Sunday Family Humour 17th March Page 3

Interesting articles and videos this week

This is a summary of interesting articles and videos that have been forwarded this week

Inspirational garden design video

International Permaculture Day Poster

Vanatu - an alternative economy

Are there UFO's?

free energy and anti-gravity

Most Important Topic For 2013

Helping someone who has cancer

Inspirational garden design video

Your family will just love this inspirational video

International Permaculture Day May 5th 2013

Vanatu - an alternative economy

(This system is very similar to that of the Lahus where a chicken, a pig and a woman's ceremonial coat were worth 100 baht, 500 baht and 1000 baht respectively.)

"Vanuatu is Ready to Teach all the Other

Countries the Road to a Good Life."


May 8, 2012

With the Western world rocked by economic turmoil, we explore an alternative financial system that's secure, stable and has stood the test of time. In Vanuatu, a different approach to money is thriving.

According to the UN Vanuatu is one of the world's least developed countries, but no one goes hungry there. When they need money they simply make their own. "The only thing we need money for is to pay for salt, soap and kerosene." School fees and medical bills are paid in exchange with local produce, woven mats and pigs."

Pigs tusks can hold their value against any other form of currency." On the island of Pentecost the bank accepts deposits of pig tusks and claims to have reserves of $1.4 million. As the world frets about the fragility of its financial system, "Vanuatu is ready to teach all the other countries the road to a good life."

A Film By SBS

Distributed By Journeyman Pictures

May 2012

Are there UFO's?

Do aliens exist?

Listen to one of earth's extraordinary people, Doctor Edgar Mitchell, astronaut, speaking about what he knows.

Now you know!

Free energy and anti-gravity

For scientists and sceptics.

Please listen to Mr Keshe, an Iranian Professor, talking about free energy and anti-gravity, at the Imperial College, London.

Be prepared for surprises, and much ensuing thought.

Most Important Topic For 2013

Anyone who has an interest in nature, the environment, or life on this planet will find this 28 minute film informative.

The information is shocking, but when one of the world's top scientists presents his findings, it is difficult to remain in denial.

This film will tug a heart-string in everyone when the enormity of consequences to life on the planet sinks in.

Published on Feb 5, 2013

Presented by John Massaria. The audio is part of a teleconference call between Russ Tanner (Global Skywatch) and Dane Wigington (WIWATS/Activist)

Scientific Research explaining why they are spraying the sky's around the world. Learn and more importantly do something about the Chem trails being sprayed. Learn the details here in this short film. UN Environment Programme: 200 Species Extinct Every Day, Unlike Anything Since Dinosaurs Disappeared 65 Million Years Ago. According to the UN Environment Programme, the Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the "natural" or "background" rate and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65m years ago.


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No costs, nothing else needed. Welcome and thank you.

Helping someone who has cancer

The following article is an extremely detailed and down to earth method that includes multiple techniques which have been claimed to cure cancer.

When we compare today's statistics for survival after surgery, radiation or chemotherapy to the likelihood of this proposal solving te cancer problem.

stomach - 5 percent

trachea, bronchus and lung -5 percent

breast -50 percent

oesophagus -5 percent

large intestine - 22 percent

pancreas - 4 percent

liver - 2 percent.1

There has been no significant increase in survival rates since records began.


Hi ATS. I have some important things to share here. My father-in-law (referred to as G here on out)was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the end of January. After much debate in the family and doctor’s presenting his options surgery (cutting), radiation (burning) or chemotherapy (poisoning) the family decided to try my idea first. A 100% organic vegetable diet with a few other cancer killing ideas mixed in for good measure. After only three weeks his symptoms are all but gone. He looks and feels 100%. His skin has improved and not only do we think we defeated his cancer but his overall health has improved. He’s 70 years old.

I was going to wait to post this story because G goes back to the doctors on March 21 to see if he has won and I didn’t want to jump the gun. But, I just feel so confident that he won, I wanted to share this information as soon as possible so that if you, or someone in your family, is up against the fight of their lifetime, you may give this a try first.

G’s cancer is prostate cancer and it’s slow-moving. Doctors said that if he did nothing at all at this point, he would live another four years. It hadn’t metastasized yet to his bones, but they were concerned that that is/was the next phase of his cancer, so they recommended one of the big three…cutting, burning or poisoning. That’s all the medicine way is and then they advice against any alternative medicines which are proving to work all over the world. The big three are all about money…cancer is big business in today’s world, that’s why they fight tooth and nail against alternative medicines (because it’s cheap and it works.)

For example, something as simple as Turmeric spice is a huge cancer killer. The spice comes from India and they all use the spice in their daily eating. They cook and bake with it, use it as a table spice and sprinkle it over all kinds of dishes. In India, when a baby has its first meal, it has turmeric spice sprinkled over a rice dish.

With G, he decided that he would have the radiation out of the three choices, but he would give this treatment a try for 45-days, but we hoped from the beginning it would take less time. The strict diet we have G on started on Saturday, Feb. 16. By Sunday, Feb. 24, he saw huge improvements in his symptoms. By today, March 8, he has improved to where he feels a little bit of pain at night, but otherwise all symptoms are gone. We are still praying that it’s working and don’t want to jump the gun just yet but it does seem that he is beating cancer without doctor’s and conventional treatments. He said that prior to the start of the plan, he would take a pee and have to stop and start again up to 10 times in one pee. On Sunday, Feb. 24, it had reduced to about three times per session and at night time when he woke up from sleep, it was around five times. By March 1 he was now peeing normal and better than he has in years. He is down to taking a full pee without stopping at all. It’s miraculous. He also had lower back pain and that’s all gone as well.

When my wife’s family met with the doctor’s to discuss G’s situation after he was diagnosed, they told the wife not to believe everything you see on the internet. I say don’t believe the doctors, they get some pretty fat pay checks for simply attempting to stall out cancer. Cutting, burning and poisoning the cancer never really kills it. What does is very simple and it’s what we focus G’s plan on…cancer can’t survive with oxygen. Cancer thrives on acids in your body and the acids in your body kill oxygen and that’s why the cancer grows. Our bodies were never intended for all the hormones, preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, etc. The food we eat today isn’t even food anymore compared to what it was 50 years ago. Here is a thread about fake foods and drugs injected into beef.

When you go organic you can taste the difference in real food versus store-bought processed foods today. That’s why I recommended that he go 100% organic and start cleansing his body.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many cases where cutting, burning and poisoning did work for people but at what cost; life-threatening surgery, radiation to the body which has its own side effects and the poison, which is gruelingly painful.

The plan we have G on is a tough diet plan and takes a lot of commitment. This is where the cancer patient has to have a lot of team support built around him. If you are going to try this treatment, it’s almost necessary for family members in the home to do it as well or find a way to cook and eat where the person won’t smell the aromas. If you or anyone you know tries this then hopefully, they will be strong and stick with it no matter how difficult. I can’t promise you what will happen, but I can testify to what has happened in our family. In a matter of weeks we went from fear and gloom to positivity that is absolutely electric. And if you or the person you know doesn’t go to the vegetable diet here, then he should at least cut way back on what he does eat, go organic, and start off immediately with a 14-day colon cleanse followed by a 14-day liver cleanse. The reason for the cleanses is that once you start this plan, the body will begin to cleanse itself of all the chemicals, even if the person had done chemotherapy, that poison will come out of his pores, sweat glands, urination and his poo. The toxins that will start to clean out of the body have to be dumped somewhere and that’s the colon, so it needs to be cleansed and ready for it. Remember, be warned, the cancer patient will stink terribly for the first few days and that’s good, it means its working. G smelt some, but it wasn’t all that bad. My wife said it was more his breath. If you or the person had chemotherapy and all that crap is still in the body, then the smell will be worse. You will need to cleanse it. If you do the plan that G did 100%, you may not even need the colon cleanse because the vegetables and Raw Meal will do it.

Good luck to anyone who tries this and I hope you all the best.

Okay. This diet plan has a combination of cancer killers involved, but the main thing is the diet. It’s very important to get rid of all sugars, salts, acidic foods, dairy products, etc.

I’ll first tell you the things you should cut out immediately for this plan to work. You should have no dairy products, including butter, cheeses and malts. You should have no sweeteners. If you need a sweetener at all it should be Stevia, an organic natural sweetener. Absolutely no sugars and refined grains because these things feed the fungus in the body, and also, sugars prevent the body from getting oxygen.

You should also avoid fruits, dried fruits and fruit juices. The only fruits that are allowed are lemons, limes and avocados.

Salts are very bad. If you have to have any form of salt, you should have natural sea salt. Salt is a major cause of cancer. Once again it’s about absorbing oxygen and salt prevents the body from doing this. Salt causes the red blood cells to clump together and this makes it harder for those red blood cells to get oxygen into the cells of the body, which causes them to be anaerobic (no oxygen) and this is what causes cancer. The cells of the body without oxygen grow cancerous, and once they are cancerous they still can’t get oxygen so they spread. Anything good in salt, such as magnesium, calcium and potassium are all removed during processing, thus there is no nutritional value whatsoever.

All trans fats and oils should be avoided. Only use coconut oil, or second best, olive oil. You should also avoid all junk foods, condiments (pickles, relishes, soy sauce, green olives, sauerkraut, etc.), soda pop, alcohol, etc. Also, you should have nothing with aspartame, MSG, coloring or other additives. You should have absolutely nothing with high-fructose corn syrup or meats with nitrates in it, or aspirin.

Basically, the more raw vegetables you consume the better for getting the enzymes, which aid in digestion, which is important for the pancreas.


Begin using pure organic coconut oil for everything from cooking to deodorant and skin care, etc. Buy two jars, one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom. Coconut oil should replace butter in your kitchen. Any amount you would have used for butter, use 25% coconut oil.


Buy by the case of 1.5 liter bottles of Eternal Naturally Alkaline Water. You should drink at least two of these bottles a day and up to three a day. You can use this in everything you do from drinking tea to putting lemon in your water. Any cooking that involves water should use this water. You should drink no other water but this.


For ways to use this water, G’s diet only involves two glasses of tea a day and some lemon in full glass of water. He drinks a cup of green tea and a cup of dandelion tea. You can do more, that’s up to you. You also may cut up some lemon for your water anytime of the day, but it’s a must every night before bedtime. The rest of the gallon just has to be drunk as water.


One of the most important items you should include is turmeric spice. You should have turmeric in spice form and also capsules (500 mg). You should pop two capsules a day, one in the morning with a light meal and one in the evening with a light meal. In addition to this, you should begin using the spice on everything, sprinkle on salads, over fish, and even sprinkle some in the dandelion root tea. This will also make the tea taste better. You should also take a fish oil capsule everyday to help kick in the turmeric spice. It says in the article here about turmeric to use olive oil and pepper to help it. You can use the olive oil but coconut oil will do the same things olive oil will but even more. I would advise against the pepper if you already have cancer. If you were just trying to prevent cancer, pepper may be good here, but pepper is very acidic and cancer patients should avoid acidic foods.

Here’s an article about turmeric and how it may fight pancreatic cancer


But turmeric doesn't only fight pancreatic cancer, but all cancers.


Another thing is baking soda. Baking soda works. There are many testimonials on the internet about this curing people’s cancers. How it works may be in two ways, it helps increase PH balance, oxygen, and it has an anti-fungal agent in it and most cancers thrive with candida in the body. The banking soda may kill the fungus which may kill the cancer. A man named Vernon Johnston cured his prostate cancer that had metastasized into his bones within three weeks. His plan for how he took it is also how G is taking it. He took one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in warm water heated up on the stove and after it was dissolved, he added a teaspoon of molasses. After one week he increased it to two teaspoons of baking soda for the next two weeks. If you are still eating outside of this diet plan and you try the baking soda, you should drink this glass of water with baking soda around two hours after or before a meal so as to let the acids in your stomach from meals move along. But, if you stick 100% to this plan, you won’t really need to worry much about this because there will be very little acids in the stomach.


Exercising is very important. You must get the blood pumping. The lymphatic system is what will pump oxygen through the body. Everything you can do to get oxygen pumping the better. You should attempt to get at least 10 minutes a day of some form of exercising. No matter your condition, you should try to walk around the house for 10 minutes if you can’t get outside to do it. If you are too tired to walk, even lifting some light weights with each hand would do. Getting outside as often as you can and sucking up some sun is vital. You need vitamin D right now to, and the sun is the best source. Another way to get the oxygen pumping is to do breathing exercises. You should do 30 deep breaths at least six times a day. This will get the much-needed oxygen flowing though your body, and remember, cancer can’t survive with oxygen.


You shouldn’t have any dairy products so to replace milk you should have organic coconut milk. G has a glass a day of this coconut milk and nothing more. He hasn’t had it every day either, just occasionally. Also, part of our plan we cook G up some fresh-water lake fish, such as a fillet of walleye slightly fried up in some coconut oil. This happens only once a week on Friday nights. In addition to this we cook him two eggs fried hard, once again in coconut oil, and this happens on Monday and Thursday mornings. If you would rather have scrambled eggs, then use coconut milk and some turmeric spice in the mix.


Here is the list of vegetables you can have and remember they have to be organic and this is pretty much all you can have. You must avoid most fruits because they are acidic. Only lemons and limes or avocados should be in this diet plan in addition to these vegetables. The vegetables should be consumed straight as a snack throughout the day, or made into salads. For a dressing for the salads you can make a homemade one using one garlic clove finely chopped per four teaspoons of olive oil and then a few drops of lemon. Don’t use too much during one salad. This should spread out over a few salads. Also, another way to get these vegetables is in a soup. We buy organic vegetable broth. Finely chop up three cloves and some green onions and fry in coconut oil. After frying this for a few minutes add whatever vegetables you desire from this list to fry up for a few minutes and then dump into the broth. My wife makes this for her dad and she puts in the soup celery, parsley, green beans, kale, broccoli and carrots. Another good way that you should get these vegetables is juicing, especially the cancer killing ones.

Here are the vegetables that we bought for G and we made sure it was all organic: The cancer killers are broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, red, green and yellow peppers, parsley, kale, sprouted grains, turnips, beans, garlic and onion (we did green onions); also in moderation these ones are cancer killers, carrots and beets. Other vegetables you can have include cucumbers, celery, green and yellow squash, mustard greens, collards, egg-plant, okra, lettuce, scallions, radishes and Swiss chard.


For a great snack throughout the day you can have organic whole almonds, whole macadamia nuts and whole walnuts. That’s it. Cashews and peanuts are strictly prohibited because they have too much fungus.


There are a few things that you should have. The main thing we have for G is called Raw Meal by Garden of Life. This product is a powder that comes in a chocolate flavor. He puts two scoops into 16 ounces of his water on a daily basis and in place of a meal. You can choose when you want it, but it’s very satisfying and acts like a meal. Raw Meal has living enzymes and probiotics in it which is very healthy for digestion. It also has a whole lot of other stuff. This product will replace a lot of things you body needs when you go onto this diet.

Also, buy some pure organic Aloe Vera juice and take a one or two ounce shot of this juice every day. You could also get some Wheatgrass Juice and do the same thing with this. Usually you want to make sure you get the higher-end product of this stuff so as to get the best quality. Also, they usually will tell you how much to have in a day for health benefits right on the bottles.

If you are having problems with weight loss, which we want to try to avoid, you’ll need to add something else to this diet. G is not having problems with weight loss so he sticks to everything we listed above 100% and his results are amazing. If you need to watch your weight then you should add a little bit of purely organic whole grains. You shouldn’t have any that are bought from the store. If you can avoid the whole grains, then do it, but if you need to supplement for weight loss, this is acceptable.

The key is that you should eat often throughout the day with the stuff provided in this diet. You should never go hungry. Eat a lot of these vegetables and chew on some nuts for snacks.

I hope and pray this works for anyone who tries it. It’s working for G and in just a matter of days it has changed the atmosphere in this family, the positivity is electric. You will need to be a very strong support team whoever you know tries it or if you try it, you will need a very strong support team surrounding you. You’ll need positive affirmation that this is going to work. You can’t say “If this works,” anymore. You have to say, “When this works!”

Good luck!


Coconut oil

Coconut Milk

Turmeric Spice

Turmeric Capsules (500 mg)

Fish Oil Capsules

Garden of Life Raw Meal

Baking Soda


Wheatgrass Juice

Aloe Vera Juice




Decaffeinated Green Tea

Dandelion Root Tea

Eternal Naturally Alkaline Water

Fresh Walleye fillets

Organic Brown Eggs

Whole Almonds

Whole Macadamia Nuts

Whole Walnuts

Any choice of the vegetables listed above

but make sure to get garlic and green onions for the soup and the garlic for dressing

Also, look up whole grains and what you would desire if needed for weight loss


If you try this treatment at home, please post back here and let us all know your results. If you have already tried similar treatments please let us know how that went. I’m sure we’ll have all the naysayers chiming in, but please, I’m not posting this to debate you about it, our family knows 100% of what we have done for G, so save your arguments unless you have something positive to contribute that may or may not apply to the actual effectiveness of this treatment.

Page 1 Page 2 Interesting articles and videos this week

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