
Google Document

Organizing/Structuring the XR Empathy Circle Work Group

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Using Holacracy Circles Structure

Core Circle: (Roles and Mandates)

  • External coordinator: (Names)

      • Represents the team in the wider circle of which it is a part, to resolve issues which can’t be resolved in this team

      • Finds a replacement to represent the team in the wider circle meeting if they can’t attend

      • Manages information flow between this team and others as necessary

  • Internal coordinator: (Names)

    • Inviting new members to join the team and making sure they agree with XR’s Ways of Working, our Principles and Values and our Vision, Aims and Demands

    • Adding new members to any communications platforms as required e.g. basecamp/signal etc

    • Keeping list of team members up to date so it’s clear who is in the team and who isn’t

    • Managing information flow within the team as needed

    • Listening to feedback from team members and guiding them into the right role within the team

    • Representing the team in the wider circle if the external coordinator can’t

    • Scheduling meetings if there’s no-one in the Secretary role

  • Regenerative Culture advocate: (Names)

    • if someone is taking on a lot of work, reminding them that they could pass that work back to the working group

    • Encouraging a regenerative cycle of work moving through the cycle from overview and integrate - planting the seed (first thoughts) - setting intentions and getting to know the group - orientation and logistics - action/focus - understanding/debrief - rest - reflect - back to start.

  • Facilitator: (Names)

    • Holds meetings on track with the agenda and structures decision making processes. Can be appointed at the start of every meeting or volunteer/or be elected for a specific period of time

  • Budget holder: (Names)

    • Having an overall perspective of the team’s financial needs for the coming months and producing budget forecasts

    • Handling any requests for volunteer living expenses together with their team

    • Approving, or otherwise, team members’ requests for payment.

    • Ensuring that expenditure remains within budget

    • Liaising with the finance team, who are also there to provide support and info as needed

  • Communication Lead/social media: (Names)

    • To check the inbox of the working group’s email address and answer any incoming emails/forward them to relevant working group members.

  • Secretary: (Names)

    • Records action points and project updates in the minutes document and shares it with everyone in the meeting. Can be appointed at the start of every meeting or volunteer/or be elected for a specific period of time

    • Capturing and publishing the outputs of the Circle’s required meetings as minutes, and maintaining a project board for the team’s current projects - see template meeting doc here

    • Scheduling the Circle’s required meetings, and notifying all members of scheduled times and locations

  • Working Group Link: (Names)

    • Representing this team in another team and another team in this team (e.g. a Media link in the Actions circle)

    • Sharing and facilitating information flow between teams.

  • Self-Organisation System Advocate: (Names)

    • Supporting team members to self-organise so that the team collaborates more effectively, using the practices from XR’ UKs Self-Organising System, linking with the SOS team as needed for support and become known as a self-organisation expert

  • International Link: (Names)

    • Liaising with international XR initiatives to share learnings and good practice

  • Local Group Link: (Names)

    • Liaising with local XR initiatives to share learnings and good practice

  • Working Group Liaison: (Names)

    • Purpose:

      • Awesome communication and collaboration between working groups

    • Accountabilities:

      • Representing this team in another team and another team in this team

      • Sharing and facilitating information flow between team