Peter Mathews

Peter Mathews was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, and studied violin and piano under the Toronto Conservatory system. He received a Licentiate Diploma in Piano Performance at the Royal Academy of Music, London, and an undergraduate music degree at Andrews University in Michigan. His graduate degrees include both a Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in conducting from the University of Missouri in Kansas City, where he worked with Dr. Eph Ehly. Dr. Mathews is active as composer, teacher, conductor and choirmaster, and has written more than 160 compositions, over 75 of which are published variously by Alliance, Choristers Guild, H.W. Gray, Kjos, Lawson-Gould, Lorenz, MorningStar, St. James Press, and Southern Music. While primarily composing music for worship, his commissions also have included art songs and chamber music with voice and instruments in varying combinations. Dr. Mathews works are regualrly performed by some of the finest ensembles here and abroad.

About his Jubilate Deo and A Prayer the composer notes:

"The Jubilate Deo is a setting of Psalm 100 for female voices. It was a commssion from two sets of parents in Orlando as a graduation gift for their two daughters who sang together in a children's choir as they were growing up, and were now graduating from high school."

[The text of] "A Prayer is by Thomas Dekker, a late 16th/early 17th c. English dramatist and prose writer, and comes from his Four Birds from Noah's Ark. [The music] was commissioned by Dr. Rick Effinger in Orlando in 'memory of Alkin Moore and all those who have died from HIV/AIDS.' I found the text in graduate school while doing work on Stravinsky, and realized it would be perfect for the commission."

Oh My God, if it be Thy pleasure to cut me off before night,

Yet make me, My Gracious Shepherd, for one of Thy Lambs whom Thou wilt say,

"Come You Blessed," and clothe me in a white robe of righteousness

That I may be one of those singers who shall cry to Thee, Alleluia.

-Thomas Dekker (but with modernized spellings)

--Intermezzo Sunday Concerts, November 19, 2006 (The Orange Park Chorale: Music of Local Composers)