.

548. Diet for patients and prisoners in infirm and convalescent gangs to be recorded

The number of the diet scale and the details of the extras, if any, ordered for each patient admitted to the hospital or to the infirm and convalescent gangs, shall be recorded on the bed-head ticket in the case of patients in the hospital and on the history ticket in the case of prisoners in infirm and convalescent gangs, under the initials of the medical officer. Undertial prisoners admitted as patients shall receive diet as prescribed by the medical officer.

549. Diet for female prisoner when pregnant

The Medical Officer shall pay special attention to the dietary of female prisoners during pregnancy and shall for each such prisoner draw up a special diet scale to include milk, fresh vegetables, fruits or any other articles of diet. The quantities of these shall be determined by him according to necessity. The quantities shall not usually exceed the following scale:

550. Nursing mothers

Nursing mother shall receive in addition to the diet in scale no. II. 2 ½ chhataks of rice or wheat atta in the form of bread and ½ a chhatak of ghee and should also be given some raw leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, tomatoes and carrots.

551. Children

The dietary for children detained with their mothers in jail shall be as follows:

Extras may be issued under the orders of the Medical Officer.

552. Treatment of grain before grinding

All grains shall be carefully cleaned and mixed in proper proportions before issue to the millhouse for grinding. The flour if kept in bins shall be covered with dosuti sheets.

553. Mill stand and grain toughs

Mill stands shall be so constructed as to prevent dust getting mixed with the flour. The grain troughs and channels for flour shall be well cemented and kept clean. The flour shall be received in wooden boxes (Pallis) or iron receptacles placed under the channel.

554. Sitting of flour

The flour shall be sifted through fine wire gauze with 22 to 25 holes to the inch.

555. Reserve stock of flour

The Jailor shall see that there is always a reserve stock of flour for four days’ consumption in the grain expense store.


A schedule of losses in cleaning, grinding, etc., of grains and pulses shall be prescribed by the Inspector General

557. Cleaning and grinding losses containers

Grain pulses and flour shall be kept in the grain expenses store in gunny bags, each containing a uniform weight of provisions (the weight being marked on each bag) of in bins with the capacity marks printed on them. The weight of the containers in which condiments, oil and ghee and other articles are kept, shall be marked on them to facilitate checking of stocks by superior officers and visitors.

558. Weighing of uncooked ratio

The uncooked rations shall be weighed out to the cooks in the presence of a jailer, deputy jailer or assistant jailer. These officers shall be responsible for seeing that the rations are of proper quality and weight. Rations for the hospital shall be drawn by the assistant medical officer.

559. Charge of cook house

Each cook house shall be under the charge of a warder who shall be held responsible for any irregularity detected in connection with the preparation of food. A receipt shall be obtained from him when raw rations are issued to the cook house from the store. This shall not absolve the jailor and other officers from responsibility in connection with weight and quality of rations as detailed in the preceding paragraph.

560. Issue of raw ration

The time for issue of raw ratios from the grain storage shall be fixed by the Superintendent and shall be strictly adhered to. The whole day’s ration shall be issued once in the morning.

561. Issue of condiments

Condiments for the whole day shall be issued once in the morning. The assistant medical officer shall have them weighed and kept in separate boxes for each meal. These boxes shall be sent to the cook-house in the morning duly locked. The assistant medical officer shall keep the keys of the boxes in his possession

562. Checking of raw ration

The Superintendent shall at least once in a month check the correctness of the weight of uncooked rations issued from the grain expense store.

563. Method of kneading flour and making

The flour issued to the cook house shall be fresh and free from adulteration. It shall be soaked in water for half an hour and then slowly and thoroughly kneaded by hand. In a dough of proper consistency, if a finger is dipped on atta should stick to the finger. After kneading, the dough should be rolled out thin on a table by means of a rolling pin. The chapatis shall be cut by a cutter of 9 ½ inches diameter. Cooking shall be done slowly so that the surface may not get burnt and to ensure thoroughly breaking up of starch granules throughout the cakes. The raw chapatti is first put on that part of the iron plate which is least hot and after a few second turned. It is then pushed on to the hotter part of the plate. The inflated chapatti is turned over once or twice taking care not to injure the surface so that the gas generated does not get out until the chapatti is properly baked, it is essential for the proper cooking of chapatis that they puff up to the size of a round ball like the halwi’s poori and every attempt should be made to see that cakes are neither over nor under baked.

564. Method of cooking vegetables

In cooking vegetables the following method shall be adopted:

            Put mustard oil in the pot and bring it to the boiling point. Then put in chillies cut into small pieces. When they are fried turmeric finely powered and mixed with water should be added and stirred for a few minutes till the colour of the turmeric turns to red. The vegetables should now be put into the pot and well stirred for about 10 minutes and thereafter the required quantity of water should be added and the covered up. During the course of cooking, the vegetables should be stirred up twice or thrice.

565. Brass vessels to be used in cook house

No iron vessels shall be used in the cooked-house. Handas, lotas, balites, trays’ spoons etc. used in a cook-house shall be all made of brass and the Jailor shall be responsible for seeing that all cooking pots and other vessels are kept scrupulously bright and clean. The cook-house shall at all times be neat and tidy.


A cake of soap weighing two oz. per day per kitchen shall be issued to cook house for the use of prisoners for washing their hands before and after work

566. Cooks

Suitable convicts who are physically fit and possess clean habits shall be employed in cook-houses. The Superintendent shall personally see the convict when allotting him to labour in cook house.

567. Separation of laboring and non-labouring

Labouring and non-labouring diets shall be kept separate both in the cook house and at distribution. In the cook house separate spaces for the two kinds of diets shall be marked off and the words “Scale No. I Ration” and “Scale No. II Ration” clearly printed on the walls. The two kinds of diets should be taken out of the cook-house for distribution in separate receptacles.

568. Protection from flies

All food shall be carefully protected from flies.

569. Weighing and measuring of food

(a) A list showing the number and description of the scales and weights in use shall be hung up in every store and workshop and in the cook house and the date when they were last tested by the Jailor or Office Jailor shall be recorded thereon.

(b) The Jailor shall be responsible for seeing that properly adjusted beam scales and correct weights are used for weighing supplies in bulk and individuals rations. At the food distribution parade the cook shall carry light scales and weights with them so that any prisoner desiring to test the weight of his ration may do so. All complaints of prisoners respecting the quantity, quality or cooking of the rations shall be brought to the notice of the Superintendent at the first opportunity and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent on receiving any such complaint to make immediate personal inquiry into the matter.

(c) All food shall be distributed from brass or wooden trays provided with handles and served hot.

(d) Measuring cups used issuing the morning meals and scales and weights shall be carefully checked at uncertain intervals and at least once a month by the Superintendent.

570. Distribution of food

The Superintendent shall prescribe the times at which meals are to be served to prisoners and the manner in which and the places at which the distribution of food is to take place.

571. Shelter from rain and heat during the meals

Prisoners shall be protected from rain and intense heat during meals and allowed to have their meals in verandahs or other sheltered place as necessary.

572. Responsibility of officers

(1) In central prisons –

(a) the office jailor shall be responsible for the proper clearing of grain and other articles in the grain store and their correct issue to the cook-house; and

(b) the Deputy Superintendent and circle jailors shall be responsible for the grinding of the grain in the mill houses, the proper preparation of food in the cook-house and its correct distribution to prisoners in strict accordance with the scales laid down for any prisoners or class or prisoners.

(2) In district jails, the responsibility for all these arrangements shall rest with the jailor.

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